Shaped By Agency Member

Member Bio

We are an independent creative agency. We help scaling tech companies stand out embracing their bold through creative thinking and exceptional design.

We put creativity at the heart of what we do because we believe in the undeniable connection between creativity and business outcome.

Actually, it’s more than a belief. It’s a fact: Creativity delivers results.

It puts invention in your marketing and chooses the original over ordinary. That’s why it makes you stand out more, get talked about, become stuck in customers’ minds and recalled when they’re ready to buy.


The brands we work with are ‘in’ tech, and the way they are using it is blurring the lines of business – and it’s exciting as hell. They are making people’s lives easier, exciting, safer and more sustainable. That’s bold and that’s the story we help them to tell.


B2B marketing is heading somewhere new, and we’re taking changemakers on this journey. People want to feel, think and be seen as people.

So, we show how useful it is. How it’s relevant. Why it’s needed. Because that’s how you connect with your audience. By showing how you fit into their world – in a relatable, emotive, human way.

It’s more memorable, more effective, more buyable.

Key People

Nick Farrar


Tom Ovens

Creative Director

Wei Kee

Client Services Director

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