Bristol Pride Charity Member

Bristol Pride is a registered charity (1166817) organised by volunteers & professionals from the community.

Member Bio

We work all year round to challenge homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia and promote equality and diversity, for all, through various events, school visits, consultation services and lobbying.

Bristol Pride is the chance for us all to work towards creating a better society together, for friends, family and allies to show their support and for members of the community to live authentically and proudly.

As well as tackling political and social landscape, we work hard to bring the community together to celebrate and create opportunities. We want to build unity and bring joy to safe spaces, as well as tackling discrimination. As well as working all year round, our main activity takes place across the first two weeks of July each year with events ranging from Theatre, Film, Comedy, Music, and even a Pride Dog show.

Key People