2023 was something of a wild ride.  

 Google gave us more core updates than ever before, the AI conversation reached a media fever pitch, all the while businesses continued to navigate economically uncertain times. 

 When it comes to looking ahead to the rest of the year, one thing that we can always be certain of is uncertainty. But embracing change can be a tightrope walk.   

On one hand, you want to push the envelope, grow, and embrace new things. But on the other, you want to be cautious and only fully adopt those changes that bring you actual benefits and results. 

The only way to be able to manage change is to be open-minded. Be quick to try new things but be even quicker to move on from those that do not serve your needs.  

Our annual Communications Trends and How to Spend report explores what’s on the horizon; looking at everything from AI to ESG and sustainability, how client servicing is shifting and why Google’s next core update, might just be its most impactful to date.  


AI on the rise?  

The rise of AI over the last 12 months has been nothing short of sensational. But there have been some high-profile blunders, that we all should learn from. 

A lot of the discourse around AI has been centred around it ‘replacing’ creatives. But we need only look to Google’s launch of Bard to see that this isn’t, or shouldn’t, be the case.   

In being overly reliant on the accuracy of its own AI, Google wiped a huge amount off its share value overnight. This is proof enough that human involvement in the creative process isn’t at risk of being replaced. As Izzy, our content manager explains:  

Despite concerns regarding its impact on creativity, the reception of AI in content creation is largely contingent on how we use it. Creators will have more time to refine their ideas in areas where human ingenuity remains indispensable as AI becomes an ally to tasks.” 

AI is where we should be the most inquisitive. Many platforms are now caveating that their results may not always be accurate. Being over-reliant on its outputs may not be best for business.  

Video: a step change in both content and delivery.  

Video remains king of the hill when it comes to content, that’s not a ground-breaking statement. 

But where businesses can and will find greater success, particularly with their owned content, is recognising that production value is not the marker for success, authenticity is.  

“There is still a place for larger-scale production and video content. Audiences still want to be wowed by content. But that kind of strategy can’t really be maintained.” Says Simon, our Marketing Operations Manager.  

Creating content is no longer about those big, expensive content set pieces. Look at TikTok, we’re now seeing more businesses and corporates taking up the platform. But the big lesson here is not trying to force your will upon the platform.  

Those who are leaning into the platform, keeping it low-key and light-hearted are the ones getting noticed… and will continue to do so. 

In the longer term, as both potential customer bases and workforces become younger and even more digitally native, this kind of authentic content-driven presence will be the difference maker when it comes to brand loyalty from within and without.  

Client Service 2.0 

Whatever product or service you’re delivering, client servicing is now up for scrutiny, like it never has been before. As our client services director, Helen explains:  

 “It’s no longer sufficient to be seen to be helpful, responsive and good to work with. Clients want to better understand the how.” 

This could be anything from clients wanting to understand your ways of working. They’ll want to get under the skin of your processes and your best practices. The agency/client relationship now goes far deeper than just service provision. 

Shared ethos is now crucial and there’s a new level of transparency, particularly around planning and measuring success, that needs to be considered. Particularly for those seeking to build long-term relationships built on mutual success. 

What’s happening at Google?  

It’s a question that’s been asked many times in the last 12 months.  

The search giant usually puts out one core update per year. Last year, they put out four. As our strategy lead, Joe explains:  

A lot of this has been around Google’s ever-impactful E-E-A-T guidelines. Experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness are all key things that content needs to showcase to get ranked highly. 

For a lot of businesses, this was a lot of change in a short space of time. These updates had immediate effects on content and web traffic. Many businesses are still clawing back the online reputations they’d built before these core updates.  

But Google is set to roll out perhaps its most impactful ‘hidden gem’ update this year. 

“This update will seek to showcase personal opinions on the SERP (search engine results pages), which means that we could see social media accounts getting airtime on SERPs, blog posts being returned, and even forums such as Reddit could get page one visibility.” 

Read the full report 

At AMBITIOUS we are committed to staying at the cutting edge of our industry,   

With our comprehensive approach that follows our insights, ideas and impact model, we have the structure, expertise and services to ensure resilience to market changes. We also recognise that effective and authentic comms can help businesses stay ahead of the competition, in an increasingly competitive digital and traditional comms landscape.  

