Bristol Technology Festival (BTF) has unveiled a packed schedule for its tech showcase event, taking place during the week of October 11-15.

Now into its third edition, BTF is an annual celebration designed to bring together events, people and communities to share, learn and explore technology developments in the southwest region. Events will encompass a range of sectors from green and sustainable technology to legal and finance.

This year’s schedule includes a number of highly anticipated events, of which there are more than 50 spread across five packed days.

The theme which wraps around many of the events through the week is ‘changing the face of tech’, with the emphasis on taking tangible action beyond simply talking about a lack of diversity and inclusion. As well as demonstrating the best of what the area’s tech space has to offer, BTF 2021 aims to bring together like-minded organisations ready to inspire wide-reaching change.

It is not too late to get involved. For individuals and organisations interested in attending or hosting an event, there is still time to book tickets and submit proposals.

Softcat headlines busy BTF 2021

BTF 2021 would like to thank Headline Partner Softcat for its indispensable support of BTF 2021.

Looking ahead to the event, Rob Parkinson, CIO at Softcat, commented: “We are delighted to be involved in the 2021 Bristol Technology Festival. Bringing together local technology communities and shining a light on all the innovation the region has to showcase is an important way to drive collaboration and industry growth.

“The last 18 months have been tough for many industries, but technology has come through as an enabler and has made many re-think how they interact and do business. As the impact of technology continues to grow, forums like the Bristol Technology Festival have never been more important and we are pleased to be supporting it.”

Event organisers are also grateful to Deloitte for sponsoring the Bristol Technology Festival Launch Event, on Thursday October 7 which will be held at Engine Shed.

Here, the exclusive launch evening will be a chance for senior leaders and technology influencers from across the region to network, share ideas and see each other in person, with speaker contributions coming from the likes of Moneyhub, Deloitte and Softcat.

Changing the face of tech

Among the many highlights of this year’s festival is a fireside keynote chat with Antonia Forster.

Antonia is a Unity/C# games and software developer, specialising in immersive experiences such as AR, VR and XR. In 2017, her record-breaking TEDxBristol talk was delivered to a live audience of 2,000 people and has since gained over 92,000 views online.

A year later, Antonia was nominated and shortlisted for Nature’s John Maddox Prize, in recognition of her work as an LGBTQ+ speaker and activist. She has also been named one of Bristol’s Top Nine “Women to Watch” in STEM, and has appeared in numerous magazine, radio and television features.

The talk with Antonia is scheduled for Monday October 11th, 12:00-14:00, at Engine Shed.

It is expected to be one of many events held throughout the week that inspire both more women to pursue careers in the tech sector, and organisations to provide greater opportunities and promote diversity.

What else to expect at BTF 2021

Diversity is the name of the game when it comes to the group of volunteers helping to coordinate the festival.

Among them are representatives from Hargreaves Lansdown, Newicon, TechSPARK, and Engine Shed, with events throughout BTF being crowdsourced from organisations across the city of Bristol.

These include tech companies, public bodies, schools, community interest groups and charities, with events open to a huge variety of guests – from tech professionals and businesses to individuals wanting to know more about the area’s digital industries.

Between them, a huge variety of discussions and other activities will be open to attendees:

This year’s Bristol Technology Festival will also witness the launch of the Festival Community Partner initiative. Here, businesses have the opportunity to become one of 50 community partners, with all funds invested helping to secure the long-term future of the festival.

For more information and to view the schedule for BTF 2021, visit

To submit an event proposal, complete the form here.

The workplace is rapidly changing, but workplace practices, norms, infrastructure and management is struggling to catch up. Digital transformation is estimated to be worth over $400 bn in 2021 and is projected to continue to grow by 25% year-on-year.

This rapid change has left businesses in disarray. Is their digital infrastructure prepared? Which employees are struggling to work digitally? Whose remit does this transformation fall under – the CHRO’s, the CIO’s, or the CEO’s?

Enter Actual Experience. 

Meet the digital disruptors

Luckily for all of us, the Actual Experience (AE) team saw this digital mega trend approaching a decade ago. Having built their business on 10 years’ worth of academic research, they’ve engineered a comprehensive patented algorithm which, minute-by-minute, captures and analyses the real-world, human perception of digital applications and services.

