#CRO #Experimentation #UserResearch #Analytics #ABTesting
💫 Sponsored by AB Tasty 💫
💥In association with Experimentation Elite 💥
📍Kindly hosted by Atomic Smash📍
OCTOBER’S TOPIC… A/B Testing Do’s & Don’ts.
Who doesn’t love an A/B test?! But with the tools making it so easy to get tests up and running, it’s common for teams to run before they can walk. In this session we’ll share experiences of things you should always try to do when running an A/B Test as well as those things you should try to avoid.
Come and join us to ask questions and share your own experiences.
5.00-5.30: ARRIVE
5.30: KICK OFF
5:40: TALK 1: Ellie Hughes, Managing Consultant at AND Digital will run through what she considers “the Fallacies of AB testing“. Ellie will share her top A/B Testing tips with us from over 10 years’ experience as an “Experimentation Ninja”.
6:00: TALK 2: Thomas Lawson, Head of Sales at AB Tasty will explain why you should balance risk and reward by testing bigger, bolder changes in your A/B tests: “Mitigating Risk with Digital Experimentation“. He’ll include some case studies and some surprising test results.
**Special thanks to Thomas and the AB tasty team for also sponsoring this Meetup**
6:20: DISCUSSION: Chance to ask Ellie & Thomas questions and share your own stories & tips for A/B Testing. Please come prepared to share.
6:30: 60 SECOND SHOUT OUTS: Your opportunity for an announcement. Recruiting? Event coming up? Help needed? Selling something? Shout about it.
7: Home? Wetherspoons? Turbo Island?…
INCLUSIVITY: If you’re passionate about Conversion Optimisation we really want you to feel welcome & able to attend. We’d love any feedback or questions to help make it as inclusive, welcoming and accessible an event as possible.
VOLUNTEERS: We have a very small group of volunteers helping to organise this first Meetup, but we welcome any new volunteers who’d like to join the CONVERT gang to support future Meetups. Have a “no obligation” chat with Ryan 😁.
CAR PARKING: There are some paid parking space available at Temple Studios. Spaces 1-20 are available to book through the Ringo app (ID: 38156).
£5 for a ticket*: AB Tasty are kindly paying for the food & drink, but we’re also asking for a small contribution. Any money left over after the event will be donated to a Bristol based charity.*
Conversion Optimisation Consultant & Agency Advisor. I help improve the performance of websites and digital teams, promoting more sustainable growth.
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