
Get brilliant at going Live – an Instagram Live masterclass


19th Oct 2021





Going Live on Instagram is a brilliant way to connect in an authentic way with your followers on Instagram in a format that’s different to feed posts, Stories and Reels. Connecting with you in real time.

Whether you go Live on your own or collaborate with other accounts in Live Rooms, you can use Instagram Lives in so many different ways to engage and connect with your followers.

Lives are great for engaging your audience, collaborating with other accounts, demoing products, selling your products and creating original and authentic content that can’t be replicated elsewhere.

But do you get the fear with Lives, does the idea of live broadcasting stop you from going for it? If you know going Live would be great for your business but you’ve been holding back then….

Join me for this online session where you’re going to learn:

  • Why Instagram Lives are great for your business
  • What makes a good Live and what mistakes to avoid
  • What topics to do a Live on
  • Who to go Live with
  • How to promote your upcoming Live
  • How to ensure your Live runs smoothly – kit/ lighting/ feeling prepared
  • How to use all the features available during your Live – sharing slides/ photos/ video during the Live, sharing questions
  • How to save your Live to IGTV and share to your grid and Stories

The session will be recorded if you can’t make the session live

Book Here

About Lou Chudley - Spark Social

An Instagram specialist offering training, advice and mentoring to help you make the most out of using Instagram for your business and organisation.

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