
Friends of Saint Paul’s Library

13th January 2020

Friends of Saint Paul’s Library (FOSPL), was set up in April 2019. We hold monthly meetings and began by organising community events. We were delighted that poet and writer Lemn Sissay was able to join us in April, read some of his poetry. One of the most important comments he made was about how – 30 years ago – his career started in libraries up and down the country. He stressed that libraries were cultural hubs, places where great art was shared by all.

FOSPL holds that principle very close. In fact, it is what prompted an application to the National Lottery’s awards for all scheme. We were successful – so, we have a brilliant programme of free activities and events starting from January, which we hope will attract old and new faces to St Paul’s Library.

Programme of Create Culture Club events and activities January 2020. All commencing St .Paul’s Library.

Monday 13th Jan 5-7 pm Creative writing Life writing – Akulah Agbami.

Tuesday 14th Jan – 24th March 5- 7pm   Weekly Arts and crafts for adults – Carol Sherman – Free and open to all.

Thursday 16th Jan – 19th March Open Mic Poetry Night

Thursday 16th Jan – 19th March , 5 – 6:30pm Monthly International Book Club – Rolling facilitator

Monday Jan 13th 10 – 12pm & Thursday 16th  10-12 pm Creative writing in St Paul’s

Saturday 18th Jan at 2.30-3.30pm Tan Teddy

All CCC events and activities are FREE and OPEN to ALL and take place at St. Pauls Library 94 Grosvenor Rd, Bristol BS2 8XJ Please beware capacity is limited for some events please book to avoid disappointment.  Visit or click on eventbrite link. If you would like further information or to or attend FOSPL meetings please email: [email protected]

Join in the great art @ Saint Pauls Library


About Judith Davis

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