
Solve your business challenges in the Bristol Mastermind Group

11th November 2018

Mastermind Group Taster event for Bristol business owners and managers

Solve business problems and be proactive with new business opportunities by enrolling in the Mastermind Group. Your own capacity for achieving results multiplies exponentially.

The Mastermind Group comprises like-minded business owners and managers from non-competing businesses. As a member you benefit from, and extend, the cumulative knowledge and experience of the group.

Achieving transformational results using this systematic approach to collaborative working was given a label Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich (over 100 million copies sold). His “Mastermind Principle” is now being offered by Coaches and Consultants, Chris Kenber and Christophe Stourton.

The benefits of this Mastermind Group

  • Find solutions to your challenges faster and more effectively with “the board you could never afford”.
  • A wide range of experience and knowledge at your disposal from a diverse group
  • Instantly gain different perspectives on what you want to achieve and how to go about it.
  • “Seats” on the Mastermind group are restricted to businesses that don’t directly compete, so you can be open about your challenges.
  • Being completely open allows the development of the understanding needed to make, and receive, meaningful contributions.
  • Meeting every 10 times per year (every 4-5 weeks), is a systematic way to ensure you spend essential time “on” your business.
  • In the Mastermind Group, members are accountable to each. As a business leader, who else holds you accountable for what you want to achieve?
  • Be in the company of like-minds who know the challenges you face and how lonely it can be to make decisions that affect your livelihood and the people that depend on you.
  • Other “masterminds” may have existing solutions adaptable for your challenges. Move faster, with confidence in a solution with a proven track record.
  • This is an opportunity to keep your own passion alive through supporting other people.
  • The interdependency of the Mastermind Group and the financial commitment you make, maintains your commitment; everyone continuously benefits.

What’s this got to do with the Bristol Creative Cluster?

For competing businesses, operating in the same sector, to work together in the promotion of Bristol as a world-leading Createch city is very challenging. The openness of The Bristol Mastermind Groups allows you to devote a regular proportion of Group time to address Bristol Cluster challenges and opportunities. The facilitators will feed the discussions into the Cluster via Paul Appleby, director and former Chairman of Bristol Media.

How to join the Mastermind Group

Explore the way the Mastermind Group Works at a Taster Meeting on 7th February from 08.00-12.00 in the Meeting Room at Bakesmiths’ Coffee Shop, Whiteladies Road, Bristol.  To reserve a place: go to

For more information about the way the group works, contact:

Christophe Stourton: [email protected] Tel: 07703 209 223

Chris Kenber: [email protected] Tel: 07834 226 583


About Bristol Creative Industries

Bristol Creative Industries is the membership network that supports the region's creative sector to learn, grow and connect, driven by the common belief that we can achieve more collectively than alone. 

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