
How to Optimise Content for Google’s Featured Snippets

1st September 2023

It has never been more crucial to keep ahead of the curve with the constantly changing world of search engines. Google’s highlighted snippets are one such leading edge in the SEO industry. These bite-sized chunks of information are prominently shown in search results, meeting the demand of users for timely, pertinent information.

Given the great visibility and authority of featured snippets, it is understandable why both companies and bloggers are striving for attention. Let’s examine some best practises for content optimisation before delving into the nuances of Google’s highlighted snippets.

Table of Contents

  1. What Exactly are Google’s Featured Snippets?
  2. Advantages of Featured Snippets
  3. The Three Types of Featured Snippets
  4. How to get your content in a Featured Snippet
  5. Advanced Snippet Optimisation Techniques
  6. The Myths and Misconceptions
  7. The Future of Featured Snippets

What Exactly are Google’s Featured Snippets?

Many search results have a box at the top with a succinct response or summary, especially those that ask a question. The infamous “featured snippet” appears in this box. Instead of requiring consumers to read through the results and go through to a website, as is the case with standard organic search results, the snippet seeks to give them an immediate and conclusive response to their query.

The Evolution of Featured Snippets

The digital world has experienced significant changes over time, with search engines fine-tuning their algorithms to provide the most accurate results. An important factor in this evolution has been Google’s highlighted snippets.

Before Google introduced this feature, customers had to trawl through numerous links to find the information they needed. This conventional search strategy wasn’t always user-friendly, especially for people looking for prompt responses to simple queries. Google introduced highlighted snippets because there was an apparent need for an effective, direct-response strategy.

Advantages of Snippet Real Estate

There are various benefits to being first in Google’s search results, including:

Increased visibility: When a user searches, snippets are shown prominently and frequently receive the majority of their attention.
Boosted authority: Getting a snippet slot can increase the credibility of your brand. It’s similar to getting Google’s approval that your material is trustworthy and relevant.
Increased click-through rates: Featured snippets can greatly increase the click-through rates for your site, resulting in an increase in organic traffic.

The Three Types of Featured Snippets

There are three primary types of featured snippets:

Paragraph type: These offer concise answers in text format. They are ideal for direct questions, such as ‘what is a featured snippet?’


List type: Ideal for how-to guides, ‘top X’ lists, or recipes. They present content in either a bulleted or numbered list.


Table type: Perfect for presenting data, these display information in a structured table layout.



Getting Your Content Featured in a Snippet

To optimise your content for Google’s featured snippets, it’s crucial to implement a few tried-and-tested strategies. These are:

Research and Target the Right Queries

Start by identifying the queries that your audience is posing. Here, tools like SEMrush or Answer The Public can be really helpful. Understanding the questions that people in your area are asking can help you organise your content such that it offers clear solutions.

Understanding your audience—not just what questions they are asking—is crucial to accomplishing this effectively. Create in-depth personalities for your target audience. What are their concerns, inquiries, or enquires? Your content may become more snippet worthy if you customise it for these personalities.

Incorporate the ‘What is’ Heading

Start your content optimisation by adding a headline that asks, “What is [keyword]?” This gives Google a clear indication of the content’s potential relevancy for a highlighted snippet. Usually, you should place this heading just after your introduction, making sure that it melds in with the rest of the text.

Prioritise High-Quality Content

Google gives authoritative and reliable content priority. Concentrate on writing well-researched, original content that benefits readers directly. While a wide range of topics must be covered, depth is necessary for snippet optimisation. Don’t create information that only scratches the surface. Investigate the subtleties of a subject when speaking about it. Comprehensive how-to articles or in-depth how-to instructions can stand out and are frequently highlighted in snippets.

Additionally, it may be worthwhile to concentrate on disseminating knowledge about less-discussed sub-topics in your industry. These specialised articles frequently have less competition and are suitable for featured snippets.

Implement the ‘is’ Sentence Structure

Make use of the ‘[Keyword] is…’ phrase structure to optimise featured snippets. This pattern, which can be seen in many successful featured snippets, helps Google identify content that is pertinent. Using this approach as your introduction can improve your snippet possibilities.

