When it comes to optimising websites for organic search traffic, each industry has its own specific needs, challenges and conventions to consider. In healthcare and medicine, for example, SEO strategies need to bear in mind relevant regulations across different markets, the specific language-use and search intent of HCP audiences, and how to ensure research papers, infographics and other kinds of content abide by Google’s best-practice guidelines.

At Varn, we have many years of experience working with pharmaceutical companies on organic search projects. We have learnt that there are some key areas that particularly impact the SEO landscape around healthcare and medical websites. Here are six things to think about when optimising pharma websites for organic search, in addition to general SEO best-practices, which every website should follow.

1. Geographic Regulations for Pharmaceutical Companies

Because different countries have different laws about how pharmaceutical companies can promote their products, anyone who works on healthcare websites will be familiar with the need to abide by these regulations. This often means creating new content or even whole websites for each geographical market. But did you know that it is possible to let search engines know which version of a page is intended for which location before the visitor even lands on the website? This can be achieved through a piece of coding called hreflang, and can help to ensure that the right pages are found by searchers in the right countries. Ideal for instances when you have multiple versions of a healthcare website targeting different locations, each slightly different in order to abide by the specific regulations in each region.

2. Duplicated Content

We often see duplicate content on the websites of our pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare clients – generally when scientific papers have been published within a journal as well as elsewhere on the internet. In this instance, you might find yourself competing with your own content elsewhere on the web. SEO strategists looking after pharma websites may need to strategically determine which version of a piece of content they want to display in Search Engine Results Pages, and then help to demonstrate this intent to Google using consistent canonical tags supported by an offsite backlink strategy.

3. Keyword Research for Highly-Specialised Healthcare Language

As search engines have become more sophisticated, they have evolved an impressive understanding of how language is used, and the intent behind individual search terms. However, when it comes to niche topics with highly-specialised language, search engines may not be able to keep up. HealthCare Professionals (HCPs) may use language differently to the general public, which means that keyword strategies for pharmaceutical websites have to dive deep into user intent and understand the precise ways in which search terms are audience-specific.

Here’s a simple example: If a pharma website refers to a drug, disease, medicine or molecule by an abbreviation, this abbreviation may have one or more alternative meanings beyond the medical industry. This could lead to your pages getting lost amongst content related to entirely different topics. A clever keyword strategy would therefore need to use contextual on-page information, as well as alternative longtail versions of the relevant keyword(s), to make clear to Google which term your page actually refers to, helping you to rank for the most relevant searches.

4. YMYL Healthcare Content

When Google and other search engines decide which websites and web pages to place at the top of their listings, they are trying to determine which piece of content will be most useful for the searcher. Helpfully, Google has a set of content guidelines detailing the kinds of things that they are looking for. All web content should endeavour to follow the search engine’s E-E-A-T guidelines (demonstrating Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) but pharmaceutical websites need to go one step further and follow Google’s YMYL guidelines as well.

YMYL stands for “Your Money or Your Life” and refers to any content which has the potential to impact people’s happiness, health, finances or safety. Google has much stricter standards for content which relates to these topics, which is why websites relating to healthcare and medicine must understand and carefully abide by their best practices, including clearly demonstrating expertise and professional accreditation. Most pharma websites will need a YMYL content strategy which incorporates everything from expert content creation to targeting backlinks from reputable professional bodies.

5. Log-In Walls for HCPs

Sometimes a pharmaceutical website may place content behind a registration wall. In order to read the content, HealthCare Professionals will need to register and log in to the website. This can be a useful way to ensure the traffic reaching your content is reflective of the most relevant audiences. However, pages which live behind a wall of this sort – sometimes called gated content – can be hard for search engines to find, read and understand. In turn, this could mean that they choose not to index and rank your pages. Luckily, there are ways of coding your website to make sure that search engines can read all hidden content, even if human visitors to your site need to log in to be able to do so. This is a key item to check when considering the SEO strategy for your healthcare website.

6. Data-heavy Medical Content

Pharmaceutical websites host a range of content, from papers detailing the results of clinical trials to easy-to-digest, condensed summaries of diseases and treatments. The way these different types of information are presented is important for Search Engine Optimisation.

Imagine you have a graph which demonstrates the seasonality of a specific disease. This could be added to your website as a simple image – but will search engines be able to understand this content? Only if you give the image a suitable name, describe it within the alt text, and add useful contextual information elsewhere on the page.

Perhaps elsewhere you are considering hosting a medical paper in pdf form. Whilst pdf pages can rank in search engines, they will likely not perform as well as html website pages. This is because they are less mobile-friendly, unlikely to use proper heading formatting, and cannot be enhanced with Schema markup or structured data.

The list goes on – there are specific considerations to bear in mind when hosting videos, detailed scientific papers, or infographics on websites. The nature of medical and healthcare websites is that they will likely contain lots of data-heavy content in many different formats, all of which need to be considered and optimised from an SEO stand-point.

Need help with a Pharma SEO Strategy?

Need help creating and/or implementing an SEO strategy for your pharmaceutical, medical or healthcare website? The experts at Varn can offer support with everything from keyword research and content planning to coding optimisations and paid media advertising, as well as developing offsite backlink strategies. We have many years experience working with healthcare and medical publishing clients including Roche, Wiley, Pfizer and more, so you can be sure we understand the nuanced intersections between the pharmaceutical industry and search marketing. Get in touch to find out more.

It has never been more crucial to keep ahead of the curve with the constantly changing world of search engines. Google’s highlighted snippets are one such leading edge in the SEO industry. These bite-sized chunks of information are prominently shown in search results, meeting the demand of users for timely, pertinent information.

Given the great visibility and authority of featured snippets, it is understandable why both companies and bloggers are striving for attention. Let’s examine some best practises for content optimisation before delving into the nuances of Google’s highlighted snippets.

