Originally posted to www.carnsight.com
Bad PR practice helps no one – not the PR pro, not the journalists they’ve liaised with along the way and certainly not the client, who’s invested in what’s turned out to be a negative experience. It certainly doesn’t help the industry. Twice in the past week I’ve spoken to someone who’s been burnt by a bad PR experience. I’ve tried to help both of them to understand what might need to change in their PR approach and what PR potential there might be by taking a different tack.
PR is an art not a science, and there are lots of reasons why things don’t go to plan. But, based on what I’ve discussed recently, here are some of the things I’d consider when you decide to embark on a PR campaign.
We work on shorter projects and longer-term PR campaigns. There are lots of benefits to engaging a PR agency for a sustained period, including the fact that national opportunities don’t always happen within a neat, four-week period, and profiles need to be built over time. However, one of the people I spoke to was tied into a six month contract for a launch campaign with no break clause. Things weren’t going brilliantly and, as a start-up, that was putting a lot of financial pressure on him over a sustained period. Definitely check if you have the option to terminate during the period. We usually work to a three month initial period before reviewing. That gives the option to break on either side.
If the PR agency has done its homework and understands your business and offering before starting PR activity, there shouldn’t be a long lag in coverage coming in. We have monthly targets and these start from month one. It’s worth asking about timings at the start of any engagement, and if things seem to be taking a long time, always ask why.
Another thing I’ve heard is PR contacts disappearing for a while, or not being in touch with clients regularly, leaving them feeling burnt by the experience. There’s always a balance and, as a PR pro, you don’t want to be a hassle. However, you should also be updating clients regularly on activity, and where you are with pitches and opportunities. We tend to set a bi-weekly call if we can, so we at least have something that clients can work around, but we’re frequently in touch over email and/or text if required. And we have live status documents and capture coverage real-time, so they can be accessed at any stage.
It’s easy to be dazzled by big brands that PR agencies have worked for (we’re all guilty of focussing on the big fish!) but there’s a real difference between a PR campaign for a household name and the launch of a start up. Even if you’re in the same industry. What’s useful is seeing what’s been achieved for businesses similar to yours. Also check on when campaigns were run – titles evolve and some disappear, so what was achieved five years ago might not be possible today.
If you’re expecting consumer coverage and get sector only, you might not feel like the investment’s been worth it. There may be a reason for it, so it’s worth having an upfront conversation about what could be achieved. Although you should never go with anyone who guarantees certain PR coverage, you should work with a PR consultancy which is happy to discuss what could potentially be achieved ahead of any investment, and why consumer media may or may not be realistic.
We’re always happy to sense check a PR approach to avoid you feeling burnt. And if you want to hear more on the topic, here are seven tips every small business should know about PR. And if you want to hear EVEN more, we have a new eBook: Powerfully Practical PR.
Let me start by saying that if you are one of the lucky few that is completely happy with the copywriting talent within your business, firstly HUGE congratulations and hang on to them with both hands (maybe not literally!), and secondly, this post probably isn’t for you.
However, if you are one of the many businesses that aren’t completely happy with ALL of the copy written for your business, read on!
Copywriting for your business – in-house vs outsourcing
Coming up with the words for your marketing can happen in a few different ways. Some people prefer to maintain full control by using existing employees to write their company’s copy for them, or sometimes in smaller businesses, by doing the writing themselves. With the advent of AI, this option may on the surface seem more appealing than ever.
With the support of AI or without it, however, coming up with the right things to say about your own business is a very difficult thing to do. Even professional copywriters find that hard. And even if you know exactly what you want to say, are you sure it’s what your audience wants to hear, or is it what you think your audience wants to hear?
The other option for producing copy for your business is to outsource to an external copywriter and here is why that might be your best option.