In other words, they help businesses ensure that the digital tools, systems and platforms they’ve invested millions in are actually making work easier for employees, and providing a better experience for their customers.

Currently, many businesses use tools such as employee and customer surveys to find out the answers to those questions. But there’s a problem: employee and customer surveys are subjective and are often inaccurate or inconclusive. But when used in conjunction with Actual Experience’s algorithm, it is possible to glean objective, actionable insights from survey data.

Building a future-proofed website that meets AE’s forward thinking

ActualExperience’s Human Experience score provides businesses with an objective analysis showing which specific employees are struggling, and with which specific aspects of their digital infrastructure, so they can focus their time and resources on these issues – and keep up with the ever-shifting digital curve.

So, following on from a successful Account-Based Marketing (ABM) campaign and digital brochure, AE were keen to put their money where their mouth is, and upgrade their own digital offering to reflect their progressive business.

The AE team approached us to upgrade their website from Hubspot to Webflow: a no-code flexible website solution that doesn’t require complicated set-ups.

Our first step was for Actual Experience to take us through a thorough wish list. Here, we put together a full feature list, created high-fidelity wireframes and new digital design styles using their updated brand guidelines.

This process meant that when we transitioned the website over to Webflow, both parties had a very clear picture of what it would look like and how it would function. So we could push for tight deadlines in line with AE’s objectives without having to go back and forth to check small details at every stage. 

A smarter way of web building

One of the highlights of the website is the design-led navigation that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes including phone, tablet and various desktop sizes. This was quick and easy to build with Webflow’s online visual editor. This platform is the perfect application for creating visually stunning, easy to use designs that don’t require massive amounts of coding, which AE in this instance, didn’t.

The navigation is not only designed to draw the user in, but allows different audiences to access different content that suits them. For instance, a HR professional will seek different information to IT professionals.

In the end, we created a future-proofed, design-led website under a demanding timescale, migrating 200+ content types seamlessly from Hubspot to Webflow. Check out the full AE case study here, along with the all-important, client feedback.

To find out more about Webflow, and our other digital design services, get in touch with us today at [email protected].

For almost a decade, Alli Nicholas has been at the heart of the Bristol Creative Industries community as our membership manager. Dan Martin had a chat with Alli about her role, the benefits of membership, how to make the most of being a member and more.

How did you end up working for Bristol Creative Industries?

“I spent 20 years in recruitment, the last 10 of which were with Bristol recruiter Liz Gadd. She ran a business called Goddard Gadd which I helped her set up. She sold and exited the business and I stayed. I then set up my own recruitment agency which in the end wasn’t for me.

“I used to recruit for Fraser Bradshaw, who at the time was the MD of McCann but has since set up saintnicks. We stayed in touch after I left Goddard Gadd. He was also CEO of Bristol Media (the former name of Bristol Creative Industries) and I was chatting to him one day and he said he needed somebody to encourage members to renew and keep on top of the admin side of things. I did that for 10 hours a week to start with, it increased to 20 hours and then became a full-time job. That was nine years ago.”

How would you describe your role at Bristol Creative Industries?

“I’ve always officially been the membership manager and that is very much about looking after the needs of the members, going out to find new members and talking to them about the organisation. But we are a very small team so I also get involved in everything else including organising and promoting events, dealing with logistics and helping with the content on the website and social media. Many people might look at the website and get the impression that there’s a big team of people behind it but we are a small team and we work in a very agile way.

“No two days are the same. That’s what makes it really enjoyable. I absolutely love what I do. I’m hugely passionate about BCI and what it stands for. Our members are from such a broad range of creative industries so I never get bored. One minute I can be talking to the likes of Aardman about what they’re doing and the next it’s a freelance member with the seed of an idea who is thinking about setting up a business. They’re poles apart but each is exciting in their own way.”

Give us some examples of members doing exciting things.

“If you’re asking me to pick my favourite member, that’s like picking my favourite child! Everybody’s doing great things in their own special way. 

“Back in 2016, we ran a 10th anniversary event. We produced a book and asked members to submit the projects they were most proud of. I remember flicking through the book and thinking “I can’t believe this amazing work is coming out of Bristol”. Things like the Waitrose carrier bags at the time were designed by an agency in Bristol and the branding for the Royal Mint was designed by a company in the city.