Table of Contents

  1. What Exactly are Google’s Featured Snippets?
  2. Advantages of Featured Snippets
  3. The Three Types of Featured Snippets
  4. How to get your content in a Featured Snippet
  5. Advanced Snippet Optimisation Techniques
  6. The Myths and Misconceptions
  7. The Future of Featured Snippets

What Exactly are Google’s Featured Snippets?

Many search results have a box at the top with a succinct response or summary, especially those that ask a question. The infamous “featured snippet” appears in this box. Instead of requiring consumers to read through the results and go through to a website, as is the case with standard organic search results, the snippet seeks to give them an immediate and conclusive response to their query.

The Evolution of Featured Snippets

The digital world has experienced significant changes over time, with search engines fine-tuning their algorithms to provide the most accurate results. An important factor in this evolution has been Google’s highlighted snippets.

Before Google introduced this feature, customers had to trawl through numerous links to find the information they needed. This conventional search strategy wasn’t always user-friendly, especially for people looking for prompt responses to simple queries. Google introduced highlighted snippets because there was an apparent need for an effective, direct-response strategy.

Advantages of Snippet Real Estate

There are various benefits to being first in Google’s search results, including:

Increased visibility: When a user searches, snippets are shown prominently and frequently receive the majority of their attention.
Boosted authority: Getting a snippet slot can increase the credibility of your brand. It’s similar to getting Google’s approval that your material is trustworthy and relevant.
Increased click-through rates: Featured snippets can greatly increase the click-through rates for your site, resulting in an increase in organic traffic.

The Three Types of Featured Snippets

There are three primary types of featured snippets:

Paragraph type: These offer concise answers in text format. They are ideal for direct questions, such as ‘what is a featured snippet?’


List type: Ideal for how-to guides, ‘top X’ lists, or recipes. They present content in either a bulleted or numbered list.


Table type: Perfect for presenting data, these display information in a structured table layout.



Getting Your Content Featured in a Snippet

To optimise your content for Google’s featured snippets, it’s crucial to implement a few tried-and-tested strategies. These are:

Research and Target the Right Queries

Start by identifying the queries that your audience is posing. Here, tools like SEMrush or Answer The Public can be really helpful. Understanding the questions that people in your area are asking can help you organise your content such that it offers clear solutions.

Understanding your audience—not just what questions they are asking—is crucial to accomplishing this effectively. Create in-depth personalities for your target audience. What are their concerns, inquiries, or enquires? Your content may become more snippet worthy if you customise it for these personalities.

Incorporate the ‘What is’ Heading

Start your content optimisation by adding a headline that asks, “What is [keyword]?” This gives Google a clear indication of the content’s potential relevancy for a highlighted snippet. Usually, you should place this heading just after your introduction, making sure that it melds in with the rest of the text.

Prioritise High-Quality Content

Google gives authoritative and reliable content priority. Concentrate on writing well-researched, original content that benefits readers directly. While a wide range of topics must be covered, depth is necessary for snippet optimisation. Don’t create information that only scratches the surface. Investigate the subtleties of a subject when speaking about it. Comprehensive how-to articles or in-depth how-to instructions can stand out and are frequently highlighted in snippets.

Additionally, it may be worthwhile to concentrate on disseminating knowledge about less-discussed sub-topics in your industry. These specialised articles frequently have less competition and are suitable for featured snippets.

Implement the ‘is’ Sentence Structure

Make use of the ‘[Keyword] is…’ phrase structure to optimise featured snippets. This pattern, which can be seen in many successful featured snippets, helps Google identify content that is pertinent. Using this approach as your introduction can improve your snippet possibilities.

Optimise for Voice Search

Many people ask questions in a conversational tone as smart speakers and voice-activated assistants gain popularity. By framing your responses in a natural, conversational style, you can make sure that your material can accommodate this trend.

Summarise the Subject in 2-3 Sentences

Make sure your material concisely summarises the subject in two to three phrases. Clarity is key here:

Align with the Snippet’s Format

Aim to replicate the format of the featured snippet that currently appears for your query on the search engine results page (SERP). Include a related paragraph or two of text in your article if the sample is in paragraph form, for instance. If it’s a list, though, be sure your content matches that.

Exclude Brand Names

Brand names may exclude your work from being included in snippets. Snippets drive voice search, thus information must be comprehensible to everyone. To increase your likelihood of being included, swap out brand-specific phrases for generic ones.

Avoid First-Person References

First-person language can be difficult, just like brand names can be, especially when taking voice search functionality into account. For clarity and general relevance, second-person language is preferable.

Focus on High-Ranking Opportunities

In general, pages with higher rankings are more likely to get a featured snippet. Focus your strategy on keywords where your page already has a top-five position.

Advanced Snippet Optimisation Techniques

While the basics provide a solid foundation, exploring more advanced tactics can further enhance your chances of snagging that snippet spot.

Semantic Search and Snippets

For featured snippets, Google’s transition to semantic search—understanding user intent rather than just keywords—has major ramifications. To address this, you ought to:

Describe the “why” and “how”: Beyond the “what,” make sure your material explains the context of the inquiry and offers thorough answers.
Internal linking: Internal links that are pertinent can assist Google comprehend the scope and depth of your content by demonstrating how completely you cover each topic.

Leveraging Schema Markup

A type of microdata known as schema markup gives search engines a better understanding of the context of your content. Including this allows you to:

Enhance SERP presentation: Schema can make your material look better and more appealing for a snippet by enhancing how it is displayed in SERPs.
Clarify the type of content: To ensure that Google displays your content correctly, indicate whether it is a product review, how-to manual, recipe, event, or another type of content.

Capitalise on Snippet Scalability

According to observations, Google extracts heading tag data periodically for featured snippets.

