
Seminar | Digital + Participatory Experiences


23rd Mar 2022





Join us on Wednesday 23 March, 1 – 3.00pm for the latest in our series of online interactive seminars. For this one, we will be exploring participatory practices in a digital age – how to excite, and include from a distance.

The pandemic presented many new challenges to many organisations, and we had no choice to be responsive. In this seminar, we’ll learn from those whose practises evolved, and discovered innovative and exciting new ways to engage with audiences and participants – and we’ll hear how they managed to keep their values at the heart of their work.

what will I gain?
• Insight into how practitioners have adapted for the digital world
• Understand the benefits of this work both for participants and for your organisations
• Explore how to successfully engage participants
• Learn from the different approaches that our speakers have taken in going digital
• Opportunity for you to discuss, and learn from peers, as to the successes and challenges of this type of work

who is this seminar for?
acta seminars are free and open to everyone. However, this may be specifically relevant to you if you work in any of these fields:
• Theatre
• Artists and companies across all arts disciplines
• Students, academics and universities focussed on the arts, technologies and communities
• Gaming enthusiasts and professionals
• Those interested in the power of community and theatre
• AI, AR, VR enthusiasts and professionals

Book your free place here Learn more about acta here

About Acta Community Theatre

We believe that theatre belongs to everyone, and everyone has a story to tell. acta creates a place where everyone’s story matters, where individual opinions and experiences count, and are valued by others.

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