“If I had to mention a few examples of our brilliant members though, one is Seeker Digital, a company named 25th in Deloitte’s Fast 50, which showcases the fastest-growing technology companies in the UK. I was told about them, got in touch and they became a member. It’s great to have a company like that as part of the community.

“Over the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of members focused on sustainability which is an important and very topical issue. One of them is Enviral, a comms agency that helps ethical brands get into the spotlight.

“What is particularly pleasing is when you see somebody who signs up as a freelance or start-up member and then goes through a journey of growth. A company that has done that is Atomic Smash. When they first joined it was just co-founders David Darke and Piers Tincknell. Now they’re a team of around 16 people and they have moved through the membership levels. It has been great to watch them grow.”

Bristol Creative Industries Members' Lunch

What role do you think BCI plays in the Bristol creative community?

“I think first and foremost, we’re a connector. We say we help members to learn, grow, and connect. Connect is the key word here though because it’s through connecting that people learn and grow. 

“We connect people on lots of different levels. It includes our jobs board where we connect job seekers to opportunities and businesses to new talent. We connect people through peer to peer networking at events where they can share their challenges. We connect businesses to one another for collaboration and also connect businesses to brands and agencies looking for their services

“We are a community of people who have a common interest of either working in or being interested in the creative industries in Bristol and surrounding area. We’re the central hub that brings everyone together.”

What has BCI done to support members during the pandemic?

“As soon as lockdown hit, we recognised the need to connect people so that they didn’t feel completely isolated. We launched a Pay It Forward campaign and encouraged members, and some non-members, to step up and offer support and guidance. We had a regularly updated blog post with offers of free help including mentoring, coaching and tips on how to manage cashflow. 

“We also did a number of virtual events throughout lockdown. We had never done virtual events before so having to suddenly put on online events was a steep learning curve for us. But actually, it worked really well and they were very popular. 

“We did lots of COVID-19 crisis management workshops including how to deal with clients who were reneging on their contracts, the government financial support that was available and tips on how to manage staff remotely and deal with the furlough process. We also did a preparing for recovery seminar, which was so popular that we ended up running it three times. 

“People had varied challenges but we were essentially all in the same boat and navigating the same storm so we were keen to help members.”

What are the key benefits of Bristol Creative Industries membership?

“There are lots of different drivers for why people decide to join Bristol Creative Industries. For many people, it’s the jobs advertising on our jobs board. As a member, you get unlimited free job advertising on what is the go-to board for creative industry roles in the South West. 

“There are also company branding and profiling raising opportunities with the ability to create a profile on the website and appear in the Bristol Creative Industries member directory. It is used by lots of brands looking for the services that our members offer.

“As a member, you can self-publish content on the website as often as you like. That content sits on your own profile and we promote the best posts to the homepage and main news feed and share some on our social media channels and monthly newsletter. If you’re doing some work that you’re particularly proud of, you have great client case studies or you have some thought leadership or business advice, it can all go on the website. Share quality content and we’re much more likely to promote it! 

“Our business members have free access to the Engine Shed co-working space in Bristol which is a really valuable benefit. It provides a space away from the regular office or home. As a BCI member, you can use the business lounge and sign in up to two guests at a time. It’s a great space and a real hive of activity. You’re guaranteed to meet like-minded people there. 

“We have a programme of events throughout the year and members receive a discount on tickets or free attendance at member exclusive events. It includes networking, training workshops, inspirational keynotes and peer to peer roundtables. Going forward, we’ll have a blended approach to events; some of them will be face to face and some will be online. 

“Finally, members can access lots of other perks such as hotel, restaurant, meeting room and away day discounts.”

How can members make the most of their Bristol Creative Industries membership?

“Get involved! Like with anything in life, the more you put in, the more you get out. If you pay your membership fee and don’t populate your profile, you might not get the attention you’re looking for. But if you do populate your profile, you’re much more likely to make connections and generate leads. Make your profile stand out and show how you are an appealing organisation or individual to work with. 

“Come to events and you will absolutely meet people there who could potentially end up working for you, give you a lead or share best practice. Our Members’ Lunch events have always been one of my favourite events as you see those light bulb moments when someone is talking about what they do and for someone else the cogs start turning and they think ‘this person can help me’. 