5 Reasons to hire a copywriter
Find your copywriter match
Despite there being so many benefits to hiring a copywriter, they only apply if you find the right person for your business. It is worth doing your research and paying your due diligence by asking to see endorsements and reviewing their previous work or their own blog, to see if you think they will be a fit. Not all copywriters are the same, but when you find a relationship that works, you can reap all of the above benefits and more from hiring a copywriter.
If you’re ready to go to the next step, you might find my previous blog posts, FAQs about outsourcing copywriting, and how to prepare for hiring a copywriter for your business blog, useful.
Only yesterday, learnings from a PR campaign that was successful 20 years ago were brought up in a discussion about a current strategy. To adapt a phrase, 20 years is a long time in PR. Even 20 days can change everything and, actually, 20 minutes, in some cases. So, while there are some enduring themes in what will always drive success, it’s also important to understand that the media landscape has changed beyond all recognition over the last few years. That means what worked even a couple of years ago may not work today. Here are some of the reasons why.
Once upon a time (even just a few years ago), if you wanted to do PR, you’d engage a PR professional. That does still happen in many cases (hello, Carnsight Communications), but public relations is no longer just the preserve of PR pros.
Many businesses – particularly smaller ones – are choosing to do their own PR. The rise of digital pitching has made it even easier for DIY PR, with good results. In fact, we endorse this, and we’ve even written an eBook giving people a blueprint to do it themselves: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Powerfully-Practical-PR-step-step-ebook/dp/B0CQ8CGZFZ
There are also more journalists who are either switching from journalism to PR or embracing PR roles alongside freelance journalist roles. All of which means it’s a much more competitive landscape today, and more people are competing for those column inches than before.
We sometimes hark back to former publications in the office – some of which have only only ceased publication in the last few years. It’s now a well-worn path for magazines under pressure to start by reducing the frequency of their publication, and then move online only. And, in some cases, to sadly close their doors all together.
Publications are increasingly struggling for reader attention for many reasons, but the biggest one is probably the rise and rise of social media channels. So, there are fewer outlets each year to pitch to. Whereas in some sectors nine or 10 publications might have featured a story back in 2019, now there might only be four or five to pitch to.
There are also new media and channels to embrace. As some outlets close, others open and new platforms are launched. Some don’t stick – remember Clubhouse? – but some, like podcasts, find a place in our daily lives, giving brands more opportunity to join the conversation.
That means adapting processes and approaches, and also being ready to embrace new channels. A campaign that was front page news on the Sunday papers just a few years ago might not find its home there now. And it’s a constant evolution – the next big thing is probably just around the corner.
We’re often asked about our Black Books as PR pros. Contacts remain important and maintaining strong, trusted relationships with journalists is paramount. Having worked in PR for 15 years, some of my media relationships have endured throughout that time.
However, there are far fewer staff (permanent) journalists on publications now and many more freelancers to engage with. And, as the news agenda can change so quickly, we’re just as often pitching to journalists we’ve never worked with before.
While Black Books aren’t dead, just as important is finding and engaging with a new journalist contact, and crafting pitches and comments that catch their eye. It’s also much harder to entertain and catch up with journalists in person nowadays – not least because many are based remotely for at least part of the week.
As I’ve said before, commercial content has its place, and good paid-for content can be valuable both for the reader and for the brand behind it. Whilst we’re primarily focussed on editorial or earned coverage, we do also work on some advertorial content. Our rule is to ensure we apply an editorial lens to make any advertorial copy as compelling as we can.
There’s no doubt that advertorial or commercial content is on the rise. We’ve observed this most sharply in local media. According to the Charitable Journalist Project, there are fewer local titles now than at any point since the 18th Century. That’s an astonishing statistic. From 2009 – 2019, 320 local titles closed with a decline of 70% in advertising revenue. And that’s even before Covid took hold.
With fewer titles and fewer staff working on those titles, there’s more scrutiny on the news pieces that can be featured editorially. So there’s much more of an emphasis on stories that will perform well digitally (and these are not usually about the opening of a local church fete). That means for anything else, you may be offered a paid-for option for your story.