To read our Communications Trends and How to Spend report in full visit: https://www.ambitiouspr.co.uk/trends-spends-24/ 

South West-based brand and communications specialist AgencyUK has announced record growth as evolutions in the company’s culture continue to drive unprecedented levels of performance, despite an economically turbulent period for many.

AgencyUK (AUK) achieved record numbers in their 2023 financial results, following two years of cultural alignment and investment in their new Senior Management Team led by founding members Sammy Mansourpour and Amy Stobie. The business has delivered 220% annual growth in revenue for each financial period since January 2020, putting them on track to becoming one of the UK’s largest independently owned agencies.

“Celebrating 16 years is a seminal moment for the whole agency. It really feels like a transition into adulthood. As an established agency business with a team rich in experience, it is in no small part down to our team embracing creativity and new technology. AI and data analytics have made a meaningful difference to our work, by fuelling our creativity and building in new features around advertising campaign performance. This has been instrumental for our clients, particularly those in the B2B space, where we have a particular foothold in the healthcare sector. And we’ve seen the agency grow exponentially because of it,” says Sammy Mansourpour, Managing Director.

In 2021, the Senior Management Team focused on expanding the agency’s client portfolio in the health, life science and pharmaceutical sectors, leading to a record signing of three top-tier new drug development organisations, as well as launching Our Future Health, a nationwide health research programme in partnership with the NHS, which now has over 1.2 million participants across the UK. 

The agency now boasts a stronger B2B portfolio making up 50% of its revenue. The remaining 50% houses well-known food, drink, health and wellbeing brands, including beloved sweet brand Chewits, currently enjoying a renaissance since our amplified brand campaigns and award-winning work across social media.

In response, the agency has expanded its in-house teams by growing its creative department and assembling a new senior management team, recruited from its in-house fast track careers programme. Overall staff numbers have increased by 50% with a further 30% expected to be in place by January 2025.

“We are of course delighted with the performance of the business over the past five years, and we have no doubt that our long-term investment in developing the agency’s culture and staff careers plays a significant part in our success on the bottom line. We welcome turning 16 with open arms,” says Amy Stobie, Director.

The AUK leadership team has embarked on a comprehensive programme of cultural development, sustainability and community outreach. Framed around people, planet and community, these initiatives also form the bedrock of the agency’s commitment to being a certified B Corp since their accreditation in 2021, as well as an award-winning staff development and well-being programme.

Independent human-centred design consultancy Six, has kicked off 2024 in style by promoting Sally Gillo to Partner for Client Experience – making her the sixth member of the Board. Sally will be joining CEO John Argent, Partner for Growth Ruth Clarke, Partner Julian Barclay, Creative Partner Dickon Langdon, and Finance Director Alison Evans.  

Over the last seven years, Sally has played a pivotal role in mentoring and leading the client experience team at Six. Her ability to build strong relationships by consistently delivering exceptional experiences has led to growing and leading the agency’s key accounts, including S&P Global, Lloyds Banking Group and bp.  

As Six enters its 30th year, Sally’s promotion also reflects the agency’s increasingly strategy-first positioning. Central to Six’s growth plans, Sally will help drive the agency’s vision forward: to help every transformative strategy land with impact.   

John Argent, CEO of Six, said, “Sally’s promotion is so well-deserved. Not only is she hugely talented, armed with great vision, energy and pragmatism, she has proved to be an exceptional leader and inspirational mentor within Six. Her drive and fresh perspective perfectly complement the blend of strengths in our Board – and will only help accelerate our progress in pursuit of helping solve our clients’ complex transformation challenges.”

As a collaboration between Wasabi and mustard jobs, the ground floor of Bristol’s historic Tramshed building will now be open for desk space hire.

Being a stone’s throw from notable Bristol landmarks like the Bristol Beacon, the Christmas Steps and the Hippodrome, this office is perfectly placed for any freelancers, start-ups and small businesses looking to take that next step. The collaborative duo hope that the space will become a bustling creative hub offering opportunities to new businesses.

The recently renovated office boasts an array of facilities including:

You can check out virtual gallery of the office here.

Interested in viewing the space in person? Reach out to the team: [email protected]

A new skills training programme to support creatives looking to break into behind-the-camera roles on scripted film and high-end TV productions made in the West of England will launch later this month.

It comes after Bristol City Council’s Film Services have secured almost £300,000 (£299,818) from the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority, led by Metro Mayor Dan Norris, to deliver an industry-led West of England Film & High-End TV Workforce Development Programme to help creatives make their impact and find new career opportunities.

