
AI Fundamentals


20th Sep 2024




Gain a solid understanding of artificial intelligence concepts and learn how to critically evaluate AI technologies in this two-day course run by Bath Spa University.

  • Understand the core concepts and techniques of AI.
  • Develop practical skills through hands-on projects and case studies.
  • Learn about different AI applications and how they are transforming industries.

AI Fundamentals provides you with a solid foundation in artificial intelligence (AI) concepts, techniques, and applications. Through hands-on activities and expert insights, you’ll gain the skills needed to understand and apply AI in various contexts.

You’ll learn how different AI applications are transforming a variety of industries and how to critically evaluate AI technologies and their implications.

This course is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about AI. It will take place on Friday 20th September and Friday 27th September, 10am – 4pm online. Tickets are £199 per person and you can find out more below!

Book your place here

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