
eckhoMedia now accepts the Bristol Pound

1st June 2018

The stunning city of Bristol has its own currency known as the Bristol Pound, recently eckhoMedia signed up to receive Bristol Pounds and support the work the organisation does in promoting Bristol and helping to keep some of the money spent in the city, in the city.

Bristol has many unique qualities that sets it apart from other cities in the UK, these include its community spirit, the wide range of creative people and businesses and a freethinking attitude which makes Bristol an amazing place to live, work and visit.

A lot of the qualities of the city are created and supported by the local businesses, shops and organisations that operate within the city, the adoption of Bristol Pounds helps support local independent businesses by allowing customers to spend locally and businesses can also spend locally when working with other businesses across the city.

With Bristol Pounds less money leaves the city, the money stays in the city and it encourages customers and businesses to use Bristol based companies, like ours for example when looking for a web design in Bristol.


The possibilities are endless on the types of business and places that can take the Bristol Pound, did we mention eckhoMedia now accepts the Bristol Pound? From Business Services, Cafes and events to Workspaces there are endless places to spend the cities currency.

As a Bristol based web design agency we felt it was a great idea to support Bristol Pound and its currency plus the benefits that have been opened up to us including working with other like-minded businesses across the city.


Now that we accept the Bristol currency businesses and individuals can opt to pay in digital Bristol Pounds, this can be achieved through the App or website portal. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept cash notes, even though they look fantastic, but due to the nature of the business it’s more convenient to pay digitally.


When this article was written the Bristol Pound is widely seen as the most successful local currencies in circulation within the UK. Since it started more than £5 million Bristol Pounds have been spent in the city of Bristol, that’s just fantastic! Of that money around 80,000 transactions have bene made by text, app and online. The existence of the Bristol Pound is clear proof that communities work and community currency works to create a stronger and fairer local economy.

View the eckhoMedia profile on Bristol Pound.


About eckhoMedia Ltd

With many years of experience in the web design and web development industry, we are passionate about the websites that we create and work closely with our clients to take a practical, professional and friendly approach to web design and development.

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