Women over 50 are the fastest growing demographic in the workforce, and a significant percentage of these woman are likely to be in senior/leadership roles, plus on the front line of client relationships. 25% of menopausal woman say it can have a ‘debilitating’ effect on their ability to do their job, but unfortunately due to lack of awareness and societal shame, this is issue is not acknowledged enough in the workplace.

What can you do if you manage a team that includes women who could be heading towards menopause if you know nothing about it, and wouldn’t have much of a clue how to tackle a conversation about it?

Thanks to recent high profile TV documentaries and regular coverage in the national news, awareness of the menopause and its effects has increased but the conversation needs to be opened up further. There are major employers who are flag carriers for menopause policy and benefits, such as Channel 4, and we can learn a lot from their work to date. However, what can smaller organisations do, perhaps with less resource or financial clout? Kinneir Dufort are more representative of BCI members and are starting to kick off this discussion internally – hear Head of Team Development Tamsin’s thoughts on what they are doing, and what more needs to be done.

Join Fi and Tamsin for this online session as they discuss why this is such a relevant topic for the workplace, why is it not spoken enough about currently, and what business leaders can do to address this and get the ball rolling. Further resources will be shared, plus there will be opportunities at the end for attendees to share their thoughts and ask any questions they may have.

This event was first run back in July 2022 and had a brilliant response, so we wanted to repeat it for those who couldn’t come along the first time, or for those that want to chat further again.

The session will be particularly useful for anyone responsible for people initiatives within their business (such as Founders, MDs, HR, Line Managers etc), as well as anyone with an interest in women’s wellbeing at work.

About Fi

Fi Craig is an executive coach and facilitator, and has spent much of her career as planning and strategy directors of creative agencies in the South West. She is skilled at having difficult conversations, and tackling thorny subjects with ease, humour and purpose. As a senior woman in agency-land, and as a coach to multiple senior women, Fi has seen how both the bias towards youth and the lack of even basic menopause-awareness can make the workplace especially challenging for older women, especially those at the peak of their careers.

About Tamsin

Tamsin Chambers is Head of Team Development at Kinneir Dufort.  As an organisation, Kinneir Dufort is motivated by Designing a Better World, and recognises that it can only design products & experiences for a diverse global society by having a team that reflects that.  Tamsin’s focus is about making KD a workplace where everyone can be their best, and this means ensuring that the environment, policies, ways of working and support strategies are mindful of as many different perspectives as possible.  In particular, Tamsin is keen to ensure that the experienced, valuable women who have often had to fight for their place in the Design Industry are not suddenly left suffering in silence when the menopause hits.


This event is FREE for BCI members however registration is still required.

Non-member tickets are £25+VAT.

If you’re not yet a member of Bristol Creative Industries and would like to take advantage of this event, you can sign up here. You can also read about the membership perks here.

This session is particularly aimed at anyone struggling to recruit or retain staff in the current market. Discover practical advice and tools to ensure your business attracts and engages the right people that will help grow your business.

Currently South West business owners are reporting that business recovery and growth is being “significantly held back” by skills shortages and recruitment difficulties, in this session we aim to offer some solutions on how you can address some of these issues to ensure growth and competitive advantage.

In this session we’ll look at the 3 main challenges that business owners are facing:

o Access to good staff, where to find them, along with short term v longer term strategies to attract staff.

o Managing performance and using key business drivers to engage and retain staff whilst growing the business

o The benefits of an effective reward and recognition programme that engages employees whilst ensuring consistent growth of your business.

Key takeaways from this session:

• A clear understanding of the best sources to recruit for your business in today’s competitive market

• Confidence to build a recruitment plan that ensures you target the right people

• Tools to support you in effectively managing performance of individuals

• Understanding of how to use reward to increase performance against business targets.

Our aim is to ensure every attendee comes away from the session with a clear plan and outcomes, but more importantly that everything can be used in your business. You won’t find any of our workshop material languishing in bottom draws in the office.

Calling Writers, Producers, Directors, Actors…

Bring your scripts, talent, skills, and expertise to develop projects in collaboration with other creatives.

scriptLab is a FREE monthly event bringing together professionals and emerging talent to workshop new material and explore the possibilities for production.

If you want to:

Then please join us in a safe, supportive space. We meet on the last Saturday of the month.

You’re welcome to participate as a writer, actor, director or producer. Or you can just come along and watch.

