
Work Experience at a PR consultancy

18th July 2023

Originally posted to and written by work experience placement, Ruby.

Today we’re handing over the blog to Ruby who’s been doing work experience with us this week at Carnsight. It’s been fantastic having Ruby in the office and she’s handled every task we’ve thrown at her incredibly well. Here’s Ruby to report back on a week at Carnsight Communications…

Hello, I’m Ruby and I have spent the last week at Carnsight Communications partaking in work experience. In the last week my eyes have been opened to the world of PR and I have learnt so much more than I even could have imagined.

Walking to the Carnsight office on Monday morning I found myself wracked with nerves that I don’t usually experience. I consider myself to be confident when it comes to meeting new people and trying new activities however, my commute to the office was full of worries and ‘what-if’s’. However, within two minutes of being at the Carnsight office I found myself instantly relaxing as I looked around the office at four young, smiling women. The whole team was so friendly and made me feel welcomed instantly.

Senior Account Manager, Leigh-Ann, walked me through exactly what is done here at Carnsight Communications and I learned about all the different positions in a PR business. Being made aware of all roles such as leading client accounts, ghost writing, media releases and social media content creation exposed me to the variety that the day in the Carnsight office brings.

My first task was writing a press-release for Carnsight themselves and whilst I felt slightly overwhelmed the women here at Carnsight were quick to increase my confidence by ensuring me I was doing a good job as a complete newbie. Since then, I have created social media content for Yasmin and Alex, and written the fortnightly newsletter, which I did find challenging! However it definitely gave me an interesting insight to the type of clients that Carnsight works with.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my week here and found myself loving the different tasks that each day brings. I admire the work that the women at Carnsight do day in and day out and marvel at the way Jess has created and grown this business over the last eight years. I will always take pride in my weeks work here at this successful women-owned business.

The last week here at Carnsight communication has inspired me to work hard in my second year of A Levels to ensure good results in my exams next year. I would love to go University to study Psychology and one day enjoy working in a profession I love, like the women here at Carnsight do.

If you’re interested in reading more about work experience at Carnsight check out Martha’s blog, our work experience student from last year.


About Carnsight Communications

At Carnsight Communications we create strategies and campaigns to showcase our clients’ brilliant work through PR, content and social media. We help them get noticed by the right audience, at the right time. We specialise in creative agency PR.

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