The Myths and Misconceptions

The world of SEO is no stranger to myths and misconceptions, and featured snippets have certainly attracted their fair share. Some common myths are:

Only Top-Ranking Pages Get Featured

Although it’s true that many featured snippets come from pages with high rankings, this is not an exclusive group. Google’s main focus is finding the most accurate and succinct response to a question. It has a chance if your content, even if it comes from a page with a lower rating.

Snippets Reduce Organic Traffic

Many people worry that because snippets give straightforward responses, users won’t click through. In reality, though, featured snippets frequently boost brand authority and visibility, resulting in better click-through rates all around.

Only Certain Content Types are Eligible

Despite their popularity, lists, tables, and Q&A forms aren’t the only content categories that are featured. Step-by-step instructions and other types of material that successfully respond to user queries may have snippet value.

The Bigger Picture

While obtaining a featured snippet spot might improve your site’s exposure and authority, it’s equally crucial to take a comprehensive approach to your SEO strategy. It can be detrimental to focus only on the snippet position without taking other important SEO factors into account. Instead, keep your attention continually on the more general objective of giving your users value and enhancing their overall user experience.

The Future of Featured Snippets

The use of highlighted snippets is anticipated to increase as voice search usage grows and AI-powered digital assistants become more pervasive in our daily lives. For instance, well-known gadgets like Google Home and Amazon Alexa frequently use information from featured snippets to respond to voice searches.

The format of snippets is expected to change along with technology. In the not-too-distant future, we might start to see more interactive snippets or those including multimedia components.

Although appearing in Google’s highlighted snippets is an admirable accomplishment, it’s critical to see it as a part of an all-encompassing SEO and content strategy. Need assistance with this? For any of your SEO needs, get in touch with Bristechtonic SEO immediately.

For a business or a brand, newsletters can be a highly effective tool to connect with audiences.

A timely, well-considered and engaging newsletter can foster engagement, build brand loyalty, drive growth and even drive revenues.

This isn’t to say that newsletters are just relevant for businesses with e-commerce models. In fact, all kinds of businesses can benefit from creating their own newsletters as part of a wider marcomms strategy.

But what does a successful newsletter strategy look like?


Content, content, content

The most important part of any newsletter is the content you put in it.

Firstly, the stories in your newsletter must be relevant and timely to your specific audience. Secondly, there should neither be too many, nor too few. Around three pieces of content is generally a good rule of thumb to follow.

Sticking with three pieces of content. One of those pieces should be hero content. This means it takes pride of place at the top of the newsletter itself. Followed by two supplementary content pieces underneath.

Layout and structure

How you lay out your newsletter content will greatly affect how your audience consumes your content. A simpler approach will benefit you here.

Try to avoid having your content displayed in long lists. Instead, try to lay out your content so that it can be viewed either in one glance or with minimal scrolling.

Great images with strong captions and CTA links to your website or landing pages are a must. Try not to overload the design with images that are too large or videos and animations. Avoid anything that could potentially be slow to load.

It is highly likely that people will be consuming newsletter content on the move, so you will need to consider the actual size of your mailer. If you’re using mailing software such as Mailchimp or HubSpot, templates will do much of this heavy lifting for you. As well as scaling your output for mobile compatibility.

The personal touch

The old adage that people buy from people still rings true. When you’re sending out mass-email marketing ensure that the sender is a real person and not just a generic marketing or hello@ email address.

Whether or not you include the name of your recipient within that email is a decision based on the quality and organisation of your database. Newsletter software can use macros to populate information. But only if that information exists at source.

If you want to say Hello Sharon, welcome to our latest newsletter, you need to be sure that the naming records within your database are 100% perfect. Otherwise, people will receive emails starting a macro fault code, which really detracts from the personal touch.

When something like this happens, you can be sure that the email isn’t getting read and you may lose a subscriber.

Check, check, triple check

One of the most frustrating marketing experiences for a consumer is to receive an interesting piece of content that you want to know more about. Then find that the outbound links are faulty.

You should include directional links to your website. Get into a habit of multiple test-sending to ensure every link is working and directing the audience to where you want them to go.


With mail marketing, consistency is key. Try to establish a regular frequency and cadence of your comms output without overloading the inboxes of your audience.

Try to establish one regular touchpoint with your audience, be it a weekly or bi-weekly update on the latest news and issues in your industry. Establish that as a must-read and then look to build out other mailers around this.

If you haven’t yet implemented email marketing, and if you’re trying to push a product or a service, avoid doing so with your initial newsletters. Don’t go right in with the hard sell, build rapport through engaging content, then introduce the sales elements.

Once you’ve started, keep up the pace. It can be easy to start with enthusiasm and a flurry of newsletters, only to let the frequency drop and your audience engagement dwindle.

Growing your contacts

If you’re only starting with a small list of marketing contacts, don’t worry, you can put in place strategies and tactics to help grow this.

Contact forms: if you have a lot of potential client and customer communication coming through your website via contact forms, include a marketing opt-in selection. This is an easy way to build your marketing databases over time.

Social platforms: link up your social media channels to your mailing efforts. If you’re posting thought leader content on LinkedIn, try ending those pieces by calling on readers to subscribe for more insight. On channels such as Instagram include a Linktree within your bio description. Then you can call on your follower base to subscribe via a link in the bio.

Other content: if you’re posting regular thought leadership content to your own website, then include calls to action and messaging within his content. This will help lure readers into subscribing based on your existing and ongoing content output.

Customers and clients: consider how you can build your mailing list from current customers and clients. This can range from having a subscribe button built into your email footers, to proactively canvassing and requesting customers and clients to subscribe.


Use your newsletters to give offers to your audience.

While this won’t directly build your follower base, it can help grow your bottom line with your existing customer base. This could be anything from discounts on a product, a flash sale, early bird discount for an event, or even a new service you might be offering.

Try to keep your offers limited and sparing. Otherwise, you may devalue your overall service in the long term.

Test and learn

Quite possibly the most important thing when it comes to building email marketing, is to test and learn.

