We often get asked what is “managed web hosting”, and why should a client host their website with us. When we build a website we always ensure it is built to modern coding standards, the core code is quick and efficient and there is no bloat or unnecessary plugins or code blocks that the website doesn’t need.

To ensure clients websites are hosted in the right way we recommend clients use our managed web hosting service for a variety of reasons.

We say to clients let us worry about your website so you can focus on your business, with our years of experience we can take care of the technical jargon and leave clients to get on with generating business. One of our business aims is to form long term business relationships and we have succeeded on this year after year, many of our clients have been with us since we started back in 2008 and we continue to this day, we are trusted to host their important websites that generate leads, sales and interest day in day out, 24,7,365.

But I can get hosting for £4.99 a month!? Yes you can get your website hosted for less than an expensive coffee per month, but you will not have any support, you will not have any backups, no updates, basic security, the website will be shared with thousands of other customers and you won’t get our great customer service and all the extras that come with that.

If you would like to find out more about our managed web hosting service, our web design service or for anything else please do not hesitate to contact us.

Read the full article on our website https://www.eckhomedia.com/what-is-managed-web-hosting/

Life during Covid-19 was altered dramatically for many people around the globe, we were forced to form new shopping, exercising, and working habits. Today, over three years on from the first UK Lockdown, we are still seeing changes in consumer behaviours long after the hazy brain fog that was the Pandemic Era.

As a result of the new shopping habits we formed, return rates to high-street stores increased from 8% pre-pandemic to 25% for online purchases (Paazl). Interestingly, Barclaycard research discovered that 30% of shoppers deliberately over-purchased online and returned unwanted items. 19% admitted to ordering multiple versions of an item so they could make their mind up once delivered. If consumers had the option to somehow model the clothing prior to purchasing, the rate of returns to online businesses could be reduced, alongside the environmental impact, too.

Google has taken steps to make that a reality with an article outlining a new AI feature that will  “…accurately reflect how an item of clothing would drape, fold, cling, stretch and form wrinkles and shadows on a diverse set of real models in various poses.” Already launched in the US, Customers can use this feature with top brands such as H&M, Anthropolgie, Everlane and LOFT.  A virtual fitting room is the next innovative step in the transitional journey from traditional high-street shopping to online retail. Another barrier to the consumer experience has seemingly started to crumble. But how will this tool impact the PPC endeavours of online clothing retailers? Will the addition of this tool drive up conversions through PPC material, or will brands be put off by a further reduction in control over how their products are presented to consumers?

As the consumer landscape continues to adapt and evolve, innovating is essential for businesses dealing with the effects of longer term crises.  Tools such as Googles’ generative AI can help businesses curb the cost of processing returns, or reducing the wastage of stock that can’t be resold. In addition, external market factors such as the cost of living crisis will impact the aforementioned 30% of shoppers who were deliberately over-purchasing and the 19% ordering multiple versions of clothing products.

Is there a reason for brands to be hesitant over the introduction of AI tools into the marketing mix? Well, perhaps. From the introduction of Performance Max campaigns, the phasing out of Smart Shopping and the recent Sunsetting of Universal Analytics, it feels to some that over the past year Google has slowly removed the level of control that marketers have over the way that products are presented to people. It’s hard to optimise your marketing campaigns when you have fewer levels to pull and buttons to press. Instead, you may be left hoping that Google is actually optimising your campaigns as best as they say that they are. From an advertising perspective, we are interested in the introduction of the 3 Cs presented at the recent Google Marketing Live event scaling Customer Connection, Creative and Confidence, look out for our thoughts on the 3Cs coming soon.

Remember, a strong marketing campaign is one that both generates value and captures value in return. This generative AI tool enables clothing retailers to not only enhance the user experience and provide consumers value, but also remove the existing barriers to consumer’s online retail experience, providing scope to increase the conversion value for retailers. Marketers should embrace these tools and adapt ahead of the curve to get the most out of it. And finally, in a world of increasing climate responsibility, why wouldn’t anyone want to adopt tools that could reduce carbon impact too?

Get in touch with our Paid Media team to further discuss this story.


Originally posted to: www.carnsight.com

Ethical, organic link building is central to topping the charts when it comes to Google’s search engine ranking factors. Quality backlinks are prized possession, and one of the ways that they can be earned is in the press/news media. However, while we as PRs will always strive to earn these SEO wins, we can’t always guarantee them. Before we explain how to approach backlinks in PR, let’s lay some groundwork for technical terms. 

