
Six is truly proud to have signed the Tech Talent Charter

9th April 2021

Writer Marie Shear famously defined feminism as “The radical notion that women are people.” What’s so striking about this statement is that it’s completely indisputable. And yet women, who (unsurprisingly) make up around 50% of the population, are still massively underrepresented when it comes to the ‘people’ who work in tech.

That’s why we’ve officially joined the BBC, Channel 4, Sky, Lloyds Banking Group and about 300 other companies in pledging to address inequality in the UK technology sector and to drive inclusivity in a practical, measurable way.

Tech Talent Charter is most definitely not just about ticking a box for us – it really does mean a lot. In fact, we created the TTC’s annual Diversity in Tech report last year, as part of our ongoing support for this hugely important cause.

Office Politics

According to the TTC, the proportion of women working in tech in the UK registers at just 16% – and it’s vital for us to redress the balance.

So, we’ve committed to creating a safe environment where Sixers can become curious about tech, embrace digital mindsets and feel inspired to take these learnings into their work and beyond.

Not only that, we’ve submitted our data for the 2020 annual report and we’ll be benchmarking ourselves against other signatories to see how we shape up. We’re also looking at how we can shine a light on diversity both internally and externally.

Taking care of business

Research published by shows that more diverse teams tend not only to be more productive but also more profitable1. And First Round Capital found that, over 10 years, teams with at least one female co-founder performed 63% better than male-only teams2. This obviously makes perfect sense, as they benefit from varied points of view, allowing them to make smarter decisions when it comes to addressing a naturally-diverse market.

We strongly believe that the glass ceiling women have been hitting for years is now more like a mirror being held up to society and that it’s our duty to ensure all talent is fully represented in the digital realm. Why? Because it’s undeniably the right thing to do.

By targeting the younger generation, educators and tech companies are creating a new, dynamic workforce of successful techies that will help change the perception of the industry. These new role models will smash stereotypes and encourage others to consider tech career opportunities from a younger age. This means a shake-up for the industry, where successful women will play a much larger role in advancing the industry.

We seriously look forward to this time, when the TTC’s existence is no longer even necessary, but until then, we will keep working hard to cultivate change and improve diversity. If you’re a business owner that has tech roles within your organisation and you want to make the same commitment, join us and sign up to the Tech Talent Charter today to help ensure a future where diversity, inclusion and equality aren’t such radical notions after all.


About Six

A brand, culture and digital product agency designing experiences that shape better businesses.

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