“Join, be active, engage on social media, keep the conversation going, make connections and you will absolutely see a return on investment for your membership fee.”

Bristol Creative Industries Walk and Talk

What exciting events are coming up?

“Last Friday we had our inaugural BCI Walk and Talk, which is a member-exclusive outdoor networking event and a three hour walk in the beautiful Mendips countryside. It went really well and we plan to hold it regularly. 

“We’ll continue to run our Members’ Lunch events monthly. They will stay on Zoom for the time being but we hope in the not too distant future we’ll get back to doing them face to face. The next Members’ Lunch is on 14 October.

“On 22 September, we have the first in a series of five diversity and inclusion (D&I) workshops. It’s a subject everyone is talking about but lots of people aren’t sure where to start. The workshops, delivered by Morag Ofili and Mette Davis, look at the business case for D&I and how to embed it into your business’ vision, mission and values. You’ll end the series by writing an actual plan that you can implement straight away. 

“We’ve got a keynote on 30 September with Andy Nairn, who has been voted by Campaign as the UK’s number one brand strategist for the last three years. We’re really excited to have him talking to us about his new book, Go Luck Yourself, which discusses the role that luck plays in building brands. 

“Finally, we’re putting the finishing touches to October’s keynote with Anne Thistleton, an experienced TED talker who talks about the role the mind and psychology play in marketing decisions. Keep an eye on the events section for details.

“We’re always keen to hear from members so if you have ideas for event subjects we should cover or speakers we should invite, get in touch and we’ll do our best to make it happen!”

Not a member? Join today! Fees start at just £4.50 a month or £45 a year.

Bristol creatives can apply to work at Spike Island Workspace for free

Atomic Smash is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a desk space at Spike Island Workspace – the same co-working space where Piers Tincknell and David Darke, co-founders of Atomic Smash, first set up shop as WordPress and WooCommerce specialists over a decade ago.

Atomic Smash will cover the full desk space costs for 12 months so that the recipients can concentrate on developing their business, with the option – but no obligation – to continue as users in Spike Island Workspace after the sponsorship ends.

Spike Island Workspace is the perfect location for emerging or micro-businesses who are ready to develop and establish themselves further. Working from the space expands your connections and opportunities for growth, as you join a dynamic and diverse community of artists and creative businesses.

Who should apply

This sponsorship is aimed at:

The sponsorship is open to all creatives who would benefit from the opportunity and we welcome and encourage applications from people of all backgrounds.

Through your application, you will be able to tell us how this opportunity could make a significant difference to your future. Please also describe any access requirements you may have within your application.

About the space

Recently refurbished, Spike Island Workspace is located close to Bristol harbourside and in a busy building offering art exhibitions, artists’ studios, offices, production facilities and a café. Find out more about the space.


Monday 18th October 2021: Application closing date
Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th October 2021: Interview dates
Friday 29th October 2021: Spike Island Workspace visit
Monday 8th November 2021: Sponsorship start date
Friday 4th November 2022: Sponsorship end date

Apply now

Would you benefit from this opportunity? Apply here!

Prolonged work stress and burnout are on the rise in employees according to a study conducted last year by Indeed. The findings showed that over half of those that took the study (52%) had experienced burnout in 2021 and that burnout is affecting employees of all ages and types of workers in 2022.

Encouraging and supporting employee wellbeing is becoming more of a concern for management and those in positions of leadership. Having happy and healthy employees is good for productivity, talent retention, and for the long term success of a business- but it’s also a concern on a very human level. For those managing and caring for a team of people, it’s hard to watch anyone struggle.

But how do you ensure that you are making the right steps for employee wellbeing? There are many solutions, but it all depends on the nature of your organisation and the people working within it. Companies such as Bumble and Nike have made headlines by giving their staff a week off to re-energise and others such as Google have wellness programmes that allow staff to spend more time with their families, choose how they best recharge, and allow them to pursue fulfilment outside of the office.

You don’t have to be a massive, global company to implement staff wellness practices. In fact, many small businesses and start-ups that rely on the efforts of a small, dedicated team have found the benefits of having a rewards package that looks after employee mental health.