Nailing the basics 

The world of SEO is full of technical terms and concepts that can be confusing at first, so let’s get the lingo down before we go any further. Here’s what you need to know:  

Emerging outlet policy trends 

 As SEO has squarely cemented itself into digital environments, more and more media outlets are introducing specific policies regarding backlinks and the inclusion of external links their content. For instance, some publications strictly adhere to a no-follow policy, meaning that any included links do not contribute to SEO efforts. Some might offer to include a link but limit its visibility – the link is embedded and clickable, but not coloured or underlined to differentiate the text and indicate link presence.  

Others – especially larger entities – have begun to monetise this service and may charge for including backlinks or only allow them within certain types of content, like guest articles or sponsored posts. Hence, these emerging structures/frameworks often mediate the relationship between PRs and journalists when it comes to including backlinks and must be respected to practice good media relations. 

Media relations and the unwritten rules of backlink etiquette 

It can be controversial, but the general consensus is that you there is a certain etiquette around asking a journalist to provide backlinks. We typically recommend taking a proactive approach. Offer up the links in a more appropriate, subtle way by linking them in your press release or correspondence so that they are there if the journalist wants them. We’ll discuss more about how a journalist might make this decision further down. 

Some journalists/outlets may also view PR attempts to secure backlinks as compromising the integrity of the news outlet and blurring the boundaries between advertising and independent journalism, while others consider it presumptuous and some even write off a PR as ‘asking too much’ when ‘free’ publicity/exposure of a story feature is already on the table. 

Journalist independence and discretionary decisions 

While a good PR agency will have forged strong, mutually beneficial relationships with journalists and often work with them to pitch a story, it’s important to remember that Journalists are independent individuals. They operate with their own principles and purposes and aim to satisfy and engage an audience of their own. PRs will always try to be strategic and work with Journalists and audiences who align with the story well to maximise coverage, but journalists ultimately determine the final content and format in of a piece for publication. They make decisions based on the newsworthiness of a story, its relevance to their audience, and their editorial guidelines.  

So, what this means, is that backlinks are often a grey area – the decision can be entirely discretionary and up to the journalist, or it may be mediated by editorial guidelines, outlet policies, or reader preferences. It’s important to remember that it is also increasingly difficult for journalists to keep smaller, niche publications going in an oversaturated news market. They often have to work hard to find new ways to fund their platform; hence, backlinks have become the latest resource for monetisation. 

A balanced approach 

Of course, we will always do our best to nurture a reciprocal relationship with journalists and the press to engender positive attitudes and encourage ethical backlinking. However, like many elements of PR, this is an art and not a science. We can’t guarantee a backlink in coverage, but we will certainly do our best to secure them. 

At JMP, are delighted to welcome Matt Joy to our growing team, joining as Managing Partner.

Matt has a wealth of industry experience, having spent more than 10 years in the sports industry, and most recently four years at a strategic brand agency.

His previous roles have included five years as Marketing Manager at Stoke City during their Premier League golden years, before moving south and helping create the Marketing team at Bristol Sport during the rebuild of Ashton Gate. Following that, he spent four years at Mr B & Friends in Bristol.

In regards to his responsibility at JMP, Matt will be a crucial cog in our ability to excel as an agency, offering additional strategic insights and creative campaigns to our clients.

Managing Director Joe Meredith expanded on this. 

“It’s a significant role, the biggest addition we’ve ever made to the business,” he said.

“It’s something that I feel we’ve both wanted to happen for a long time. Everything just needed to align. Matt is in a position to elevate the offerings of JMP and I’m really excited to work with him to take JMP to the next level ”

Matt expressed his excitement about what lies ahead, for both himself and JMP.

“I’m really looking forward to it,” he said. “I’ve known Joe since I initially moved to Bristol and how he has grown the agency in that time has been great to see. It’s an exciting time to now get involved and add to the recent successes.

“My role is going to be quite broad but ultimately I will have a real focus on the growth of the agency. First of all to define who we are, our offerings and identify where we can add real value to our clients, both current and new.” 

Matt joins our newly-formed Senior Leadership Team, alongside MD Joe and Operations Director Vicki Theobald.

Originally posted on: www.carnsight.com

B2B PR is often overlooked by those considering a career in PR. B2C always seems so much more creative and alluring. But the truth is, B2B PR is more than just B2C PRs boring sister. In fact, B2B PR can be just as exciting, fast-paced and creative!

If you read our blog on the differences between B2B and B2C PR then you’ll know that while B2B public relations typically focuses on technical information and analytical data, emotion is still a key driving force when it comes to B2B campaigns.

In today’s blog, we’re explaining why that’s the case, and why B2B PR can be just as creative and boundary-pushing as B2C.