You don’t have to, and nor should you, stick to the same formula. If something is working, then maintain whatever it is that is making it work. But don’t blindly stick to things that aren’t. You can afford to be a little adventurous and try new things, but make sure that you’re using your mailing software’s analytics to study your audience’s patterns, and are tailoring your content to this.


Loom Digital will be hosting weekly digital marketing surgeries throughout September, providing free advice to businesses in Bristol. 

“We know it’s not an easy environment for businesses at the moment, and we’d like to do our bit to give back to the Bristol business community.” Karen Pearce, Director

Every Friday morning in September, Loom will be opening their doors at Temple Studios to marketing managers and business owners in Bristol and surrounding areas who would like advice on anything related to digital marketing strategy, PPC, SEO and content. The surgeries are delivered on a 1-2-1 basis and will last one hour. All information shared in the surgery will be kept confidential and participants will leave with tangible takeaways to supercharge their digital marketing. 

The surgeries are ideal for marketing managers or business owners looking for forward-thinking digital marketing advice. Each surgery will be tailored to your business, below are a few examples of topics businesses might like to discuss::

There are a limited number of slots and appointments are first come first served. To find out more and to request a slot please visit https://www.loomdigital.co.uk/bristol-digital-surgery/ 

This year Loom Digital celebrated 14 years as a Bristol digital marketing agency. Starting off as a niche search agency, over the years Loom has grown their remit to cover SEO, content marketing, Google Ads, Meta advertising, LinkedIn advertising, digital strategy, data and analytics.

On August 1st, Park Street based agency Dirty Design unveiled their rebrand. Timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the company’s founding by Charlotte Hockey-Berry in 2003, the new look is a huge development from the previous creampuff logo and signature Pantone 806 pink.

After a tumultuous few years which saw the unexpected loss of their founder, the Dirty Design team felt it was time to take stock and find a way to mark the progression of the company and acknowledge this new chapter, while still paying tribute to their roots.

The fresh identity expands on the existing colour palette with the addition of primary and secondary shades, which are paired with a bespoke font and set of unique and fun illustrations. The new Dirty Design logo is said to “reflect who we are as a company today; it’s personal, flexible and friendly”.

“After many years of putting our own visual identity on hold, we finally decided to practise what we preach and give ourselves a long overdue refresh. We pride ourselves on being a friendly and approachable agency, and our aim was to show that in our new look. It’s been great fun working on this with the other designers and collaborating with the whole team, to develop a style that suits who we are now and the company that Charlotte started 20 years ago.”

– Steve Harris, Head of Design

The rebrand marks an exciting time for the agency, who this year are expanding their work within the charity sector, including producing all design assets for this years YoungMinds #HelloYellow campaign, supporting national children’s charity Barnardo’s in design for various campaigns, and creating a fresh look and feel for the Motability Foundation’s direct mailer pack.

“I’m so proud of the whole team. Our new Dirty look is simply fabulous, and although light years away from the original it still portrays what we’re all about; a creative and fun bunch – and of course it’s still very pink! I’m so excited to see what the future holds and for us to continue to do what we do best, produce stunning designs and provide outstanding account management – to work with and support our incredible clients.”

– Lucia Boccacci, Managing Director

You can see the full rebrand in action at Dirty Design’s website; dirtydesign.co.uk. You can also watch their 2023 showreel below:

AI in the entertainment industry:

Why brand strategy is more important than ever

There’s no escaping artificial intelligence (AI) right now. Whether it’s facial recognition, your smart speaker or the latest Instagram filter, everyone is using AI – even without realising it. It’s in your social media feed, powering your digital payments, and even helping your phone or laptop to autocorrect.

Whilst some of it may seem like the stuff of science fiction, this is just the beginning. AI is no longer a technology of the future, so what can we expect, what does it all mean and should we be excited or concerned about its potential?

In this paper, we’ll take a look at the impact of AI on the entertainment industry, including what we’ve seen so far. We’ll then explore the potential, the implications, and how businesses and professionals can respond to industry change.

We’ll also discuss the importance of brand identity and how a solid foundation of brand strategy can help you to stay authentic, create cut-through and capitalise on the trend to avoid being left behind.

The growing power of AI

In a recent global artificial intelligence study, PwC estimated that the total economic impact of artificial intelligence will be $15.7 trillion in the period to 2030, making it “the biggest commercial opportunity in today’s fast changing economy”. And when we consider how many areas of our lives it’s already permeated, you can see why.

AI is essential in many of our day-to-day tasks, enabling automation, personalisation and even fraud detection. Most people are familiar with Virtual Assistants or Chatbots online, and are using apps to monitor traffic or weather conditions almost daily.

But AI and its machine learning (ML) subset are nothing new. The concept has been around since the early twentieth century, with science fiction depicting artificially-intelligent robots and dystopian futures, from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis in 1927 to franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek and The Matrix.

By the 1950s, the idea of artificial intelligence was cemented in the minds of scientists, mathematicians and philosophers the world over and, thanks to the development of computers and machine learning algorithms, AI flourished in the 60s and 70s. This continued into the 21st century, with more funding and computer storage bringing us to the age of “big data”.

The human capacity to collect data is now far outperformed by artificial intelligence, which can process huge amounts. Applying AI in this way has been successful in a number of industries including banking, marketing and social media, and of course, entertainment.

Current trends and popular tools

2022 was the year when AI became truly accessible, with the democratisation of Generative AI tools enabling the general public to use these algorithms to create pretty much anything, from the pope in a puffer jacket to Donald Trump’s arrest.

The big hitters in the space right now include OpenAI’s Generative AI model, ChatGPT, and image generators such as Midjourney. These algorithms take existing data and use them to create entirely new content.

Other examples include ‘deepfake’ technology, which uses AI to make it appear as though someone did or said something that they actually didn’t, by replacing the likeness of one person for another in audio or video.