Those are just a few of the changes we’ve experienced that mean that what’s gone before can no longer be a predictor of what’s to come. And don’t forget to layer on the political landscape and particularly news agenda, which changes so frequently.
Originally published to www.carnsight.com
In our ‘two minutes with’ blog posts, you can get to know the members of the Carnsight Communications PR and Social Media team even better. Today, we’re introducing our newest team member, Ellen Petit.
Ellen will be with us for two months over the summer, learning all things PR and Social Media.
Name: Ellen Petit
Job title: Summer Intern
Joined Carnsight: 3rd June 2024
Why PR: I find this sector super interesting! It’s a constantly evolving landscape and you’re always given opportunities to learn something new. There is endless connection with other people from all different walks of life, and there are so many stories to be shared!
Preferred social media channel? Instagram (but TikTok has always been a guilty pleasure)
How do you have your coffee in the morning? I love a mocha – the more sugar the better!
Dream job as a child? I’ve always wanted to be a TV host, in true Graham Norton style.
Sum yourself up in three words: chatty, curious, caring
What’s your star sign? Gemini
Where did you grow up? I was born in Worcester and raised in the West Midlands, before coming to university in Bristol.
Favourite book to date? I can never pick a favourite! One I’ve loved recently is Revenge by Yoko Ogawa – it’s a short story collection, but all the stories are interlinked with a gothic twist.
Favourite movie? Forever and always: Kung Fu Panda
Favourite dog breed? Bernese mountain dogs – so fluffy!
Do you have any pets? I am a mum to the cutest cat! She’s called Juno but goes by Lady J when she’s feeling fancy.
Favourite word? Crackle. It has the perfect crunch.
Least favourite word? Moist
Ideal music playlist: Depends on the day! Little Simz, SZA and Rihanna are always most shuffled.
Dream Holiday Destination: Anywhere in Southern France
Any role models? My dad. He’s a funny guy!
Something about you we would never be able to guess: I love to DJ – currently I mix drum and bass but I’d like to get into UK Garage!
Name 3 things that make you happy: My housemates, any pub quiz, a nice takeaway.
Feel like getting to know the rest of the Carnsight team a little more? Spend two minutes with Alexandra, Leigh-Ann or Jess.
Originally posted to www.carnsight.com
Have you ever wondered how social media managers usually spend their time?
I hadn’t really thought about it until recently while reading a blog from our awesome senior account manager, Leigh-Ann, about how she spends her time in the office.
A little bit of content creation, audience engagement, emails, research, scheduling with Planable and more content creation. But it’s so much more than that.
Being a social media manager is like being the conductor of a digital orchestra, where each platform represents a different instrument. The role is dynamic, fast-paced, and requires a blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and analytical prowess. Here’s a sneak peak into a typical day in my life as a social media manager at Carnsight.
Morning: Coffee and Planning
My day in the office technically starts at 8:30 am, but first things first, before I go in the office, I take my partner in crime, “Double G,” aka “The Greatest Gatsby,” for a walk. This means I always arrive early at the office.
However, my day only really starts when I have my first strong cup of coffee. While sipping on the coffee, I quickly scan emails and notifications. I respond to any emails in my inbox and write a to-do list for the day. I make sure to figure out what I need to prioritise each day and start those tasks immediately. Usually, the first task is to review the content calendar, ensuring that all posts scheduled for the day align with the overall strategy. This is also usually the time to catch up on any changes in the social media landscape, such as algorithm changes or trending topics.
Mid-Morning: Content Planning, Creation and More Coffee
Once I have a clear understanding of what’s working, I transition into the creative part of my job. I aim to be highly productive in the mornings and focus on tackling all the creative tasks by midday. This includes crafting posts, selecting or creating visual content, and writing compelling captions. I primarily use Canva for most of the content creation for our various clients. The goal is to create content that is visually appealing and resonates with our client’s target audience. This can involve creating a series of Facebook posts, designing graphics for Facebook and LinkedIn, or making a quick reel for Instagram. While being creative, chocolate and coffee are a must.