Cutting through the noise requires creativity

B2B audiences are bombarded with information every day, and so creative, emotionally resonant messaging is necessary to help a company stand out. By using unique and innovative PR strategies, businesses can capture the attention of decision-makers who may very well be jaded by the same-old marketing tactics. Fresh thinking is often what gets the best results.

People buy from people

People buy from people, not businesses, and so while yes, B2B PR does often target decision-makers within a company, it’s important to remember that those decision-makers are still people. By using emotion in B2B PR, companies humanize their brand and create better connections with their target audience. The result – greater brand loyalty and more meaningful business relationships.

Connect with a broader audience

Similarly, remember that businesses, now matter how big, are made up of lots of individual people. By creating messaging that resonates with individuals on an emotional level, B2B PR campaigns can broaden their reach and connect with a wider audience.

Drive engagement

Emotionally resonant messaging better drives engagement and increase the likelihood of your audience taking action. By creating content that inspires a response, businesses can encourage decision-makers to take the next step and move forward with a purchase or partnership.

Even though B2B PR is typically more technical and data-driven, creativity and emotion can play a critical role in creating effective campaigns that stand out, connect with decision-makers, and drive meaningful business outcomes.

To end, here are a couple of examples of B2B PR campaigns that really pushed creatively!

Hectare’s Tudder – Tinder for Cows

Octopus Group, in partnership with Hectare, launched Tudder, a dating app designed for cattle, as part of a Valentine’s Day-centered PR and social media campaign. The app, which functions similarly to Tinder, allows users to swipe left or right on profiles of cows and bulls. When there is a match, a mooing sound is played, and the interested party is directed to the SellMyLivestock platform for more information. Hectare aimed to raise awareness about “livestock love” through this campaign. Alongside the app, personalized Valentine’s Day cards were sent to targeted journalists, and exclusive briefings were held with media contacts. A comprehensive social media campaign was also implemented.


Slack – “So yeah, we tried Slack…”

Slack leveraged the popularity of hit sitcoms such as The Office and Parks and Recreation by producing a humorous, mockumentary-style video advertisement to showcase the superiority of its platform over other professional communication tools.

The video linked below features Sandwich Video, an actual Slack customer, as they introduce the platform to their office. The video serves both as a testimonial-packed case study and a funny piece of media that entertains viewers.

Originally posted to: www.carnsight.com


We’ve written many blogs on press releases and useful tips on when is best to pitch, what to avoid when pitching and crafting a perfect press release. But today we wanted to dive a little deeper into the timeline of a press release. In fact, we’re going to share this blog post using the template of a press release to help you visualise the key layout and style, whilst also helping you understand the process involved.

MARSHFIELD, (DATE): Carnsight Communications is pleased to announce the release of its latest blog post detailing the timeline and process of creating and distributing a press release.

A press release is a crucial part of any company’s public relations strategy, providing a formal announcement of news, events, or updates to the media and the public. The following is a timeline of the process involved in creating and distributing a press release:

Identify your news:

The first step in creating a press release is to identify the news or event that is newsworthy and relevant to the target audience.


Once the idea has been identified, the next step is to draft the press release. This includes writing a headline, subheading, body, and boilerplate.

Review and approval:

The press release is then reviewed and approved by the relevant team members, including Carnsight Communications, and executives.


Once approved, the press release is distributed to media outlets, journalists, and other relevant parties through email, or other means.


After the press release is distributed, Carnsight Communications will follow up with journalists and media outlets to gauge interest and secure coverage.


Finally, we will measure the success of the press release through various metrics, such as media coverage, website traffic, and social media engagement.


“Creating and distributing a press release is a critical part of any successful PR strategy,” comments, account manager at Carnsight Communications, Georgia Christley. “We hope this timeline provides valuable insights into the process and helps companies effectively communicate their news and updates to their target audience.”

For more information about Carnsight Communications and our PR services, please visit www.carnsight.com

Boiler Plate

About Carnsight Communications 

Carnsight Communications is a PR and communications consultancy based outside of Bath. We specialise in practical, powerful PR for the media and marketing industry, small businesses and entrepreneurs. Carnsight Communications cover everything from social media to SEO optimised web copy, blogs, influencer liaison and award entries. We are straightforward, proven and focussed on results.

Website: https://www.carnsight.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarnsightComms

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carnsightcomms/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnsightcomms

Georgia Christley
Account Manager 


We hope this helps you to understand the timeline involved with a press release and also how to structure your release. If you need further advice, why not get in touch on [email protected] and one of the team will be in touch?

Nine Tree Studios, a brand new 10,000sq ft film, television and commercial production studio, has opened in Bristol.

The studios are now Bristol’s largest independent film and television facility, with the venture being backed by JonesMillbank, Bristol-based video production company.