At Yuup, we offer businesses the opportunity to purchase experience vouchers as rewards for their employees or to book group wellness sessions to refresh and rejuvenate their team. With a diverse range of lifestyle and wellness hosts and experiences on Yuup, we have something to suit and support any team.

Discover positive sleep with The Sleep Guru

Learn positive sleep habits and get a good night's sleep

One of the biggest issues plaguing the office is the lack of a decent night’s sleep. Irregular sleeping patterns, bad sleep habits, and disrupted sleep can cause fatigue, burnout, stress, and illness.

Working together with our host Giles, you’ll embark on a journey to demystify sleep and discover solutions to this nightly battle. As a coach, mentor, and author of ‘Positive Sleep – A Holistic Approach to Resolve Sleep Issues and Transform Your Life’, Giles has overcome his own obstacles with sleep and insomnia and is prepared to guide you through your own recovery.

After the session you will receive a copy of his book to take home and continue your journey.

-> Book discover positive sleep here


Mindfulness group meditation with lunch with Breathe Meditation

Connect with staff and encourage positive mental health

We have a number of experiences to enjoy with Breathe Meditation, both for individuals and groups. This experience, in particular, is an excellent idea for team-building with a difference. Instead of after-work drinks or a challenge to get the cogs going, it might make a refreshing change to go for something that boosts everyone’s mood and gives you all time to connect on a deeper level.

Encourage harmony and peace among coworkers with a work lunch like no other.

-> Book mindfulness group mediation with lunch here and all Breathe Meditation experiences here

Nature inspired art at Bridge Farm with Clare Lowe Creative Workshops

Emotional healing and relaxation through art therapy

Clare is an artist currently studying to become an art therapist. With a wealth of knowledge in emotional healing and de-stressing, Clare will guide you and your team through unwinding through both creativity and nature.

Set against the peaceful backdrop of Bridge Farm, their workshops centre around wellbeing and communication and their experience is a great way of creating a safe and open space for colleagues to open up about any internal difficulties they might be experiencing.

-> Book nature inspired art at Bridge Farm here

Private confidence building masterclass by Confidence & Co

Confidence building masterclass for impostor syndrome or lack of self esteem

We’ve all lost our confidence at one time or another. Self-doubt, low-self esteem, and impostor syndrome can all creep in- especially if we aren’t feeling our best shiny selves. It’s hard to admit if you are lacking or have lost confidence in yourself, and it can seriously affect your performance at work.

Confidence is not all about being good at public speaking or being the loudest voice in the room, it’s about trusting in yourself and your abilities. If you have noticed an employee or colleague that seems to be wavering in their self-belief, offering support in this area could completely change their life and stop them from heading towards burnout or mental distress. Similarly, you might feel that you need to develop your inner cheerleader and would benefit from this one-on-one masterclass in confidence.

-> Book private confidence building masterclass here


Browse all lifestyle and wellbeing experiences on, or get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you with staff wellbeing.

Creativity and Community: a Love Story 

Calling the laptop cafe junkie, the kitchen table connoisseur and the battle-weary spare room crew. There’s a new way. A way with the flexibility, community and creativity you need at its centre. And the coffee is (probably) way better. 

Shared office spaces have been popping up since San Fran paved the way and a generation of freelancers and startups are flourishing. Offices split across cities and a new approach to flexible working from modern start-ups mean that co-working is here to stay. 

The benefits of joining a co-working space are as long as your to-do list;

Increased productivity

Spaces designed for your working day and with focus and efficiency in mind. A relaxing, comfortable space to break for a coffee is as important as a heads-down quiet space for deep thinking. 


The inspiration of like-minded souls around you and a friend always on hand to give feedback. 

Co-working spaces can’t promise lifelong friendships, but they do have chats over coffee and someone to share lunchtime with. 

A work-life balance to be proud of
You get to go home! A different place to where you work! Such a novelty!

A whole load of independent, creative businesses looking to work with independent, creative businesses (just like you). 

Cost Efficiency 

Pay only for the space you need, with the flexibility you need as your business grows into a huge, massive, gigantic billionaire corporation. 

Bristol’s favourite co-working space Gather Round know all about the benefits of co-working, and they know exactly what makes the perfect space. The team there couldn’t find what they were looking for so they decided to create their own; a space designed by creatives, for creatives. 