I usually take my lunch break at 12:30 pm at Carnsight. During my break, I like to walk through the fields of Marshfield with my dog, while listening to a podcast or some Taylor Swift tunes. After the walk, I grab a panini and some much-needed chocolate from the Country Store in Marshfield. If you haven’t been there yet, you are missing out
Afternoon: Campaigns & Collabs
In the afternoon, I typically focus on managing ongoing campaigns and brainstorming with the team for upcoming blog posts and content ideas. I use Planable to schedule more posts, draft blog articles, and update clients’ websites.
I also closely monitor our paid social media campaigns, making adjustments to ad spend, targeting parameters, and creative elements based on real-time performance data. As the day comes to a close, I ensure that the content for the next day is scheduled and that all emails are answered before I head home at 4:30 pm.
Being a social media manager involves a blend of creativity, strategy, and continuous learning. It requires staying ahead of trends, understanding audience behaviour, and creating content that not only engages but also drives business goals. Each day presents new challenges and opportunities, making it an exciting and rewarding career.
If you’re uncertain about investing in a social media manager? Check out our blog on this topic.
When it comes to marketing copywriting for a business, the most obvious starting point is talking about the features and benefits of the company’s product or service. If you’re lucky, the business will have a lot of benefits so you can find a lot to say, but when you’ve ticked off every single one, what do you do? Start from the beginning again? While repetition is a good thing, there are ways to repeat yourself that work well, and other ways that are quite frankly, boring. Finding new angles to talk about your features and benefits is a great way to keep the copywriting pipeline full and interesting!
What is an angle in marketing copy?
If you’re not sure what I mean when I talk about finding new angles, I mean finding new ways to introduce the same message. Probably the easiest way to explain this is to give you an example.
Let’s say your company sells furniture. You have talked about all the different types of furniture you sell, why the items are of such good quality and value for money, but then what? One new angle you might consider is to quote the latest home interior trends to hit the market. Or you could talk about the latest report or newest statistics on how people’s posture is affected by the furniture they use and highlight relevant products in your range that might offer a solution. Or perhaps, if you have a sustainable range, you could talk about the latest government targets, or the most up to date statistics on recycling furniture – and use that to introduce your solution.
How many angles can there be?
You’d be forgiven for thinking that you will run out of angles as quickly as you will run out of features and benefits. But the beauty of angles is that they change all the time. There are new reports and statistics being released regularly. There are national and industry news reports about different sectors every day, and the socio-economic context we’re all operating in is changing all the time.
Finding the best angle for your copy
So how do you come up with angles and keep them fresh and interesting for your audience? Here are a few prompts to give you some ideas.
Still struggling to find new copywriting angles consistently?
Hopefully this quick guide will give you some inspiration when it comes to finding new ways to talk about the good things that you do. However, if you’re still struggling to find the time and effort needed to consistently research and create new angles, it might be worth talking to a freelance copywriter. I have written for some of my customers for years and still consistently come up with new angles and new ways of getting their messages across, so they don’t have to.
If you would like some support with your business blogs, feature articles, press releases, or content for your company LinkedIn page, feel free to drop me an e-mail at [email protected] to book in an exploratory call, or receive my price list.
JMP Partners with Wesport to encourage Women and Girls to get active through extension of ‘Bristol Girls Can’ Campaign
JMP, a Bristol-based creative content and campaigns agency, is thrilled to announce its partnership with Wesport to drive the inspiring ‘Bristol Girls Can‘ campaign forward into 2024 and 2025. This collaboration marks a new milestone in empowering women and girls across Bristol to embrace physical activity and lead healthier lifestyles.