Whilst there are legitimate concerns about the current trajectory of AI, it’s not showing any signs of slowing down, with the potential to improve efficiency, reduce the risk of human error and drive profitability.

From fiction to reality

Since artificial intelligence first graced our screens, television and film have continued to portray the future, with each reimagining of AI more elaborate and fantastical than the next. But now, the things we once imagined are becoming our reality.

In 2023, AI is having a huge impact on everything from imagery and video to set design and theatre robotics. It’s being used in sport to support officiating and by streaming platforms to recommend shows, films or music. It’s even written a play which premiered online in February 2021.

So, what does AI in the entertainment industry look like right now?

AI in the entertainment industry

Like many other sectors, AI has been making its mark in the entertainment space for a while, be it film, television, music, theatre or sport. The technology has already been applied in ways similar to other industries – such as content personalisation on streaming services like Netflix or Spotify – and it’s evolving all the time.

Both platforms use AI and machine learning to provide recommendations based on users’ preferences. Netflix even goes so far as to personalise thumbnails to entice users, by ranking hundreds of frames from movies and shows to decide which are most likely to encourage a click.

Spotify also took personalisation to a whole new level earlier this year, with the launch of its AI DJ feature. DJ is “a personalised AI guide that knows you and your music taste so well that it can choose what to play for you”, delivering a curated lineup alongside a hyper-realistic commentary.

Let’s take a look at how artificial intelligence is being used in other areas of the industry.

Film and television

We’ve already touched on film and TV’s long relationship with artificial intelligence, so what’s changed in the last near century? The short answer: a lot. In addition to personalised viewing recommendations and AI-powered distribution from streaming services, the technology is also being used in a myriad of other ways.

AI-powered platforms and machine learning algorithms are being trained and applied to casting, improving the accuracy and efficiency of decision making. They can also be used to enhance visual effects and even analyse
data of existing scripts to generate new, original stories.

It’s not uncommon for shows and films to be using machine learning or AI in some way or another, but its application in VFX is probably the most recognisable. Recent examples include Lucasfilm’s The Mandalorian where actor Mark Hamill was de-aged to depict a younger version of his original Star Wars character, Luke Skywalker.

Another interesting development comes from Texas-based company StoryFit, who are leveraging AI technology to compile data on storytelling elements in scripts. The platform helps writers and studios understand and better connect with their audiences, providing insights on character relatability, plot inconsistencies or even which books should be adapted for film.

Perhaps one of the most incredible applications of AI in film is the use of Neural Radiance Fields or NeRFs. This new powerful and low-budget VFX tool can learn how light is reflected in a scene and produce a 3D model that looks like it was shot on the same set. Using just a few input images, AI can fill in any gaps not covered by the camera and estimate how that section might look, creating light and manipulating images in ways previously unimaginable.


As a traditionally human-centric art, theatre is perhaps an unexpected place to find the presence of artificial intelligence. But it is seeing development of AI technologies, from lighting robotics to set design and even playwriting.

Examples include the use of tools such as Midjourney for theatrical design, to create set designs in collaboration with AI, and plays written entirely by AI such as THEaiTRE: When a Robot Writes a Play or the Young Vic’s production of AI which featured the GPT-3 system on stage.

Theatre and the metaverse

The COVID-19 pandemic forced the world of live theatre into the virtual and digital space, with creators streaming live or pre-recorded performances to audiences at home. It also saw live theatre enter the metaverse, where AI has been integral to development.

Virtual reality and online spaces allow theatre to maintain its live identity, whilst providing new and more interactive ways for audiences to experience the narrative. One example is YouTuber Rustic Mascara’s appropriation of the video game space for live performance back in July 2022.

In an attempt to fill the live-theatre void during the pandemic, actor Sam Crane live streamed the first ever full production of Hamlet inside the online world of Grand Theft Auto. You can learn more about this and the future of theatre in the metaverse in ‘The Future of Theatre’ Conference from The Stage.


Emerging technologies such as AI, big data, and IoT (Internet of Things) are becoming essential components of sport in recent years – and there are already a plethora of applications. One of the most prolific is the introduction of technologies such as VAR (video assistant referee), goal line technology and Hawkeye, designed to help support officiating and decision-making.

Other examples include the use of computer vision for tracking and analysing human motion. Machine learning algorithms can use data to evaluate skills and player potential, ranking them to help with scouting or recruitment.

AI can also be used to predict results or ball possession, and provide game analysis, spotting trends, tactics and flaws.


The music industry has already had its fair share of run-ins with AI, with mixed responses. We’ve highlighted the use of AI in streaming to personalise listening and improve user experience, but what about AI-generated music?

2023 has already seen AI make headlines in the music world, including a music generator that can turn any subject into a Drake-inspired record, or a new Oasis album that imagines how the band might have sounded if they’d stayed together.

But this new era of music making is not without controversy. When French DJ David Guetta used AI technology to add Eminem’s ‘voice’ to one of his songs, it sparked a debate about copyright and creators’ rights. Calls to ensure that artificial intelligence is used to support culture and artistry rather than replace it have been heard across the industry, something we’ll explore in the next section.

It’s clear that the industry is taking note and exploiting AI technology where the opportunity presents itself. But what’s the impact so far, is everyone excited about the potential of AI or are there concerns about its future?

The impact of AI on entertainment

The evolution and increasing popularity of artificial intelligence is controversial across all industries, with many recognising its benefits and potential, whilst simultaneously raising concerns about risk.

In April 2023, Avengers’ Director Joe Russo predicted that AI could be making movies within two years. This, coupled with reports that the first AI-generated feature film will begin production in May 2023 is enough to send filmmakers into a flat spin – our worst fears about robots taking over could be realised in an imminent dystopian reality.

The benefits

For the film industry, one of the biggest advantages of using AI is its ability to save time and resources. It’s also being used to improve accuracy and efficiency, analysing huge amounts of data – such as actors’ past performances or social media activity – to predict who is likely to be successful in a particular role.