Probably the most inspiring little film night in the world. Join us in Bristol for an evening of learning, stimulation, collaboration, entertainment and general filmmaking joy!

This is an exclusive opportunity to:

Tabb’s Filmmakers’ Shindigs are your chance to get inspired and get involved! We want to encourage you to make your film projects happen, with this opportunity to hear from professionals who have been there and done it already.

You want to run the agency of your dreams but times are tough. So, what is it that the successful agencies do differently? Why do some thrive where others struggle? This presentation from Robert Craven is based on working with over 200 agencies over the last 5 years as well as leading academic and on-the-ground research.

As a result of attending you will understand:
• what your choices are
• what works
• what the high-performers do differently
• what you should do to do more than just survive.

This session will be particularly used for leaders and decision-makers in agencies of all kinds.

Register here!

About Robert
Robert Craven runs GYDA (Grow Your Digital Agency) working with agencies from 15+ countries. He is an advisor to some of the best independent agencies in the UK. Known for his no-nonsense style of presenting, he is Google Premier Partner’s go-to expert on growing agencies.
Formerly Program Director at Cranfield and Warwick Business Schools, he is author of Grow Your Digital Agency, Agency Strategy Handbook and Bright Marketing.
He lives in Bath with his wife and two dogs. His three children have escaped the nest!

> See GYDA’s member profile here

> Follow Robert on LinkedIn

More about our ‘Wake Up Call’ webinar series

These sessions take place every other Friday morning from 8.30-9am, for the BCI community to share their pearls of wisdom with one another. The half hour webinars will involve a 15 minute presentation followed by a 10 minute facilitated Q&A, with introductions from the BCI team.

Our community is full of such amazing talent so we’re giving members the stage to talk about things that excite them so they can inspire their peers. The sessions will be a mix of expert tips and tricks and case studies – the perfect opportunity to learn something new before the week is out.

Our usual online format is an interactive ‘meeting’ but for this series we’re running webinars so that it’s easy to listen in while prepping for the day ahead or while having your breakfast! Cameras and mics will be off but you can ask your questions through the chat box or submit them beforehand.

Please get in touch with Sian if you’re interested in speaking at a future session.

The Wake Up Call sessions are exclusively for BCI members – register your free place below!

If you’re not yet a member of Bristol Creative Industries and would like to take advantage of this member-only event, you can sign up here. You can also read about the membership perks here.

Join us for a FREE virtual social media event, with insights and knowledge sharing from leading industry practitioners.

Your host for the day will be Luan Wise. A chartered marketer and fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Luan is author of the award-winning book Relax! It’s Only Social Media. In addition to running her consultancy and training business Luan has worked as a LinkedIn Learning course instructor since 2015 and as an accredited lead trainer for Facebook since 2019.

Here’s what you can learn:
– The changing face of social media: latest data and trends to watch, with Luan Wise
– Customer journey mapping – an interview with Jerry Angrave
– Unlocking the Secrets of Social Selling, with Tim Hughes
– Social Media Updates, with Luan Wise and Andy Lambert
– Social Media Advertising 101, with Janet Bebb
– Avoiding stagnation and retaining creative freshness on social media, with Chloe Ambrose

You are welcome to join us for the whole event, or dip in and out according to your schedule. Final timings for each session will be confirmed shortly. The event will be recorded – if you register you will get first access!

Do you work in the creative, digital, or Tech space?

If yes, this is the perfect place to meet other like-minded individuals in the Bath and Bristol area.

This month’s Third Thursday will be held in conjunction with Setsquared.

Over the past 20 years, the roles and responsibilities of organisations have dramatically shifted. Externally, organisations of any size face major social, ethical, and environmental challenges and need to define how to respond to them responsibly and profitably. Internally, employees have voiced their joys and frustrations of the workplace more frequently and are looking at ways to reinvent the way we work.
Connected by a mutual passion for change, our panellists will discuss the role of organisations can play in any potential solutions to internal and/or external problems.

Join us to learn more about how different organisations have faced and addressed these challenges and become more informed and better prepared for the challenges ahead.

Are you looking for a new career?

The Bristol Careers Fair will offer candidates from all backgrounds, experience and education levels the opportunity to speak to representatives from an abundance of local employers, all in one place.

Why attend?