‘Bristol Girls Can’, is the local activation of the widely acclaimed Sport England ‘This Girl Can’ campaign, has been successfully run for the past nine years under the stewardship of Bristol City Council. Now, Wesport, the Active Partnership for the West of England, takes the reins to continue the impactful work of encouraging movement, fostering confidence, and building community among women and girls in the region.
JMP’s responsibilities include campaign development, messaging, content creation, social media engagement, and website management.
The ‘This Girl Can’ campaign seeks to tell the real stories of women and girls who get active or play sport in the way that’s right for them, for all shapes, sizes and abilities. This campaign is aimed to create a supportive and inclusive environment where women and girls feel encouraged, empowered, and celebrated for their participation in physical activities.
“We believe in the power of community and collective action to drive positive change,” said Steve Nelson, CEO of Wesport. “Together with our key partners, we are committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity, fun, and empowerment that inspires women and girls across Bristol to lead active, healthy lives.”
Managing Partner at JMP, Matthew Joy, also added: “We are incredibly excited to partner with Wesport on the ‘Bristol Girls Can’ campaign. This initiative is not just about promoting physical activity; it’s about creating a sense of community across the Bristol area for women and girls and to inspire positive change and one we are excited to play a part in with other key local partners”.
The partnership invites community members to join the conversation, share their stories, and contribute to the campaign’s ongoing success.
Individuals are encouraged to reach out via email at [email protected] to share their experiences, and insights around the local challenges that women and girls face in accessing movement and physical activity, as well as those that are already active to share what works for you and what got you started.
As part of the campaign there will be a newly formed professional network community with an initial event being held on the 26th June. This network will be created to bring together organisations from across the city, all with a common goal of inspiring women and girls to get active across Bristol.
About JMP:
JMP is a Bristol-based creative content and campaigns agency dedicated to creating impactful storytelling and engaging content for brands and organisations. With a passion for creativity and innovation, JMP partners with clients to deliver compelling campaigns that resonate with audiences and drive measurable results.
About Wesport:
Wesport is the Active Partnership for the West of England, serving the communities of BANES, Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire. As a sports charity, Wesport is committed to promoting physical activity, fostering inclusivity, and improving the health and well-being of individuals across the region.
For more information about the Bristol Girls Can campaign and upcoming initiatives, follow on social media and visit the website.
Web: bristolgirlscan.co.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/bristolgirlscan
For any inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Originally posted to www.carnsight.com
Your reputation is worth its weight in gold. For this reason, Public Relations has become the secret sauce for companies aiming to stand out.
But PR isn’t just about firing off press releases or swooping in to save the day during a crisis. It’s about weaving a killer story, building connections, and earning trust across the board.
One of the best ways you can unlock the full power of PR is by really nurturing a culture of PR within your business.
So, what exactly does it mean to nurture a culture of PR, and why is it such a big deal for businesses? Let’s dig in.
Getting to Grips with a Culture of PR
At its core, a culture of PR vibe is all about the energy, beliefs, and habits within your business that put transparency, authenticity, and keeping the chatter alive front and centre. It’s about engraining the idea that every chat, whether with customers, teammates, investors, or the media, is a chance to shape how people see you and double down on your brand and reputation.
The Building Blocks of a PR Culture
Case Studies: Companies Leading the Way
A great example of a company building a culture of PR into the business is Patagonia. Known for its commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, Patagonia has built a strong PR culture built on a foundation of transparency, activism, and ethical business practices.
Innocent Drinks is another great example. From the get-go, Innocent has positioned itself as a fun, approachable brand that’s all about making healthy living easy and enjoyable. Innocent has a knack for storytelling. They don’t just sell smoothies; they tell stories about their journey, their values, and the impact they’re making in the world.
Lastly, let’s talk Surreal. Surreal Cereals’ culture of PR is a testament to their creativity, authenticity, and dedication to delighting their customers. With their imaginative and humorous storytelling, community engagement, and commitment to sustainability, they’ve managed to carve out a unique niche in a very competitive market.