This data analysis can also be used to analyse scripts and create new, original stories, saving time for screenwriters and providing opportunities for creativity and storytelling. AI can also save time and money on VFX, making it easier and faster to add visual effects, using NeRF and other technologies.

Theatre has already reaped some of the benefits of artificial intelligence in its ability to connect with larger audiences onlines. But there are also positives to be drawn from the use of AI in other areas.

Set designers Jason Jamerson and Michael Schweikardt discussed how tools such as Midjourney can be used to improve the design process, arguing that if used in the right way, it might help the process of materialising an idea for production. They explain that they don’t want AI to design the set, but it can give them new, interesting concept overlays whilst allowing them to remain the designers.

In sport, as well as helping to improve the accuracy of officiating – making sports fairer and less subjective – AI can also produce personalised training or nutrition plans for professional athletes. Thanks to the development of wearable technology which provides information about the wear and tear on an athlete’s body, AI can even help improve health and fitness or prevent injury.

Computer analysis is also used to influence line-up decisions before and during games. By comprehending metrics such as motion, speed, serve placement, and even player posture, AI helps managers and coaches make better decisions for their players and teams.

But having already seen how AI can be leveraged to support and improve traditionally-human tasks, what other positives might come from implementing this technology across the industry?

The risks

Despite these wide-ranging positive impacts, there are understandably concerns about the risks associated with the increased use of artificial intelligence. The most obvious is of course, the potential for AI to replace human jobs.

As algorithms and AI tools become increasingly advanced, there is a risk that they could replace some roles that humans would have historically carried out. Ultimately, this could lead to job losses in the industry along with a fall in creativity, uniqueness and emotional depth that only humans can provide.

The Guardian reported earlier this year that creatives across the industry are taking action against AI, in a bid to protect their jobs and original work from automation. Photographers and designers are among the first to face a “genuine threat”, and Hollywood filmmakers are worried that advances in the technology will mean fewer jobs across the industry and pose “a real threat to writers down the road”.

Another challenge to AI technology came in the wake of deep-fake technology being used for so-called ‘revenge porn’, with devastating consequences. Understandably, this led to wide-spread criticism and calls for further regulation in future developments.

There are calls for more regulation in other areas too. Apple’s development of synthetic voices for audiobooks has caused controversy and concern among the voice actor community. Some are worried about damage to the livelihoods of lesser-known actors and have pushed for the technology to advance more ethically.

Thoughts from the industry

So, will we see homogenisation or a decline in the quality of entertainment or art? Author and screenwriter Marthese Fenech thinks the technology needs regulation and a cautious approach. She explains, “I do very much understand and empathise with the concerns of my fellow creatives and artists. I still harbour some reservations about the technology; none of us wants to be replaced by a machine, something without a soul or the ability to emote.

“Admittedly, I am often reluctant to adopt burgeoning technology – it took me years to transition from an analog camera to a digital one. As an author, screenwriter, editor, and teacher, I’ve met the growing pervasiveness of AI with resistance and hesitation.”

However, having seen some of Mark’s work, Marthese has shifted her perspective: “Mark’s ability to completely transform a project from something passable to something transcendent has altered my perspective. To see something that has lived in my imagination for two decades come to life so vividly defies description.”

Don’t just compete – capitalise

There’s no denying the huge potential of artificial intelligence. Now, the entertainment industry has the chance to capitalise on the trend and do incredible things.

It’s time to start viewing AI as an opportunity, rather than a threat. So, how can creatives not only stay competitive but make the most of new technologies?

BIFA founders Raindance, explain that “by highlighting the value of human creativity, filmmakers can differentiate themselves from AI and justify their continued employment”. They also stress the importance of staying “competitive by continuous learning and adapting to new technologies”.

The combination of both AI and human ability has huge potential. By collaborating with AI experts or learning how to use the tools effectively, creatives can learn new skills and stay ahead of the curve. This is something Mark is very interested in, with plans to help businesses and brands use AI to their advantage.

Whilst AI is great at solving problems or processing large amounts of data, there are nuances and concepts that only humans can offer. Some tasks are difficult or even impossible for AI to complete, such as those requiring empathy, social skills or physical dexterity.

So how best to maintain humanity and protect originality? One way is to have a strong foundation – to know who you are and what you stand for. In other words, a brand strategy that really stands up.

The importance of brand strategy

As the entertainment industry becomes more saturated and AI tools are used to create content or marketing materials, it’s more important than ever to maintain originality and authenticity that can’t be replicated by machine learning. If you want to create cut-through in a competitive space, having a strong brand personality and a plan for how you’ll deliver your key messages are both vital.

Whatever your role and niche within the industry, every brand or business needs a unique and authentic voice, even if what you’re saying or selling is the same or similar to your competitors. As AI technology continues to develop, creating human connections with messages that really resonate will help give you the edge.

There are ample opportunities to use AI tools to help you learn more about your audience or find new ways to connect with them. But at some point, you’re going to need that human touch to make whatever you create uniquely yours.

The future of AI in the entertainment industry

When it comes to creativity, there’s always a need to protect what is sacred. But if leveraged in the right way, artificial intelligence could be – and indeed already is – hugely exciting and potentially beneficial for the entertainment industry and business owners that don’t have blockbuster budgets but need to reach their ideal clients.

By having a clear brand identity and a strategy to help you bring your message to your audience, you can remain authentic, stay relevant and make the most of any opportunities AI might throw your way.

I believe in bringing the joy of entertainment to as many people as possible and helping business’s both large and small achieve their dreams. With over 20 years’ experience in the creative space and a finger on the pulse of the latest technologies, I’m here to help.


Mark Horton

Brand Strategist / Creative Human  / Intrigued by all the latest Technological Toys.

(Note this article was researched and written by humans!)

