
Focused Minds = Organisational Excellence; Vision Keynote with Ros Boughtflower

15th February 2019

Evidence shows that for around 47% of the time our minds drift away from where we want them to be. What impact is this having on your productivity and wellbeing?

Discover why high performing organisations such as Google, Ogilvy and Lego use corporate based mindfulness to unlock the potential of their teams and achieve measurable improvements in the critical areas of:

  • Performance and effectiveness
  • Focus and attention
  • Creativity and collaboration
  • Personal resilience and stress management

This session with Ros provides a unique opportunity to hear about the latest approaches to performance enhancement and wellbeing from the field of neuroscience and learn about the most recent research into cutting edge approaches to organisational effectiveness.

You’ll leave with…

  • an understanding of what mindfulness is and how it is beneficial to both the individual and the workplace in the context of the modern working environment;
  • an understanding of your own neurological wiring, so that you can override automatic mind wandering, reactivity and habitual behaviours and make better decisions in every moment;
  • practical skills and resources to:
    • develop a personal mind training habit straight away, using an interactive App, which will be provided for all participants, with an emphasis on relaxation, focus and clarity;
    • make immediate changes to working practices following the session, in order to improve mental effectiveness both in the workplace and beyond and enable sustainable high performance and resilience.

This Vision Keynote takes place at 12.30-14.30 on Thursday 28th February in the riverside office of one of our approved legal suppliers, Foot Anstey, 2 Glass Wharf, Bristol BS2 0FR.  Tickets are priced at £55+VAT for members and £80+VAT for non-members which includes a networking lunch.

Booking is via Eventbrite

About Ros:

Ros is an experienced coach, facilitator, change agent and mindfulness teacher with over 25 years experience.  She has worked in and with the consumer and creative sectors around innovation and mindfulness across a wide range of businesses and charities such as Lego, Body Shop, LVMH, Ogilvy, Conde Nast, Greenpeace, Triodos Bank and the NHS as well as small regional organisations.  Her passion is the transformational power of mindfulness.  Her joyful and impactful approach leaves a lasting impression with the many people she engages with!


About Bristol Creative Industries

Bristol Creative Industries is the membership network that supports the region's creative sector to learn, grow and connect, driven by the common belief that we can achieve more collectively than alone. 

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