Delivered by The Bottle Yard Studios, Bristol UNESCO City of Film and Bristol Film Office – the three departments that make up Bristol City Council’s Film Services – the year-long programme will be open to regional participants from backgrounds currently underrepresented in the industry. Tailored training will demystify the world of scripted production and prepare trainees for entry level crew positions, with the aim of strengthening the pipeline of diverse local crew talent.

The investment comes at an important time of continued growth in the West of England’s film and high-end TV sector, with an estimated 21,000 new crew forecast to be needed across the UK by 2025.*

Metro Mayor Dan Norris, who leads the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority, said: “The West of England is fast becoming the Hollywood of the UK. Only recently, huge names like Disney+ have checked in to The Bottle Yard Studios’ new state-of-the-art and West of England Mayoral Authority-funded TBY2 facility – that’s a massive vote of confidence in our world-leading creative industries. But to keep up the pace, we need to tap into the extraordinary wealth of creative talent we have in the West. That means supporting them with world-class training to create that new home-grown creative generation for the sector.

“That’s why I’m delighted to be launching this programme fully funded by the Mayoral Combined Authority I lead, to give West of England residents the opportunities they need to thrive in film and high-end TV – something the West does so well. It gives a platform to the next generation of talent who will shape our region’s bright creative future. So, to those considering a career in film and TV: I want to hear from you!”

Councillor Craig Cheney, Deputy Mayor of Bristol with responsibility for City Economy Finance & Performance said: “It’s brilliant to see Bristol’s thriving film and TV sector in the spotlight once again and we are delighted to secure funding to further support this vital industry, as well as the talented people who bring Bristol’s creative sectors to life.

“Bristol remains a world-leading hub for film and TV production, with some the industry’s biggest names choosing our city to produce their shows. Bristol’s new state-of-the-art film studio, The Bottle Yard’s TBY2 facility, has already played host to some of the UK’s most exciting productions since opening its doors in 2022 supported by £12 million in funding. However, as the sector continues to go from strength to strength, more targeted investment into training and developing the next generation of homegrown production talent is becoming increasingly necessary. This industry-led development programme will tap into the deep pool of creative talent here in the West Country and open new career pathways to underrepresented groups who may never have had the opportunity to take their first steps into this fast-growing sector.”

Laura Aviles, Head of Film, Bristol City Council says: “We’ve long made the case that targeted skills investment for scripted crew in our region is essential if we’re to develop this often-overlooked segment of the screen workforce. Film and high-end TV production levels in Bristol and the West have been increasing steadily in past years, supported by The Bottle Yard’s expansion and the region’s Film Offices facilitating more productions on location. With this success comes the opportunity to grow our local talent base – which is crucial when the existing crew base hits capacity, something we anticipate as we move on from last year’s US writers and actors strikes. We are delighted to have secured this funding to deliver a programme designed to help local entrants understand and navigate the fast-paced world of production they are not yet familiar with, to support them in identifying the right opportunities and having the confidence to step into industry roles that suit their talents and ambitions.”

Natalie Moore, Bristol UNESCO City of Film Manager, says: “Developing a local skills pipeline for scripted crew is a key priority in our Bristol UNESCO City of Film Action Plan. Opening up opportunities for regional talent from a wide range of backgrounds makes for a more sustainable and resilient industry base. With so many career opportunities that can and should be made available to people living within the region, we want to make access routes into the film and TV industry easier to navigate and provide support to build a more diverse local workforce. This programme will create a clear pathway to help underrepresented talent from Bristol and the West into scripted production careers, demystifying the industry and preparing them for employment with the right level of support and guidance.”

The programme, which is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, will feature a series of sessions repeated for three intakes throughout 2024, including a ‘Get to Know the Industry’ webinar, an Industry Induction Day at The Bottle Yard Studios, and a specially designed 5-week training scheme to equip potential new entrants for a career in film and high-end TV production. Training will focus on confidence-building, set etiquette and work-readiness, communication skills and teamwork, wellbeing and resilience, as well as digital and financial literacy and how to find work as a freelancer.

The programme will aim to engage up to 750 people in total across its different strands of activity, with a view to 45 undertaking the 5-week training course that will equip them to go on to get jobs. Those who complete the full training will be added to a New Entrants Portfolio given to film and high-end TV productions filming in the region.