For websites and blogs to receive organic traffic, search engine optimisation (SEO) is essential. Google is the primary search engine that SEOs concentrate on since it generates the majority of all web traffic, which is increasingly important in today’s digital environment. Google utilises complex algorithms to index, rank, and choose which pages to display when a user types in a particular word or phrase.

Understanding Google’s algorithms, their modifications, and how they affect SEO and websites will assist companies, organisations, and website owners use this knowledge to boost traffic and reach their target audience, so helping them achieve their goals — whether marketing- or otherwise-related.

What are Google Algorithms?

Google’s algorithms are based on general algorithms, which are guidelines for how a problem should be handled in a finite number of steps and are used in computer science and other fields.

Google’s search engine result pages are ranked according to a set of guidelines known as algorithms. In this scenario, the issue that these algorithms address is how to order websites in accordance with various ranking criteria and guidelines.

When someone does a search on a search engine, they retrieve data from the pages on websites and blogs, attempt to comprehend them, and grasp what the user is looking for. They then rank the pages based on their quality, context, and relevancy.

The amount and quality of backlinks going to a page, the speed at which a website or page loads, the use of keywords in headings and text, user interaction, the authority of the website or page, readability, and many other variables are all taken into account by the search algorithm. Google’s search engines are said to use hundreds of parameters when deciding how to rank a page or website, according to experts.

Google is constantly working to provide users with fantastic search results while preventing users from abusing its systems. Because of this, the organisation continuously modifies and updates its algorithms. Although the corporation claims to deliver modest algorithm updates every day, the adjustments that are made every few months or years are well known.

Depending on how they are developed and optimised for SEO, these modifications may have either a beneficial or negative effect on rankings.

Because it would encourage abuse, Google doesn’t make its algorithms, how they operate, or the changes it makes to them public.

The Most Important Google Algorithm Updates

It is impossible to keep up with every adjustment Google makes to its algorithms. To have a better idea of what to focus on when performing SEO, core updates can be examined. Here are a handful of the recent Google algorithm updates that have had the biggest effects.

Google Panda

Although Google had already altered several of its algorithms before Panda, this is still one of the most significant modifications. The update targeted unethical SEO techniques including keyword stuffing and duplicate content. The goal was to rank web sites in search engine results based on the value of the material and how readers would interpret it.

Once marketers and companies understood how Panda will affect them moving forward, they had to move to informative and high-quality material, often editing what was already on their websites and blogs to get it to rank again.

Sensible keyword tactics are credited as being developed as a result of the Google Panda algorithm adjustment. The greatest strategy for marketers to rank their content highly on search engine result pages is to employ relevant keywords for their intended purpose rather than focusing on how many they use.

Google Penguin

Even though it was intended to counter so-called “black hat” SEO techniques, this change would still have an effect on people who use term stuffing. Because marketers were aware that backlinks were a crucial ranking element, these techniques included spammy backlinks and link directories.

The Google Penguin upgrades heavily favoured high-quality content that contained only useful and pertinent hyperlinks.

Google Hummingbird

This algorithm modification, which was made in 2013, was intended to guarantee that only pertinent and educational content would appear on the first pages of search results. It made sure users found the content they needed or wanted rather than extraneous pages that were well optimised.

Marketers had to begin producing content that matched the expectations of users by putting pertinent search terms and keyword variations in it.

Google RankBrain

Relevance and search intent were the main focuses of RankBrain. Informed and pertinent material that matches a user’s goal is what Google is trying to encourage with this upgrade. For instance, based on the other words in their search phrase, a person looking for dresses was more likely to encounter either instructional or purchasing content.

EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness)

Google released its Search Quality Rater guidelines for the first time in 2013, with a focus on Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust in 2014. In 2022, Experience will be added to the algorithm modification.

According to Google, these rules are intended to identify high quality material that has been published by someone who is an authority and subject matter expert in their field, has strong trust signals, and has demonstrable hands-on knowledge of the subject matter.

For instance, a post published by someone who has been to the Bahamas is more likely to be ranked higher by Google than one written by someone who has never gone.

How to Minimise the Impact of Google Algorithm Updates

To ensure that their websites continue to rank in accordance with the Google algorithms that marketers are already aware of and that Google may release in the future, marketers and website owners should adhere to a few essential guidelines.

Optimising for Mobile

Google places a lot of importance on websites giving its users and visitors a fantastic experience, and they reward these sites with a high ranking. The best user experience on mobile can be achieved in a number of ways. The most obvious one is making sure the website runs quickly on every device a user uses to access it.

The numerous Google tools may be used by marketers to check for further possible problems, such as buttons that are too small for mobile visitors, a website that loads too many assets, images that are too large in terms of weight and dimensions, and much more.

Optimising for Conversational Search

The amount of individuals utilising voice search to get information or items is increasing as voice assistants and other devices become more and more popular. Using long-tail keywords that people are more likely to employ when speaking as opposed to typing is necessary for conversational search optimisation.

Because many individuals type like they speak and are therefore more likely to utilise them in their typed searches, using these long-tail keywords also helps a marketer’s or business’s overall SEO.

Gaining High-quality Backlinks

Marketing professionals and companies can lessen the effects of Google algorithm adjustments by acquiring useful backlinks because Google places a lot of importance on the quantity and quality of them. Moreover, the correct backlinks can raise a website’s authority, which raises its rank.

Businesses can either develop their own link building strategy or work with SEO specialists to find high-quality backlinks on their behalf. Businesses can then obtain the best SEO bundle for link building and other SEO requirements.

When a corporation is creating its own backlinks or has hired an SEO firm to do it for them, context and anchor texts are very important. The information surrounding the anchor or backlink, which is the text used for the link, provides context. Both should be closely related to the material on the website or page that the backlink is pointing to.

Updating Content

Google favours recent content over older content as well. The business does this because it wants to provide its users with the most recent information and search results.