After meeting Fiasco Design and Pixelfish at Gather Round and seeing the incredible work they were capable of, working with them on our launch was a natural choice. They helped the vision for Twelve, our sustainability strategy and communications consultancy, become a reality.  – Jess Ferrow, Founder of Twelve 


Gather Round; Community, Creativity, Collaboration 

Bristol is a city long-known for its celebration of creativity. Tastemaking musicians, culture aplenty and a love of art found from the pavements of Clifton to the patched grass of Turbo Island (if you know, you know). 

The decision to build a creative business here was a simple one for founders Ben and Jason. After a successful start, their design studio Fiasco Design grew quickly and they found themselves moving studios as they expanded. After struggling to find a workspace that wasn’t a corporate office with extortionate rates and a long term contract, the idea of Gather Round was born.

The Southville residence at the old Cigar Factory proudly hosts creative thinkers and doers that call it home. Morning coffee chats, lunchtime collabs and a deep understanding and respect of one another is something that has happened naturally. They’ve created a space that allows that all to thrive. They’re soon to be heading north of the river to Brunswick Square to hold court for another incredible bunch of creatives. 

Why Gather Round? 

I met Amelie of Duo Hue when she joined Gather Round. She was looking for some imagery to further her brand, it felt like the perfect collaboration. Sharing a space made the planning and creative process easy and the work we produced featured in national press.  – Nic Kane, Photographer/Director



The Gather Round team have a few simple rules; no indoor caravans, tardis-style meeting rooms or beanbags; just beautiful spaces and good design. They’ve got all shapes and sizes covered with roomy co-working areas, permanent desk spaces for freelancers and separate offices for micro-businesses. There are spaces for collaboration, whether you’re musing over an idea, chatting out a project or need a full-blown meeting room to launch your world-takeover plan. 



With Flexi desks, Resi memberships and dedicated studios for small businesses, there are flexible memberships for business needs. 

For solo entrepreneurs, micro-businesses or small startups the support of peers is invaluable. Within the community at Gather Round, you’ll find support from like-minded people. Our campfire talks, morning workouts and members breakfasts, fuel the mind and body of all that attend. A day that starts with a croissant amongst friends and ends with a creative discussion on businesses in the climate emergency – is a day well spent. 



Here at Gather Round, they take design seriously. Their buildings are chosen because of their character and soul. You won’t find grey walls, no-spill carpets and budget-friendly lighting. Beauty breeds beauty, and Gather Round have created a space that feels like home. If your home has deep velvet sofas, bespoke shelving and enough plants to start a greenery obsession. 


The latest offering in the beautiful Brunswick Square is almost at the ribbon-cutting stage. An almost perfect location with Bristol greats such as Circomedia, Farro Bakery and Yoga on The Square, all just a stone’s throw away. Temple Meads station can be reached in 15 minutes and you can (almost, but not quite) hear the thrum of the city centre close by. They’ve created a slice of creativity in a building steeped in it and it awaits Bristol’s brightest and best. 

We’re delighted to have been featured by Best Startup UK as one of their top Bristol-based app companies.

It’s been a busy year for the Gravitywell team, working on a raft of exciting projects with startups in the UK and abroad, as well as the successful launch of Mezze, our very own SaaS platform for the food manufacturing industry.

Gravitywell was selected due to exceptional performance in one of the following categories:

– Innovative ideas
– Innovative route to market
– Innovative product

– Exceptional growth
– Exceptional growth strategy


Societal impact

About the Best Startup UK list:

Annually, Best Startup UK recognises companies that are pushing the limits of innovation to solve critical problems and challenges. Best Startup UK is managed by Fupping LTD, a London-based media company, whose aim is to accelerate the growth of the UK’s foremost innovators by promoting them to a global audience.

As students prepare to go back, boomsatsuma is gearing up to welcome the next cohort into an expanded programme of college diploma Level 3 and Higher Education BA (HONS) degree courses this September.

An education with boomsatsuma is distinctly different from what is offered by mainstream schools and colleges. Our courses are located with creative industry partners and give our students exposure to real workplace experiences and we are delighted to confirm a new collaboration with a local Bristol Creative company, Pytch, providing another great opportunity for our students.

boomsatsuma has extended its connections into Bristol’s creative business sector, entering a new collaboration with PYTCH, to give students experience working in a professional live and virtual events environment.