There will be a wide variety of different organisations attending, alongside a wide variety of roles being advertised. Online applications can be very time consuming – by attending this event, you get the chance to skip this process and speak directly to the organisation.

What type of companies usually exhibit?

Typically, you can expect exhibitors at the Bristol Careers Fair to be from various sectors such as: Finance, Education, Sales and Marketing, Motoring, Human Resources, IT, Healthcare, Tourism, Healthcare, Commercial Real Estate, Biochemistry, Electronics, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Social Work, Events Management, Retail, Job Boards, Supermarkets, Banking and Pharmaceutical.

The Venue

Bristol Beacon, previously known as Colston Hall, is a concert hall and Grade II listed building on Colston Street, Bristol, England. It is owned by Bristol City Council. Since 2011, management of the hall has been the direct responsibility of Bristol Music Trust.

Please note – this event is now FULLY BOOKED, but please do join the waiting list to be notified of cancellations.

We’ve all seen the benchmarks, stats and case studies from unicorn agencies.  But most agencies employ less than 15 people and struggle to break through the £1M revenue glass ceiling, whilst harbouring aspirations to grow beyond.

So what’s holding us back?  Why can’t we break through this barrier? Why does it sometimes feel like 2 steps forward, 3 steps back?  Why are our projects so difficult to deliver? How can we generate more (high quality) leads?  How can we create a scalable platform to grow beyond the £1M barrier and deliver consistent, sustainable profit?

Join Janusz Stabik who’ll help you to smash through this £1M barrier. You’ll discover the agency business models that scale well, and those that don’t.  We’ll review benchmarks, tactics and strategy for taking your agency to £1M and beyond. You’ll meet like-minded agency owners and you’ll leave with a spring in your step, feeling energised and excited about the future and you’ll have gained clarity on how to get there.

By the end of the workshop you will:

This workshop is aimed at agency owners/founders/directors running businesses with less than 15 employees and/or less than £1M in annual revenue.

About Janusz Stabik

Janusz is a coach and mentor to agency leaders across the globe through his coaching practice and consultancy, GYDA, where he helps agency owners to run the agency they want to run. He’s an ex-agency owner, a managing partner at GYDA and a lead coach for Google across multiple agency growth programmes throughout EMEA.


Tickets are priced at £125+VAT for BCI members and £175+VAT for non-members. This includes refreshments and pastries on arrival, plus lunch. Book your place below!

This workshop will be held at Floating Harbour Studios, MB Tempora, Welshback, Bristol, BS1 4SP. 

DigiMarCon At Home 2023 is your chance to …
– Hear from some of the most audacious and thought provoking speakers in the digital marketing, media and advertising industry.
– Gain insight into emerging strategies, the latest innovative technologies, and best practices to move your business to the next level.
– Network with thought leaders, reunite with your peers and build your professional network.

The 7th annual DigiMarCon At Home, the Premier Digital Marketing, Media and Advertising Conference Online will be held April 12th and 13th, 2023, available live stream and on-demand. Join your peers online for 2-days jam packed with digital marketing best practices, latest trends, practical solutions, strategy and networking.

Expand your knowledge on the following topics: Account-Based Marketing, Behavioral & Neuromarketing, Content Marketing, Conversational Marketing, Conversion Rate Optimization, Data Science & Big Data, Email Marketing, Geo-Targeting & Proximity Marketing, Growth Hacking, Inbound & Outbound Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Native & Contextual Advertising, Omnichannel Marketing, Paid Search Marketing, Personalization & Privacy.

You’ll also learn the following: Podcast & Webinar Marketing, PR & Cause Marketing, Predictive Analytics & Attribution, Programmatic Advertising, Sales & Marketing Automation, Search Engine Optimization, Shopper Marketing, Marketing & Customer Experience, Social Commerce, Social Media Marketing, UI / UX Design, User-Generated Content, Video Marketing, Viral & Buzz Marketing, Visual & Voice Search, Web Analytics, and much more!

At DigiMarCon At Home 2023, you will receive all the elements you need to achieve digital marketing success! Conventional thought will be challenged, new ways of thinking will emerge, and you will leave with your head, notebooks and professional toolkit full of action items and ideas to lead and supercharge your agency / team / account to even greater success.

Be a part of DigiMarCon At Home and discover how to thrive and succeed as a marketer in a rapidly evolving digital world.

See why people keep coming back year after year to this must-attend event! Register and secure your seat today.