Modular Agency Member

Human First Technology for Global Audiences

Member Bio

We help organisations raise profile, empower communities, communicate impact and change behaviours.

Combining strategic thinking with innovative technology and a hearts and minds design philosophy, we create engaging brands, sustainable websites, apps and animations for local and global audiences.

Working with organisations making a big impact on a global and local scale, INGOs, Charities and SMEs, we help you understand not only who your customers and audiences are, but how you can best meet their needs to create engaging, kinetic digital relationships.

We’re human centred. ​​We design not just for functional, but emotional needs…with empathy and understanding… so that each interaction is in-tune with the audience’s emotional drivers. Never forgetting the purpose of the project.

Working together to make long lasting, impactful change.



Key People

Emma Millington

Emma Milington is CEO and co-owner of Modular, a human centred digital agency based in Bristol. Modular supports local and global marketing teams to deliver products, services and communications to highly specialised, niche and diverse audiences across the globe. At Modular, Emma is passionate about bridging the gap between humans and technology. She loudly bangs the drum for customer centred, human first brands, marketing and products.

Adam Millington

Adam Millington is Founder, Strategic & Creative Director at Modular. A Human Centred designer, Adam designs not just for functional, but emotional drivers. He seeks to combine organisational objectives with audiences needs to create brands that resonate with multiple audiences and functional, easy to understand, usable websites and apps. At Modular, Adam is constantly exploring new technologies and looking to understand how we can innovate consciously and responsibly.

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