In a Nutshell
A solid culture of PR within your business isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the secret ingredient for businesses aiming big. By keeping it authentic, transparent, and making every conversation count, businesses can boost their reputation, build stronger bonds, and drive success.
At a Bristol Creative Industries keynote event in March, we were joined by Drew Benvie, founder of global social media agency Battenhall. He shared insights from the company’s 11th annual social media trends reports. In this post, Dan Martin summarises Drew’s brilliant talk.
When it comes to social media, Drew knows his stuff. At the age of seven, he taught himself how to code on an Amstrad CPC 464, and in 2006 he was the first to coin the term ‘social media’ on Wikipedia. Drew founded Battenhall in 2013 and now employs 120 people in the UK and overseas.
Opening his talk, he said:
“There are more places than ever to commit your time and your advertising money, so it’s important you know where to invest. You could stick to a few but the average person in the UK is active on six social networks. In India, it’s 10. If you’re trying to reach your target audience, you have to do more than ever before to really stand out.”
Social media is ubiquitous. Eight out of 10 people who use social media do so actively. Brits spend 75% of our working day looking at a screen of some sort, with teens spending around 5.3 hours a day on social.
But over the last year, Drew said, various things have happened, such as “the implosion of Twitter” following Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform, “that has made me feel that safety on social media is an important thing”.
“Social media is now toxic to many, whether it’s the stuff that we see that should be taken down, or the actions from one user to another that are allowed unfettered on social media.”
A million posts are removed by Meta every day, Drew said, while TikTok employs 40,000 people to moderate content.
Amid all this, social media owners are appearing in front of regulators around the world, as governments look to bring in new legislation that regulates social media.
So what does this mean for brands? Drew’s advice is:
“AI (artificial intelligence) is one of the most unstoppable forces,” Drew said.
See below for what ChatGPT created when he asked it to show a vision of Bristol in the future!
AI in action from @drewb in @Bristol_CI keynote.
“ChatGPT, show me a vision of Bristol in the future.”@brunelsbridge still going strong! @battenhall #Bristol #Battenhalltrends pic.twitter.com/r6E000jO4X
— Dan Martin (@Dan_Martin) March 12, 2024
AI helps to speed up creativity”, and you should think of it as “your brainstorm buddy”, Drew advised.
You can already use AI features on social media platforms to create or improve content, but Drew said “there is an important balance between making something authentic because it is created by a human and harnessing the power of AI to speed things up when you need to”.
He continued:
“I’m an advocate of using AI to augment what you do, not replace it. Get it to do the stuff that you shouldn’t really spend time doing.”
Drew said consider AI as your “brainstorm buddy”. He recommended experimenting with AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Google Gemini, and see which work best for you. Remember that AI isn’t just for generating content, you can also use it for tasks like analysing data.
As an example of AI in action with creative content, Drew shared a campaign using AI that Battenhall delivered for a client.
The children of employees at General Electric were asked to draw what they thought their parents did for a job. Battenhall then used AI to create images based on the drawings that were used for social media posts.
On LinkedIn, the content delivered the top-performing post for the whole quarter, more than doubling the benchmark engagement rate for the quarter. In addition, the campaign contributed to a 12% increase in the number of new followers (month on month).
Drew warned that brands should also be aware of the ethical, regulatory and legal issues around AI such as who owns the content you produce using the technology.
The fallout from Elon Musk buying Twitter led to an exodus of users signing up for other social media platforms. Many people switched to Mastodon, the open source social network, and Meta launched Threads, an app linked to Instagram which became the fastest to reach 100 million followers.
“There are 35 social networks with over 100 million active users [see some of them on page 7 of the ‘Life after Twitter’ report] and endless niche communities. That is my biggest learning from what has happened to Twitter. Niche is now good. It’s ok to be small.”