The programme will also launch a digital New Entrants Hub, designed to signpost anyone in the West of England interested in a career in film or high-end TV to useful resources, training and development opportunities that are relevant to the region.

Applications will be invited from residents of Bristol, Bath and North East Somerset, and South Gloucestershire aged 17 and above**. Underrepresented target groups will include young people aged 17-25**, those not in education, employment or training, under-employed people and those on zero-hour contracts, women, people from the global majority, disabled people, people living with mental health issues, carers and care leavers. An Access Fund will be provided to support any participants who face a financial barrier to taking part.

The West of England Film & High-End TV Workforce Development Programme has been devised following recommendations of the BFI Skills Review (June 2022) and Olsberg’s Workforce Development Report commissioned by Bristol City Council and The Bottle Yard Studios (July 2023). The first call for applications will open in January 2024.

The West of England Mayoral Combined Authority is working in partnership with Bristol City Council’s Film Services (comprising The Bottle Yard Studios, Bristol UNESCO City of Film and Bristol Film Office) to deliver the Mayoral Priority Skills Fund. This fund provides flexible grants to meet current priority skills gaps in the region. This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Upcoming productions recently filmed in Bristol and the West of England include Jilly Cooper adaptation Rivals (Disney+), series three of spy thriller Alex Rider (Amazon FreeVee), series three of Stephen Merchant’s The Outlaws (BBC/Amazon Prime Video), comedy drama Boarders (BBC Three), teen crime thriller A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (BBC Three) and series five of children’s drama Malory Towers (CBBC). Titles currently in production in the region include Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light (BBC/Masterpiece PBS) and romantic comedy The Road Trip (Paramount+).

One of the big benefits of Bristol Creative Industries membership is the ability to self-publish content on our website. We’ve seen lots of great content published in 2023 including some brilliant business advice.

Here are the 20 most popular advice posts of the year. The list includes some posts from 2022 that have continued to attract views thanks to their great tips.

Want to publish business advice on our website and make it into the top 20 in 2024? Become a member of Bristol Creative Industries.


1. How ChatGPT will impact search marketing

Written by Varn

Click below or read the article here.

How ChatGPT will impact Search Marketing | Varn’s View

2. The best organisational structure for your agency

Written by Janusz Stabik – Digital Agency Mentor

Click below or read the article here.

The Best Organisational Structure For Your Agency

3. Startup funding: What is the difference between pre-seed and seed investment?

Written by Gravitywell

Click below or read the article here.

Startup funding: What is the difference between pre-seed and seed investment?


4. The role of brand architecture in Facebook’s rebrand to Meta

Written by JX Branding / Joanna Xenofontos

Click below or read the article here.

The role of brand architecture in Facebook’s rebrand to Meta


5. The break up: Is Gen Z dumping social media?

Written by saintnicks

Click below or read the article here.

The Break Up: Is Gen Z dumping social media?


6. Sneaky sexism: Sexism in advertising still prevails

Written by Adapt

Click below or read the article here.

Sneaky Sexism: Sexism in Advertising Still Prevails


7. Paid social trends for 2023

Written by Fanatic

Click below or read the article here.

Paid Social Trends for 2023

8. Why networking is key in PR

Written by Carnsight Communications

Click below or read the article here.

Why networking is key in PR

9. Why video is vital – the power of video in a Google search

Written by Varn

Click below or read the article here.

Why video is vital – the power of video in a Google search

10. Five years into a four-day week

Written by studio floc

Click below or read the article here.

Five years into a four-day week

11. PR touchpoints: what are they and why are they important?

Written by Carnsight Communications

Click below or read the article here.

PR touchpoints: what are they and why are they important?


12. 6 brand strategy models for focus and structure

Written by Halo

Click below or read the article here.

6 Brand Strategy Models For Focus And Structure


13. How to keep up with social media trends on Instagram

Written by Trusty Social 

Click below or read the article here.

How to Keep Up With Social Media Trends on Instagram


14. Which ESG platform is right for me?

Written by AMBITIOUS PR 

Click below or read the article here.

Which ESG platform is right for me?


15. How to position yourself as an expert in your field

Written by Blog Write Ltd 

Click below or read the article here.

How to position yourself as an expert in your field


16. Three ways Varn are using ChatGPT to streamline SEO

Written by Varn

Click below or read the article here.

3 ways Varn are using Chat GPT to streamline SEO


17. “Millennials don’t like being told what to do” – Time to rethink your strategy?

