
Wake Up Call: How to choose between in-person, virtual or hybrid events


8th Apr 2022





Join Franco de la Croix-Vaubois as he talks us through choosing between in-person, virtual or hybrid events, and leaping out of our Digital Discomfort Zone.

Pandemic, uncertainty, inflation, war, higher bills – it is no wonder that our minds are preoccupied and making many people nervous about future commitment. Events are no exception!

Over the past year, the learning of remote working and online events has propelled the events industry beyond measure. And digital has played a HUGE part in this – boundaries have changed and that has made many of us pretty uncomfortable: Adapting to new technology, too many choices, a new way to engage with our own staff, our audiences etc.

Franco will explore all these elements and share suggestions on how to leap out of our Digital Discomfort Zone and embrace a world of clarity, firm decision making and business confidence in moving forward as we ease out of this pandemic.

About Franco

Working in events for 21 years, Franco is passionate about people, cultures and events. He founded Frog Events in 2012 and pivoting to virtual & hybrid events, Franco continues to bring people together, leading his team to deliver flawless events, training clients to embrace their digital event space and to have fun in the process! Visit Franco’s website here.

More about our new ‘Wake Up Call’ webinar series!

These sessions take place every other Friday morning from 8.30-9am, for the BCI community to share their pearls of wisdom with one another. The half hour webinars will involve a 15 minute presentation followed by a 10 minute facilitated Q&A, with introductions from the BCI team.

Our community is full of such amazing talent so we’re giving members the stage to talk about things that excite them so they can inspire their peers. The sessions will be a mix of expert tips and tricks and case studies – the perfect opportunity to learn something new before the week is out.

Our usual online format is an interactive ‘meeting’ but for this series we’re running webinars so that it’s easy to listen in while prepping for the day ahead or while having your breakfast! Cameras and mics will be off but you can ask your questions through the chat box or submit them beforehand.

Please get in touch with Sian if you’re interested in speaking at a future session.

The Wake Up Call sessions are exclusively for BCI members – register your free place below!

If you’re interested in becoming a member with BCI, you can read about the membership perks here.

Register your free place

About Bristol Creative Industries

Bristol Creative Industries is the membership network that supports the region's creative sector to learn, grow and connect, driven by the common belief that we can achieve more collectively than alone. 

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