
10 ways to immediately attract Gen Z talent to your business; a Keynote with Sam Hornsby & Mae Yip

BCI Keynote

5th May 2022




Online via Zoom

As Gen Z talent becomes an increasingly important part of future-proofing your business, as does the conversation around how and where to find them.

In this talk, Mae Yip & Samantha Hornsby chat through their 10 favourite strategies that their clients have found instantly and consistently useful. If you’re struggling to attract diverse young talent this talk is for you!

What is Gen Z?

There isn’t actually a fixed age group for who classifies as Gen Z, but if you have to put a number on it, Mae & Sam say those born between 1997 and 2012. In fact, they created a really useful Gen Z Timeline that maps the life of a Gen Zer year-by-year that might be helpful to share with anyone who wants to learn more and get more context around Gen Z!

About Mae & Sam

Mae & Sam are Co-Founders of ERIC, an award-winning career guidance platform designed for 16-25 year olds who want to explore their career options and opportunities. Mae & Sam are obsessed with ‘entertainment-first’ education (why can’t learning be fun, right?). They are on a mission to enable employers to attract Gen Z talent more efficiently by being more visible and adding more competitive value as an employer via their new platform, The ERIC App, which aims to be an app that:

  • every young person in the UK can access for free
  • every career advisor, leader, teacher, lecturer and parent can recommend to their students/kids
  • every business can use to connect with the next generation of talent while they’re learning about careers


This event is FREE for BCI members however registration is still required.

Non-member tickets are £25+VAT.

If you’d like to access this talk for free, you can read all about becoming a BCI member here.

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About Bristol Creative Industries

Bristol Creative Industries is the membership network that supports the region's creative sector to learn, grow and connect, driven by the common belief that we can achieve more collectively than alone. 

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