
How to Attract Your Ideal Clients

1st July 2021

When you’re trying to market yourself, it’s not enough just to have a clear avatar, a tagline or a good 60-second speech. Marketing yourself is much more than that, and focusing on a comprehensive marketing approach will help you get better and more sustainable results. 

There are three areas that make your marketing work. And I want to share these with you in the form of a proven framework called BRAVE Marketing that has helped many self employed professionals get more confidence in themselves and their marketing approach in a very short time. The three areas are YOU, your CLIENTS and your MARKETING. 

The first area is YOU. Marketing yourself and marketing an external product, in my opinion. are very different. When you’re selling your own time and expertise, it’s so important that you first master your own self awareness. Many people who talk to me about their challenges tell me that they actually know what marketing strategies to use. They have a clear avatar. They even have a nice slogan. But for some reason, they’re procrastinating or they live in self doubt. That’s a challenge when you’re working for yourself and by yourself. If you’re not mastering your internal belief system, if you don’t have a clear why and you’re not connected to your purpose, or if you’re not clear on your uniqueness and strengths, then all your marketing strategies and theories will not produce optimal results. So I love working with you on getting clear life goals behind your business goals (your reason for doing what you do), removing the limiting beliefs that block you and helping you build a unique business based on your strengths. When the internal stuff is sorted, you’ll start operating with more ease and flow and you’ll know what to do when your demons to pop up again. 

The second area is to clearly identify your CLIENTS and build empathy towards them. People usually call this building your avatar. But I want to take this step a few inches deeper. First of all, how are you choosing your target market? Are you being too vague or wanting to serve everyone? And for some of you, you’re telling me that it’s difficult to segment them using a specific demographic. Well, sometimes it’s about segmenting them on their needs and problems. Whatever your challenge, it is very important to understand who you’re going to serve. And if you can serve more than one market, then the question is not “Who do you want to serve?” but “Who do you want to serve first?” Many times, it’s hard to come up with a sharp marketing campaign, if you’re trying to hit multiple audiences using multiple services all at once. Sometimes you’ve got to stop being opportunistic and start being strategic. Get clear on one group of people and market one service in one marketing campaign. When you’re getting good results, then you’re allowed to target another segment with another campaign. And after you’ve identified that ideal client, then empathise with them emotionally understand their needs and challenge. Layout their journey with you and the clear transformation they will get when they use your service. Remember, most of you are selling something intangible. So working on the customer process and transformation is key to developing a tiered product ladder that will help your audience understand what you sell and what you promise. 

The third area is YOUR MARKETING. This area deals with helping you create an effective one-liner and marketing assets. I also work with you on designing an effective & comprehensive marketing plan. Here I want to highlight the importance of using your own style to market yourself. Many people use templated marketing strategies that are proven for others without getting really clear about their own personalities and marketing styles. When you are not comfortable executing your strategies, you will start to procrastinate or find excuses why it’s impossible. I find that in the beginning, you need to experience wins by doing the strategies that play on your strengths, feature you at your best, and give you fun and enjoyment. In my experience, the best marketing plan is the one you will execute! In my journey building a top-ranked firm marketing 6 coaches, I’ve learned that everyone’s got their own genius… everyone has their own style and their own appeal. Find yours and you’ll find more enjoyment in marketing yourself. Be authentic and the right kinds of leads will be attracted to you. Try to be someone else and you’ll end up frustrated and lost in self doubt.  

These are the 3 areas that will make your marketing approach holistic and effective. If you focus on one without the other, you may feel confused why your hard work is not generating the results you want. Working on the YOU will help you increase your self mastery and be the type of person that will successfully represent your brand. Empathising with your CLIENT will help your core message be at the top of their hearts, not just their minds. And having a comprehensive MARKETING plan with the strategies that suit your style and your strengths will help you enjoy doing what you need to do to grow your business with consistency, confidence, and flow.

If you want a fresh perspective about your marketing approach, let’s have a talk. I’d love to connect with you. Email me at [email protected] 


About The Brave Zone / Cynthia Wihardja

I combine psychology and proven business acumen to help self-employed professionals attract their ideal clients.

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