
Why leveraging your PR ecosystem pays off

26th March 2024

You’re probably wondering what I mean by a ‘PR ecosystem’. This is by no means a professional or academic term, it’s actually a phrase one of my colleagues threw around in the office recently as part of an off-hand discussion. But it stuck with me. The winning piece of context here is that we were talking about placing a recent piece – the final product was tweaked a lot and landed with a publication that, while great, was not what we initially shaped the piece for. So it took more time and more effort, and a few revisions that didn’t ‘end up anywhere’ (as I like to say, you have to crack some eggs to make an omelette). But, later in the week, this piece ended up being crucial to securing a great piece in a national title – it was a credit to our spokesperson’s expertise, passion, and relevance, and got us over the line ahead of competition candidates.

Bigger picture value

We have a lot of discussions with clients about their dream, ideal, and target publications. The truth of the matter is sometimes that to reach the top-tier publications we aspire to, it’s necessary to build a firm base in the media – to grow credibility as a brand, spokesperson, or expert – and to prove the value and media reputation that can back your bid for inclusion. Oftentimes, there are necessary stepping stones to get you there, and compromises that, in the long run, can pay off tenfold. Changing an angle, redrafting a piece or placing a comment somewhere different can work in your favour, and it all helps to build a media presence. Or, as Jess put it, your ecosystem.

There is so much to be said for the value of industry, trade, and local press. These titles often have well-developed, engaged communities. They can also offer a trusted line into more tailored, niche audiences and thus allow you to be more strategic and targeted in your communications. Hence, a balanced ecosystem that taps into the benefits of a wide range of publications can be incredibly valuable.

The long game

PR is often most valuable if you’re willing to play the long game. Growing your presence gradually and sustainably, putting in the work to create a profile and building your contacts can benefit you and your business for years to come.

It’s not always all about the immediate payoff in PR. Securing a hit piece in a big title or your dream publication is more likely if you put in the groundwork. Establish a base of credibility – get your business, brand, and thought leaders covered in multiple publications. Seed variety by commenting on a spectrum of topics or having a range of projects highlighted – this will help show that you’re not just a ‘one-hit wonder’ and prove sustained value.

How is a PR retainer valuable?

When we work together…

  • A retainer gives us the scope to establish a true partnership. Our editorial eye can be applied behind the scenes to spot reactive opportunities and carve out proactive ones too.
  • We’re also invested in your long-term success and can help sew the seeds for the future. Strategy works best when it’s grounded in a holistic view – working together on a retainer enables us to have our eyes on the bigger picture, as well as the minute detail.
  • Our lead time is significantly reduced – the contract is already in place, we’ve established the essence and tone of your business, we know your spokespeople well and are familiar with goals and guidelines. In a retained relationship, our agility becomes your strength. We can jump in and out of things and optimise as we go.

While we will always see merit in the benefits of long-lasting retained relationships, we also understand that it’s not always in the scope. If DIY PR is better suited to you at this time, then our eBook – Powerfully Practical PR – may be a more achievable approach to building momentum and nurturing your own PR ecosystem.


About Carnsight Communications

At Carnsight Communications we create strategies and campaigns to showcase our clients’ brilliant work through PR, content and social media. We help them get noticed by the right audience, at the right time. We specialise in creative agency PR.

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