Bristol-based PYTCH has been providing creative events services and technology to corporate and music clients for two decades.  After connecting with boomsatsuma earlier this summer, an agreement to support students with workplace experience has been made. The company opened its state-of-the-art studios in July ’21 to give boomsatsuma students insights into the potential careers they could follow, as PYTCH founder Johnny Palmer explains:

“We have always believed in nurturing young talent. When we realised that boomsatsuma’s education model incorporates work-based experience and draws students from the diverse communities across Bristol we were keen to extend the chance to work with us.

“The speed with which boomsatsuma reacted to our request and the quality of the students has really impressed the whole team and we are looking forward to welcoming many more.”

Martha Iles and Caitlyn Argles, Level 3 Extended Diploma Creative and Digital Media students based at Engine Shed, were the first boomsatsuma students given a paid four-week placement, to round off their first year.

Caitlyn Argles enthuses:

“This has been a great opportunity. We’ve been made to feel part of the team and worked alongside them on ‘live projects’, which was really exciting. We’ve both learned so much beyond the things we learn in college about what goes on behind the scenes, from the warehouse, to lighting to PAT testing. It’s given us a realistic view about a real working environment.”

Martha adds:

“A big thing I’ve learned is to seize the opportunities – say yes, be willing to do what is needed and more doors will open.”

We took a camera to Pytch to capture the thoughts of Pytch and the students, which can be seen in video.

Two more boomsatsuma students have already joined PYTCH in August for their placement.

Mark Curtis, boomsatsuma director, comments;

“Giving students high-end experiences with access to creative industry workplaces sits at the core of our ethos. PYTCH is a really dynamic events environment and they have been incredibly accommodating and inclusive in the way they have worked with Martha and Caitlyn. I am sure this has given them both great insight and boosted their confidence to take on a creative career, whether that be in events, TV, or Film. It will be interesting to follow their progress.”


Pictured (L to R): Martha Iles and Caitlyn Argles

Since 1999, The Square Club has been Bristol’s Private Members’ Club for Creatives, located on Berkeley Square, just off the Clifton Triangle. As a member of the Square Club, you join our community of over 600 creatives, and access a range of both personal and professional benefits. Some members use the club as more of a workspace, others as a social space.

As a BCI member, you can apply for corporate membership at the club, which is just £50 per quarter, rather than £75.

Please send an email to [email protected] if you are interested in coming in for a trial or in applying for membership.

The Kiltered Guide to Effective D&I is a practical series of five bite-sized virtual sessions to set you on the right track with your diversity & inclusion efforts. We’ll help you make sense of what Diversity & Inclusion means for your business, why it matters, and how to turn the conversation into action. We’ll share insights, tools and techniques to help you overcome any D&I fears and obstacles, before starting to develop a plan.  Our goal is to help you create a more inclusive workplace that will lead to increased diversity, improved team motivation and better business performance.

Who is it for?

Anyone looking to embed D&I into their business in a way that’s about more than talking and quotas. You might already be doing something D&I related, you might not.  You might have taken the first step but are not sure what to focus on next.  Or you might be finding it difficult to get buy-in or investment for your efforts.  We’re here to help you take that next step, whatever it might be, and turn conversations into meaningful action for your business.

Series breakdown:

This series of 5 workshops will run fortnightly on a Wednesday morning starting on Wednesday 22nd September.

** NB the first session had already taken place but if you’d like to book on the remaining 4 sessions, we will send you a recording of the first session along with slides so that you can catch up.

Part 1 – 22nd September, 9-10.30am

Setting the Scene – The business case for Diversity & Inclusion 

Part 2 – 6th October, 9.30-10.30am

Making Space for Inclusion – Where do I start? 