Optimise for Voice Search

Many people ask questions in a conversational tone as smart speakers and voice-activated assistants gain popularity. By framing your responses in a natural, conversational style, you can make sure that your material can accommodate this trend.

Summarise the Subject in 2-3 Sentences

Make sure your material concisely summarises the subject in two to three phrases. Clarity is key here:

  • Start with a definition of the subject.
  • Then give a couple of key facts.
  • Eliminate superfluous wording.

Align with the Snippet’s Format

Aim to replicate the format of the featured snippet that currently appears for your query on the search engine results page (SERP). Include a related paragraph or two of text in your article if the sample is in paragraph form, for instance. If it’s a list, though, be sure your content matches that.

Exclude Brand Names

Brand names may exclude your work from being included in snippets. Snippets drive voice search, thus information must be comprehensible to everyone. To increase your likelihood of being included, swap out brand-specific phrases for generic ones.

Avoid First-Person References

First-person language can be difficult, just like brand names can be, especially when taking voice search functionality into account. For clarity and general relevance, second-person language is preferable.

Focus on High-Ranking Opportunities

In general, pages with higher rankings are more likely to get a featured snippet. Focus your strategy on keywords where your page already has a top-five position.

Advanced Snippet Optimisation Techniques

While the basics provide a solid foundation, exploring more advanced tactics can further enhance your chances of snagging that snippet spot.

Semantic Search and Snippets

For featured snippets, Google’s transition to semantic search—understanding user intent rather than just keywords—has major ramifications. To address this, you ought to:

Describe the “why” and “how”: Beyond the “what,” make sure your material explains the context of the inquiry and offers thorough answers.
Internal linking: Internal links that are pertinent can assist Google comprehend the scope and depth of your content by demonstrating how completely you cover each topic.

Leveraging Schema Markup

A type of microdata known as schema markup gives search engines a better understanding of the context of your content. Including this allows you to:

Enhance SERP presentation: Schema can make your material look better and more appealing for a snippet by enhancing how it is displayed in SERPs.
Clarify the type of content: To ensure that Google displays your content correctly, indicate whether it is a product review, how-to manual, recipe, event, or another type of content.

Capitalise on Snippet Scalability

According to observations, Google extracts heading tag data periodically for featured snippets.

The Myths and Misconceptions

The world of SEO is no stranger to myths and misconceptions, and featured snippets have certainly attracted their fair share. Some common myths are:

Only Top-Ranking Pages Get Featured

Although it’s true that many featured snippets come from pages with high rankings, this is not an exclusive group. Google’s main focus is finding the most accurate and succinct response to a question. It has a chance if your content, even if it comes from a page with a lower rating.

Snippets Reduce Organic Traffic

Many people worry that because snippets give straightforward responses, users won’t click through. In reality, though, featured snippets frequently boost brand authority and visibility, resulting in better click-through rates all around.

Only Certain Content Types are Eligible

Despite their popularity, lists, tables, and Q&A forms aren’t the only content categories that are featured. Step-by-step instructions and other types of material that successfully respond to user queries may have snippet value.

The Bigger Picture

While obtaining a featured snippet spot might improve your site’s exposure and authority, it’s equally crucial to take a comprehensive approach to your SEO strategy. It can be detrimental to focus only on the snippet position without taking other important SEO factors into account. Instead, keep your attention continually on the more general objective of giving your users value and enhancing their overall user experience.

The Future of Featured Snippets

The use of highlighted snippets is anticipated to increase as voice search usage grows and AI-powered digital assistants become more pervasive in our daily lives. For instance, well-known gadgets like Google Home and Amazon Alexa frequently use information from featured snippets to respond to voice searches.

The format of snippets is expected to change along with technology. In the not-too-distant future, we might start to see more interactive snippets or those including multimedia components.

Although appearing in Google’s highlighted snippets is an admirable accomplishment, it’s critical to see it as a part of an all-encompassing SEO and content strategy. Need assistance with this? For any of your SEO needs, get in touch with Bristechtonic SEO immediately.


About BrisTechTonic

Leading Bristol SEO Company BrisTechTonic offer affordable and professional SEO services for small businesses. I'm Chris, and SO not an SEO Agency in Bristol. I help small businesses in Bristol and beyond gettting found in search results.

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