
Press Releases – when is the best time to pitch?

14th March 2023

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We’ve shared many tips on crafting the perfect press releases here at Carnsight Communications and even what to avoid when pitching to journalists. What we haven’t done so much is provide detail on when is the best time to pitch your news. In this blog, we take a look at the most effective days and times to pitch, along with days to avoid. We also look into how current news events will affect the results of your pitching.

Bear in mind that this is based on averages and stats – so these are guidelines only, rather than rules to be set in stone.

Best days of the week to pitch?

So, you’ve crafted a great, newsworthy press release, but you’re finding the results aren’t quite what you’d expected. This could be down to a simple factor such as the time or day of the week you’ve sent it.

When is best to send your press releases to publications? According to many studies, the best day to send your news is on a Thursday. Press releases emailed on a Thursday tend to have the highest open rate.

Many people think sending press releases at the start of a new week would be the most effective time. Actually, Mondays are actually considered one of the worst days of the week to pitch press releases. This is likely to be down to the fact that people are catching up on a Monday, with emails and planning out their workload for the week ahead. Journalists tend to have overloaded inboxes on a Monday so your news tends to get lost amongst the mayhem. Also, it’s best to avoid Fridays when sharing press releases.

Best time to pitch?

So, we’ve looked at the best days to pitch press releases, now let’s look further in to what times of the day are considered most effective.

This is a really important factor when pitching your news. It will play a key part in your news being published.

Studies have shown that the best time of day to send press releases is between 10am and 2pm. Editors tend to open about one third of all emails received between this time. It appears sending press releases before 10am is less effective and open rates drop significantly between 6am and 10am.

Open rates considerably drop off after lunch time so try to stick within the 10am – 2pm window. Also keep in mind to be unique in the timing of the hour you send out your press releases. For example, many companies will pitch on the hour (11am) or at half past the hour. If you send at 13 minutes past you’re more likely not to be swallowed up by competition.

Be mindful of current news events and any holidays!

Using the above times and days of the week to pitch is likely to increase your chances of publication. However, it’s important to keep in mind current events and any holidays that may affect your chances also. Hold off pitching in times where the media are likely to have a focus elsewhere. Are there special holidays such as Christmas or coronations to be mindful of? Are there any breaking news stories or current events that are happening at this time? If so, your news will be lost. So these times are worth avoiding at all costs as your news will not be seen as a priority.

Keeping this information in mind will help your press releases get the results you want.

Remember there should always be a clear angle in your press releases, meaning a journalist should have a reason to cover the news and to tailor it depending on who you’re pitching to. Never, ever send it out to a blanket list. And always research who you’re sending it to and make sure it’s relevant. Otherwise, you’re likely to be junked.

Some more great tips on writing press releases can be found below but if you’d like any further tips, check out our frequently asked questions or FAQs about PR.


About Carnsight Communications

At Carnsight Communications we create strategies and campaigns to showcase our clients’ brilliant work through PR, content and social media. We help them get noticed by the right audience, at the right time. We specialise in creative agency PR.

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