Part 3 – 20th October, 9.30-10.30am

Embedding Inclusion into your Culture through your Vision, Mission, Values and Strategy 

Part 4 – 3rd November, 9.30-10.30am

The Perception Gap – Using data and analytics to increase your chances of success 

Part 5 – 17th November, 9.30-10.30am

Writing your plan and putting it into action 

A bit about Morag & Mette

Barrister Morag Ofili started Kiltered in 2020, a forward-thinking diversity and inclusion consultancy with a mission to take the fear out of building more inclusive workspaces.  Using data analytics and organisational psychology, Kiltered helps businesses develop cohesive and achievable strategies for change and empowers businesses to put plans into action in a meaningful way. Where needed, Morag can tap into her network of lawyers, HR specialists and trainers to offer additional support. Kiltered is a resource for companies and leaders who are ready to do things differently.  Morag is also a director at Broadminded, a community for curious and ambitious women, running events to inspire, educate & support women across all industries.

With a career spanning 20+ years in the creative and tech industry, Mette Davis has co-founded start-ups, and held leadership positions for global networks, boutique creative agencies and a digital transformation consultancy.  Her former clients include British Airways, Mars and McLaren Automotive to name a few.  Mette set up her own business in 2016, partnering with businesses and individuals to help them navigate through change and unleash their full potential.  She works closely with companies to develop robust business strategies that stand the test of time, helping them activate their plans across multiple areas with a suite of practical tools and techniques, including workshop design and facilitation.  Mette has also previously delivered several hugely popular training workshops for Bristol Creative Industries.

Part 1 – Setting the Scene – The business case for D&I

Diversity & Inclusion is a topic that’s rarely out of the news.  But it’s also a topic that makes us feel uncomfortable,  unsure of how to approach it and where to start.  And once we have started, what we should be focusing on and prioritising in our strategic plans.

This first virtual session will help to set you on the right track with your diversity & inclusion efforts, make sense of what it means for businesses and the creative industries specifically, why it matters, and where to start.  We’ll share a balanced perspective on some of the latest research and benefits of writing a business case, and explore different approaches to D&I, including metrics you can use to drive your efforts, all with the goal of creating a more inclusive workplace that will lead to increased diversity, improved team motivation and better business performance.

Part 2 – Making Space for Inclusion – Where do I start?

Whilst many understand the importance of inclusive workspaces and have heard the stats that diversity and inclusion is good for business, a large number of businesses have no idea how to get from where they are now to where they ought to be.

There are many reasons not to change – you lack the expertise, it takes up too much time, you don’t have the money or perhaps you simply do not want to compromise the positive elements of the existing culture? This session will tackle all of these common concerns and equip you with the tools to embark on your inclusion journey with a positive mindset.

Over the course of the session, we will explore why change is hard and what we can do to embrace it to create a better workplace environment for everyone.

Part 3 – Embedding Inclusion into your Culture through your Vision, Mission, Values and Strategy

The 3rd session in the Kiltered Guide to Effective D&I focuses on embedding inclusion into your culture through your vision, mission, values and ultimately your strategy.

We’ll talk about inclusive leadership, what it means and why it’s important for companies who want to achieve genuine inclusion, starting with the definition of your vision, mission and values.  And once created, how it weaves into every element of your strategy and creates value for your business.

We’ll talk about different approaches companies take, with real life examples who have achieved varying levels of success through their efforts, including a deeper dive into the London 2012 Olympics and what we can learn from their approach to D&I.

We’ll also provide some practical guidance to help you on your way.

Part 4 – The Perception Gap – Using data and analytics to increase your chances of success

So you have examined your culture and examined your values but do you actually know how your employees feel about working in your organisation?

Are you surprised that anyone would ever want to leave?

The perception gap is the distance between how you want to come across and how you are ultimately perceived.

In this session, we will look at how data helps businesses close the gap and develop solutions that are responsive to the needs of their people.

Part 5 – Writing your plan and putting it into action

As part of the Kiltered Guide to Effective D&I series, this final virtual session focuses on putting your plan into action.  We’ll provide some practical steps you can take depending on where you are on your journey, as well as a couple of useful tools that will help you on your way to developing an inclusive culture that creates value for the business and motivates your team.

We’ll also help you understand what to expect, things to look out for, and how to approach some of the trickier situations that might arise.  We’ll also share examples to bring it all to life.

The Kiltered Guide to D&I is sold as a block of 5 workshops as the learning builds throughout the series.  Places are £225+VAT for BCI members and £295+VAT for non-members.

Book your place(s) here.