Written by Proctor + Stevenson

Click below or read the article here.

“Millennials don’t like being told what to do” – Time to rethink your strategy?


18. Can artificial intelligence replace our creative team?

Written by saintnicks

Click below or read the article here.

Can Artificial Intelligence replace our creative team?


19. Here are 7 steps to PR yourself

Written by Carnsight Communications

Click below or read the article here.

Here are 7 steps to PR yourself

20. One size doesn’t fit all – usable HTML across different email clients

Written by Flourish

Click below or read the article here.

One size doesn’t fit all – usable HTML across different email clients


Want to publish business advice on our website and make it into the top 20 in 2024? Become a member of Bristol Creative Industries.

Bristol-based PR company celebrates continued growth with exciting new business wins and new hires

B2B and corporate PR and communications specialists, AMBITIOUS is closing 2023 by celebrating two new strategic hires and seven new business wins to round off a year of solid growth for the firm.

With the agency expanding to 27 staff and on track to meet its £1.65 million revenue target, AMBITIOUS has secured its position as one of the largest independent PR agencies in Bristol and the Southwest.

Sarah Woodhouse, Director, AMBITIOUS, said: ‘This year we’ve seen the same challenges as other agencies with a lag between briefs being awarded and work then starting but we’ve had a strong new business pipeline. The ink has dried on seven new contracts in the last quarter of this year alone and together with strong client retention, puts us in a strong position for 2024.”

Based on Oakfield Road in Clifton, the agency has grown from strength to strength with new retained clientsincluding Tunstall Healthcare Group, GlobalGiving UK, Harley Row Clinic, and a short project with UCAS.

Further growth also came from the agency’s existing client base expanding their remit.

Sarah Woodhouse explains, “CEOs are striving to build trust signals with customers and prospects, driving up the need for third-party endorsement. We’re seeing growth from organisations that want to build understanding and earn these trust signals from a range of audiences – and we have a key role in driving these strategic communications. We’ve also seen uptake for our work supporting companies to integrate their marketing and PR efforts.”

AMBITIOUS has made two key hires since September, in addition to four hires made earlier this year. Maria Dickson joins as Marketing Director, a newly created role signalling the agency’s commitment to more integrated campaign activations. She’ll also be leading the agency’s marketing strategy as it looks to expand. Chloe Tonkin also joins as a senior PR consultant and copywriter to support the firm’s growth.

With over 12 years of experience working in award-winning communications agencies and most recently leading all national marketing and social media for Girlguiding, Maria Dickson is a seasoned marketer. Having led UK and global agency teams across consumer, pharma and not-for-profit sectors she has extensive experience in developing and implementing integrated strategies. Her career includes roles at Pegasus (now Evoke Mind + Matter) and Edelman, working with clients such as GSK, Bayer and EIT Health. For the last four years, she led all marketing and campaigns at Girlguiding, including a new brand rollout – the largest in the organisation’s 113 year history.

Chloe Tonkin has over ten years working agency-side across B2C and B2B-focused sectors, in both the UK and New Zealand. Her experience spans technology, FMCG, healthcare, and beyond. She’s worked on campaigns for big-name clients including Samsung, American Express, HSBC, Specsavers, and Unilever.​ Her primary area of expertise is in traditional earned PR and media relations, but she also has extensive experience in running influencer programmes for clients like Samsung and Dove.

Lis Anderson, Founder & Director, AMBITIOUS, said: “We’re excited to grow our team again this year and welcome Maria and Chloe into the fold. They each bring a wealth of experience to complement our existing team, ensuring that we can deliver the best possible service to clients as we look ahead to 2024.”

“Ensuring we have a happy and healthy team is of utmost importance to us. We’re proud of our growing team and a record of 3.5 years with no staff attrition – a testament to our team culture. We’re excited about the year ahead.”

Interested in working for or with AMBITIOUS? Please email Sarah or Lis at [email protected]

Against a backdrop of new working dynamics and AI advances, a new McCann Synergy study explores the ‘Truth About Work,’ and how organisations can use their own brand platforms to give staff a greater sense of purpose.

A new global study from employee engagement agency McCann Synergy, in partnership with McCann Worldgroup, has revealed that 61% of workers think that if their job disappeared no one would notice.

Previewing the findings at an event in partnership with LinkedIn in London last month, the ‘Truth About Work’ study drew on a survey of over 19,000 people across 18 markets, to reveal a range of insights including an imperative for work that is not just functional but personal, intentional, and deeply aligned with the values and dedication organisations extend to their customers.