The biggest beneficiary of “the carnage at Twitter”, Drew said, is LinkedIn. It reported a 41% increase in volume of content between 2021 and 2023.
Drew’s tips and insights for LinkedIn are:
But the most important tip for choosing where to engage on social media, is pay attention to your audience and where they hang out. There’s no one size fits all.
“Be really analytical. Figure out what your audience does, where they spend their time, what trends they follow.”
“TikTok calls itself an entertainment platform, not a social network, and it’s a places other social media platform are trying to emulate.”
Drew said TikTok has shown to brands the power of being entertaining. “I think every brand in 2024 has the ability to be more entertaining.”
“Any brand can do anything on social media. People expect a brand to be a person, to have a voice. The unhinged, entertaining and educational stream of content coming through on platforms like TikTok is creating opportunities for even the most boring brands to be entertaining, informative and educational.”
Drew said the three ways brands can be entertaining are:
One example of an entertaining brand that is “completely unhinged” is Duolingo on TikTok. “My kids want to spend their pocket money on learning languages on Duolingo beause the owl is so engaging.”
For an example of good educational content, Drew recommended Channel 4 on Threads.
“What makes social media content work is engagement, sentiment uptick, and visibility for people that are hard to reach. Entertaining content achieves on all those fronts.
“Think about how you can tell stories and answer questions. People want to learn new things. Think about the niches users might want to know about that are linked to your brand. Even with something a bit more corporate, there’s a story to tell and an audience looking for answers. Consider various different channels to reach your target audience.
“To create content that’s right for you, think about your brand personality. Place yourself in your audience’s shoes, and don’t be afraid to either stay in your lane and do one thing well, or branch out and try lots of different things. Social media is all about experimenting. Post things. Delete them. Start a channel. Let it go. That’s all fine.”
Drew said that the fatigue that many people have with influencers and the creation of content about something they are paid to say is good has helped bring about a creator culture:
“There are more people creating more things with more creativity on more platforms more often. Creators provide opportunities for any brand because your niche is out there somewhere.
“A creator’s goal is to produce high quality, authentic content. For that, they want to work with brands. If you find the right ones, they are usually cheaper to work with than influencers, you can do more meaningful projects with them, and they tend to be more authentic.
“A creator might have a smaller audience than an influencer but they often can do more with less. They also might not ask for money if there’s some other type of value exchange such as early access to a new product.”
Instagram and YouTube are the most popular platforms for creators, but delve into any channel and you’ll likely find a vibrant creator culture, Drew said.
Other networks to explore include spontaneous photo sharing app BeReal, communication platform Discord and livestreaming community Twitch. Private communities, such as Facebook and WhatsApp groups, are another format worth looking at.
To stay updated on future Bristol Creative Industries keynote events, sign up for our newsletter.
Globally recognised companies all owe a large part of their fame to the power of marketing.
When done right, marketing can be the biggest factor when it comes to business growth, strong ROI and overall sales revenue. Take Apple for example, in 2022 they generated £3.8 billion ($4.7 billion) from ad revenue alone.
Effective marketing also has the power to increase your brand’s mindshare. When you think of sportswear, Nike and Adidas will likely spring to mind. With fast food, McDonalds will no doubt enter your thoughts.
With revenues in the billions, these huge brands must have a secret formula to their marketing, right? Nope.
These businesses no doubt have marketing teams that pour countless hours into their campaigns and for the most part, it pays off. But what happens when it doesn’t?
In this blog, we’ll look at some famous marketing faux pas – not to gloat, but to learn from them – and help your business avoid making the same mistakes.
When it comes to marketing campaigns that failed to read the room, the Pepsi X Kendall Jenner advert was a particularly high-profile example.
The advert, which aired in 2017, depicted a group of protesters walking through the streets. Kendall Jenner joins the group and offers a police officer on the scene a Pepsi, defusing the tension between groups.