The studios will support Bristol’s creative industries as well as attracting talent and productions from further afield, fuelling Bristol’s existing draw for film, television and commercial productions.

The facility is being launched in phases. Phase one encompasses a versatile production space with attached offices, suitable for a range of dry hire and set build requirements, as well as events and photography, with significant parking for cars, vans and trailers.

Phase two will see the build and fit-out of a state-of-the-art production facility encompassing a 2,600sq ft primary soundstage, two smaller 300sq ft studios, grading suites, wardrobe, sound facilities, and expanded office and meeting space, all housed in a Class-A soundproofed facility.

Located in Brislington (BS4), the studios are perched near the centre of Bristol, servicing productions mixing studio and on-location filming in the region.

The facility will also become home to JonesMillbank, allowing productions to be supported by crew and creatives, whilst bolstering their own in-house production capabilities and resources.

“This is an incredibly exciting chapter in our history. We’ve been based in Bristol for 12 years, steadily growing our team, portfolio and clients, but this represents a huge leap forward and an incredibly exciting development for the region too” said Russell Jones, Co-Founder of Nine Tree Studios and JonesMillbank.

“We’ve already secured funding to develop and expand the space, helping to support not only our own productions but the wider creative community too”.

Adam Millbank, Co-Founder of Nine Tree Studios and JonesMillbank, added that “the continued growth in productions across our region is wonderful. I’ve been blown away by the diverse talent here. It feels fantastic to know we’ll be part of such a dynamic industry, celebrating all the region has to offer.”

The expansion will allow for the creation of numerous jobs, including technicians, crew, studio managers and marketeers, whilst allowing for the provision of work experience and placements.

Phase one has launched, with phase two aiming for 2023 Q3, pending existing bookings.

For booking and press enquiries please visit www.ninetreestudios.co.uk, call 0117 3706 372, or email [email protected].

JonesMillbank, Bristol-based video production company, has successfully won a contract with foodora, who are part of Delivery Hero, the world’s leading local delivery platform.

The project is focused on the foodora brand, promoting their culture, history and future through the stories of over a dozen long standing employees.

Filming is taking place across eight European countries including Finland, Norway, Slovakia and Austria.

“International travel was off the cards for so long and it’s fantastic to be given the opportunity to get back in the air again with a new client, exposing our productions and our team to other cultures” said Adam Millbank, Director at JonesMillbank.

“The project is benefiting from us doing what we do best; telling the individual stories of people from different walks of life, heritages and backgrounds with authenticity.”

Russell Jones, Director at JonesMillbank added: “We’re conscious of the environmental impact of all our productions, let alone ones that require multiple flights and cross-border trains. The nature of this project needed a travelling crew and we’ll be offsetting our impact via our friends at Ecologi.”

Delivery Hero operates its service in over 70 countries across Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. 

The company started as a food delivery service in 2011 and today runs its own delivery platform on four continents. Additionally, Delivery Hero is pioneering quick commerce, the next generation of e-commerce, aiming to bring groceries and household goods to customers in under one hour and often in 20 to 30 minutes. 

Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, Delivery Hero has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2017 and is now part of the MDAX stock market index. 

For more information, please visit www.deliveryhero.com.


JonesMillbank are a full-service video production company.

They work in-house with a talented team of multi-disciplined creatives, telling authentic stories for a range of clients such as University of Bristol, IDLES, NHS England, The Royal Mint and Battersea.

[email protected]

JonesMillbank, Bristol-based video production company, has successfully won a contract with University of Southampton to produce their flagship undergraduate campaign video.

The multi-channel campaign will launch ahead of the University’s 2024 recruitment campaign, bolstering and highlighting their existing reputation and global rankings.

JonesMillbank were invited to a competitive pitch for the opportunity, reflecting their growing experience, insight and reputation in the higher education sector. They join existing clients including the University’s of Bristol, Exeter, Winchester and Central Lancashire.

“We’ve worked in the education sector since day one and we absolutely love working with universities; the challenge of engaging and communicating with an ever-changing, dynamic audience is one our strategists and creatives relish” said Russell Jones, Director at JonesMillbank.

“University of Southampton chose us for our bold, creative and impactful concept, and we’re incredibly excited to be given the opportunity to bring it to life.”

University of Southampton is one of the world’s leading universities, placed in the top 100 universities globally in QS World rankings. They are also a founding member of the Russell Group, an organisation of 24 top UK universities committed to maintaining the highest research and teaching standards.


JonesMillbank are a full-service video production company.

They work in-house with a talented team of multi-disciplined creatives, telling authentic stories for a range of clients such as University of Bristol, IDLES, NHS England, The Royal Mint and Battersea.

[email protected]