The world of work has undergone a radical transformation in recent years from hybrid working to the influx of ChatGPT, but with 61% of young people planning to change jobs in the next two years, retention is the new truth to tackle. Creating employer brand experiences that engage employees – mirroring the quality and delivery of EX and CX – will help brands unlock growth and retain employees.

Nicky Clark, Client Director at McCann Synergy, said: “Our study reinforces the critical need for organisations to realign their brand purpose with the everyday lives of their workforce. When employees understand the connection between their role and a company’s mission, the impact is transformative. As an employee engagement consultancy, we find that working with leaders that recognise the value of a strong workplace culture is a real game changer – when brands get this right, employees flourish, innovation grows and organisations are more successful.”

Fernando Fascioli, President, McCann Worldgroup Europe & UK, added: “Organisations thrive when they put their customers and employees at the heart of all they do.  As a creative network, McCann Worldgroup’s mission is to help clients unleash their brand purpose to earn a meaningful role in people’s lives. To remain competitive brands must extend this ethos to their employees and create brand experiences that can engage, delight, and drive a sense of shared purpose.”

Connecting to brand purpose has always been an external customer driver and the need for purpose is widely seen as business critical across the advertising industry. Between 2012 and 2022 the importance of brand purpose in Cannes Grand Prix wins increased by 71%. However, brand purpose has become decoupled from the lives of the people who build the brands from the inside, and 1 in 2 employees globally believe their job feels pointless.

McCann Worldgroup partnered with LinkedIn, the world’s premier professional network, who have been at the forefront of the future of work and employer branding to launch their Truth About Work study. At the event in London, they were joined by panelists Joe Ryle, Director of the 4-Day Week Campaign and Media & Comms Lead at Autonomy; Stephen Adeoye “Corporate Steve” TikToker and Founder & CEO of Beyond Education; Kate Waterfall Hill, Leadership Coach and Tiktok Creator; and LinkedIn’s James Gill, to explore how brands can use their brand platforms to amplify and energize their employee experience and engagement strategies.

James Gill, Senior Director – Head of Agency Development & Marketer Education at LinkedIn EMEA & LATAM commented: “In a world that is constantly evolving, it’s crucial for us to embrace change, adapt to new realities, and envision the possibilities ahead. Our approach to life, work, and growth have fundamentally shifted in the wake of the pandemic.

“At LinkedIn, we recognise the profound impact of these changes and we’re delighted to collaborate with McCann Worldgroup to explore the future of meaningful and impactful work, and shine a spotlight on the importance of adaptability, reskilling, and life-work balance in the future of work.

Although working culture and talent retention might feel like buzz words, employees who said they understood how their role fitted into their company’s mission were most likely to rate themselves as 1.7x happier. They also self-rated themselves as 1.6x more productive, showing that engaging employees can have a big impact on company profitability. In a time of constant change, employers who harness their brand platforms internally will create a culture of purpose and productivity that will support their employees and customers alike.

For full details, click here: www.mccannworldgroup.com/about/truth. For more information on McCann Synergy, visit: www.mccannsynergy.com

Tabb to open a unique shared creative space on Broadmead.

Tabb, the Bristol-based portfolio and team-forming platform for filmmakers, is excited to announce the opening of a new coworking and creative space in Bristol City Centre.

Located on the second floor of Sparks Bristol, the sustainable department store that opened in May of this year, the Tabb team’s goal for the space is to significantly increase their ability to support Bristol’s independent filmmakers and creative freelancers and to help them benefit from the city’s fast-growing film and creative industry.

At launch, the creative hub will accommodate 50 permanent residents and 30 flexible hotdesks in a space that, for the previous 70 years, served as an office and breakroom for the staff at Marks & Spencer. Tabb has plans to incorporate a permanent film and photographic studio later in the year and hopes that this is just the start of their work in offering further physical services to help its community make their projects happen.

With consultation from low-carbon, innovative design and construction firm Agile Homes, the ‘Tabb Hub’ will use recycled and custom furniture to create unique and purpose-built spaces for its residents and community, including Bristol Production Van, Foxy Motion Films, Barri Films and FishPunch.

The hub is open to enquiries and reservations from filmmakers and connected creative disciplines, whether individuals or teams, with flexibility regarding how residents can organise and set up the space.