“…riding the coattails of a political movement founded by and for oppressed voices will always be seen to be in poor taste…”
At the time of airing, the Black Lives Matter protests were commencing around the globe, and viewers couldn’t help but notice the parallels drawn between the two. This didn’t work in Pepsi’s favour as people saw it as a trivialisation of a deep-rooted issue.
The backlash caused Pepsi to pull the advert – a sizeable blow to both budget and reputation. It just goes to show that – while it’s great to keep your marketing relevant – riding the coattails of a political movement founded by and for oppressed voices will always be seen to be in poor taste.
Our takeaway?
Always consider the political climate and check the news before you release an ad campaign into the wild (or sign off the budget).
Rebrands can offer huge potential for businesses. When a brand is becoming outdated, giving it a refresh grabs the attention of customers and, when done well, can attract new ones in the process.
Typically, in business, this kind of move is calculated, necessary and carefully takes into account the thoughts of the consumer. However, the same can’t be said of Gap’s 2010 rebrand…
In fact, it ended up costing them $100 million.
One reason this marketing stunt failed so spectacularly was that nobody was expecting it.
No prior announcements, launches, or updates were released. This meant that they hadn’t built up the necessary anticipation for such a big move. The logo change alone was so drastic it left people feeling bewildered at best.
Another major reason this change didn’t work out in Gap’s favour? They didn’t seem to have a reason to do it in the first place. With a loyal customer base spanning the globe, enviable revenue, and a famous brand identity, changing things up just didn’t seem to make sense.
“…while a rebrand could be just what your business needs, it must be underpinned by strategy…”
But alas, the change had been made and people were not happy. On top of the cost of the entire process, they were forced to revert to their old logo within less than a week.
So, while a rebrand could be just what your business needs, it must be underpinned by strategy, done with good reason, and signalled by pre-launch PR and marketing.
Our takeaway?
Always do your background research, build anticipation for the change, and make sure it aligns with the way your customers see you – they are, after all, the most important factor.
Climate change is a very real and important issue that we currently face. Many businesses are aware of this and are making changes to reduce their impact and greenhouse gas emissions.
That’s why you’ll often hear businesses talk about their corporate social responsibility (CSR) or environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives.
It’s also why vehicles are tested to ensure emissions are aligned with regulations.
In 2015 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that tens of thousands of Volkswagen’s diesel cars produced in the US each year were cheating emissions tests. And this was after a huge marketing campaign touting the car’s low emissions.
“…it only takes one false claim to lose your customer’s trust…”
Thanks to a device that could detect when the car was being tested and alter the way it performed, the manufacturer was able to falsify recorded emissions.
This meant that the engines of these cars emitted nitrogen oxide up to 40 times greater than the permitted limit in the United States, without it showing up in test results.
Upon this scandal coming to light, not only did Volkswagen lose the trust of a large portion of their current and potential customers. It also meant that in October 2015, the company posted its first quarterly loss in 15 years, which was over £2 billion.
Volkswagen issued a public apology but in spite of efforts to rectify the damage, the scenario remains fresh in people’s minds.
Our takeaway?
It only takes one false claim to lose your customer’s trust. Which is exactly why it’s so important to ensure your business doesn’t get caught in any greenwashing grey areas (or outright deceptions, in this case).
If you want to find out more about greenwashing risks and how to so you can avoid them, explore our CSR marketing series.
While we’ve only covered a handful of examples, marketing mistakes are all too common. And, as we’ve demonstrated, even some of the most famous brands in the world are not immune.
With the potential to cause a loss of revenues, customers, trust, and reputation, it’s important that all marketing and advertising campaigns are backed by strategy, and checked. And double checked. And triple checked.
Because once live, they can be near impossible to take back.
Nobody’s perfect, but we are thorough – both in strategy and quality assurance.
If you have a campaign idea you’d like to discuss, get in touch with our marketing team: [email protected].
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