
What can I do to make my blog better?

27th October 2021

Not everyone that wants a business blog can be expected to come up with ideas for regular content and produce beautifully written posts while successfully running their business. Some business owners enjoy writing but acknowledge they don’t have the skillset, while others hate writing but feel it’s something they should do to promote their wares. Others are great writers but are rushing the posts through because they don’t have the time to dedicate to the process.

Ever considered outsourcing?

If this sounds like you, don’t be afraid to look into outsourcing your blog. A business blog copywriter will ghostwrite your posts, so your blog will still sound like you and your audience will think that you’ve written it. You can have as much or as little input into coming up with themes and topics as you wish, but you will always approve content before it goes live, so you can be sure that all copy remains on message. If you want to dip your toe in the water with a copywriter, you might even be able to split the workload and share your blog with an external writer so that between you, you’re able to produce more content for your website.

Top tips to improve your written content yourself

If outsourcing the work isn’t an option for you, and you feel you have the time and space to create quality content yourself, there are still things you can do to make sure your blog posts do your business justice.

  1. Use the spelling and grammar check in Word, or go one step further and use a service like – there’s a free version and a paid-for version, depending on how much support you feel you need. It’s easy to get swept along with a train of thought when you’re writing and in those instances speed to download what’s in your head can overtake precision on the keyboard! That’s why using some form of spelling and grammar check when you’re all finished, is a great way to double-check what you have put on the page.
  2. Read your post out loud to yourself. This may be harder if you’re in an office full of people, but it’s honestly worth doing. More often than not, when we speak the words we have written aloud, we spot mistakes we have missed while reading the prose to ourselves. They seem to jump off the page and become much more obvious somehow. You can also employ freelance proofreaders, who will check your copy for you before you post it. It’s always easier for someone else to spot errors in your work, than it is for you to spot your own.
  3. Stay true to your vision. I find it useful to keep the goal for my business blog and my audience in front of me when I’m writing. It’s easy to go off on tangents once you get in a rhythm, but it’s important to remember what you want to say and who you want to say it to. What do you want to get across to your audience about your business and your offering? Is the post you’ve just written achieving that goal, or could you make it clearer?

 If you’re clear about what you want to say and to who, and you allow time to check and double-check the quality of the content you have produced, you are well on your way to producing quality blog posts that will get read.


About Blog Write Ltd

Writer of smart, engaging copy for businesses that understand the importance of great copy, but struggle to find the time to give it the attention it needs. I offer a proactive approach to deliver fresh content.

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