Known as ‘Cahootify’ until December last year, Tabb’s collaborative platform for independent filmmakers, producers and actors has gone from strength to strength. With regular events, festivals and screenings aiming to unite and empower South West filmmakers, Tabb’s community has grown to 8,000 members. Rising stars and established professionals, such as Keith Wilhelm-Kopp, who recently released their debut feature film, Translations (2023), have added over 10,000 short films, animations, trailers and music videos to the platform, with many by teams that found each other through the Tabb opportunities and events.

Sparks Bristol, a world-first project co-created by Global Goals Centre and ArtSpace LifeSpace, offers various indoor independent stalls and shops, from fashion and food to nature and energy, supporting people to make money-saving choices on climate, equality and wellbeing. Sparks Project Manager John Hosken said, “We are delighted that the collaborative and empowering Tabb organisation has taken the space – creating so much opportunity for both organisations.” 

Tabb CEO Pete Francomb, said: “We’re thrilled to offer this exciting new space to Bristol filmmakers. The forward-thinking Sparks ethos matches Tabb’s commitment to supporting and enabling creatives. Tabb Hub is a perfect and logical move for the organisation and the community.”

Tabb expects the hub to fill quickly due to the hub’s prime central location and high demand for flexible and multi-use creative spaces.

For more information about Tabb Hub and to enquire about becoming a resident, visit https://tabb.cc/hub or email [email protected]

To learn more about Tabb and their growing filmmaker and creative community, visit https://tabb.cc/

To learn more about Sparks, visit https://sparksbristol.co.uk/

Projects – of all sizes, in all sectors and with various budget constraints can put the most cool headed staff member under pressure. With various stakeholders involved, tight deadlines, organisation management and staff availability alongside budget and time constraints; the presence of a skilled project manager to guide the effort and ensure alignment among all participants is crucial for project success. Organisations employing various project management methodologies excel in sticking to budgets, adhering to schedules, meeting scope requirements, upholding quality standards, and realising the benefit of how a successful outcome can make to a business.

Develop your staff in project management, and drive your business forward through a part funded Project Management Skills Bootcamp.

Delivered in Bristol over 10 weeks, this part funded course will equip your staff with the skills needed to support and ultimately lead projects.

Suitable for people looking to upskill their staff and is under pinned by the Association for Project Management (APM), Project Management Qualification (PMQ) and will reference the APM Book of Knowledge (BoK) 7th Edition. For employers wishing to upskill their employees, this course will be discounted by 70% as part of the Government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee and Plan for Jobs. The course will be spread over 10 weeks, comprising a mixture of face-to-face/remote participation, requiring day-release one day each week. This is an ideal opportunity to upskill individuals in your team to drive your business forward.

When is the course?

Start Date: Wednesday 10th January 2024 (10 consecutive Wednesdays)

Benefits of the course:

The aim of the course is to provide learners a core understanding and appreciation of project management. Together with some practical applications of learning and how current practices impact project management; it will develop learners understanding of core project management principles and emerging practices.

By completing this Project Management Bootcamp, your employees will get a greater understanding of key elements of project management, such as:

On completion of the course learners may wish to formally pursue the PMQ and information will be available to support this.

Those looking to explore project management with data will have access to Microsoft supported courses in Azure Fundamentals, Azure AI Fundamentals, Azure Data Fundamentals.

What’s changing in Project Management?

Project management principles and practices are heavily influenced by data. The use of data analysis, statistical interpretation and artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging aspect of project management. The impact of AI in Project Management has been globally recognised. Over 80% of respondents to the Project Management Institute (PMI) “Pulse of the Profession”, 2019 survey report stated that organisations are seeing an impact from AI. With project professionals expecting the proportion of projects they manage using AI to jump from 37%.

At the end of the course there will be a series of guest speakers from industry who will discuss the future of project management. Participants attending the course may wish to explore data in projects in future courses at the West of England IoT, details will be available at the end of the programme.


Large Employers (With 250 Staff or More) 30% contribution £675 per person.

SME Employers (With 249 Staff or Less) 10% contribution of £225 per person.


Employer Commitment

Employer commitment for learner to complete all training elements.

Evidence from employer to confirm that the training provided via the Skills Bootcamp has resulted in either a new job role or an enhanced role for the employee that now utilises their new skills gained via this Skills Bootcamp.

Contact us today on [email protected] or visit https://www.weston.ac.uk/ProjectManagementEmployers