A website’s content can gain a lot from updating, whether it has aged naturally over time or has dropped to the second or third page of search results. A fresh update ensures ranking improvement by supplying new data and facts.

Marketing professionals and business owners can address any SEO problems that can arise on their platforms by updating the content of a website. While freshness can boost ranks, it is the combined SEO work and plan that cause content to remain in the top places and be discovered in the first place.

Removing Duplicate Content

Whether it’s one line of text or several, duplicate content gets removed by Google algorithms from websites. Utilising duplicate content tools, marketers, companies, and SEOs may determine whether websites have duplicate content. Anyone can use these tools to enter two or more URLs and determine whether there is duplicate content.

If so, the pertinent party needs to make sure the content is unique. It would be wise to update it at the same time with fresh data and details.

Using Relevant Keywords and Avoiding Keyword Stuffing

Marketers should conduct keyword research and apply relevant terms to the pages they wish to rank for. They should incorporate them into the content, headings, URL, opening and closing sentences. Using the same keyword repeatedly without any content is known as “keyword stuffing,” which helps a page rank. It is recommended to stay away from this because it is no longer effective and you will be reprimanded.

The ranking of pages and the search terms, keywords, and phrases they appear for are determined by Google algorithms, which are potent pieces of code. Every marketer should be aware of the most recent changes to the Google algorithm in order to position their content better and avoid being penalised or demoted on search engine result pages.

Cameron Balloons, a renowned leader in the hot air balloon industry, is proud to announce the launch of their groundbreaking app, Sky Sketcher. This innovative web application empowers users to unleash their creativity and design their very own personalised hot air balloons, revolutionising the way enthusiasts engage with the art of ballooning.

With Sky Sketcher, users can embark on a unique and immersive journey, where they have the freedom to customise every aspect of their hot air balloon envelope. From selecting colours, materials, and artwork to exploring different balloon models, the app offers an unparalleled level of customisation and personalisation.

One of our primary goals at Cameron Balloons is to make hot air ballooning an accessible and interactive experience for everyone,” said Will Offer, Senior Designer of Cameron Balloons. “SkySketcher represents a significant leap forward in achieving that vision. We wanted to provide a platform that allows individuals to turn their imagination into reality and design a hot air balloon that truly reflects their personality and style.”

The features of SkySketcher are designed with user-friendly functionality in mind. The app provides an intuitive interface, ensuring that even those new to ballooning can effortlessly navigate and create their dream aircraft. Users can experiment with colours and patterns, incorporate their own artwork, and find the perfect looks effortlessly.

SkySketcher allows users to visualise their creation in 3D. Adding this extra dimension provides users with a sneak peek into what their custom hot air balloon will look like floating high up in the sky.

“We are thrilled to introduce Sky Sketcher as a game-changer in the ballooning community,” added Offer. “It’s an app that encourages creativity, fosters self-expression, and allows users to engage with the world of hot air balloons like never before. We want to inspire a new generation of balloon enthusiasts!”

SkySketcher by Cameron Balloons is now available, bringing the joy of designing custom hot air balloons to the fingertips of users worldwide. To learn more about the app and start designing your dream balloon, visit https://www.cameronballoons.co.uk/skysketcher or follow Cameron Balloons on instagram or Facebook.

People can locate your website online thanks to search engine optimisation (SEO). By doing it correctly, you can make sure that your website appears prominently on search engine result pages when users enter queries containing the keyword(s) you’ve optimised it for. To perform SEO correctly, you need to comprehend a few essential concepts, with link building ranking as the most crucial one.

What is a Link?

When a person clicks on a link, they are directed to another website. The website where the webpage is located may be the same or different. Links fall into two categories: internal links and external links. One of the first things anyone learning about SEO as a newbie should grasp is these types of links and how and when to use them.

Understanding External Links

There are primarily two sorts of links that connect different domains. Backlinks, also known as inbound links, come first, followed by outbound links. Outbound links are links on your website that connect to other domains or websites, whereas inbound links are links posted on other websites that point to your website.

The majority of debates in SEO centre on inbound or backlinks. The rationale is that they are a significant ranking element. Google has confirmed that, assuming other SEO best practises have been followed, having a large number of high-quality backlinks results in higher rankings.

We’ll cover all you need to know about outbound links in this post, including how to use them effectively and how they affect SEO.

Types of Outbound Links

There are do-follow and no-follow links for outbound links. You’ll be able to choose which to employ and when, once you comprehend their distinctions.

Do-follow Links

These are external links that provide the websites they point to PageRank. To help their respective search engines index and rank these websites, they direct search engine crawlers or spiders to other web pages on the internet.

SEOs conclude that these links convey PageRank to the linked pages by making your website a “bridge” between these crawlers and the linked domain.

No additional coding is needed because do-follow links are the default type formed when you create a link.

Some examples of places you would use do-follow links include:

No-follow Links

In contrast to a do-follow link, a no-follow link does not send PageRank to the website it links to. These outbound links used to have no SEO advantages for either the connecting website or the website being linked to. Google’s perception of them, however, changed in March 2021.

According to Google, the algorithm has been modified to treat no-follow links as a suggestion for crawling and indexing rather than a directive, as it does with do-follow links. In this way, if Google’s algorithm determines that a no-follow link is valuable for ranking and indexing, it may still pass PageRank.

There are different types of no-follow links, including:

When to Use Dofollow Vs. Nofollow Links

If the website or domain you are connecting to is reputable and trustworthy, and you want to transfer your PageRank to it, you should only employ do-follow links. For sponsored, compensated, dubious, and user-generated material or web sites, no-follow links should be used.

Create a no-follow link if you are unclear about the type to use. By doing this, Google will not penalise you if the website is suspect or ought to have been designated as a no-follow according to its policies.

Why Outbound Links Matter

Outbound links enable visitors to your website to explore information or content you believe is important for them to read or consume on other websites. You can link to other websites to provide readers with extra information, support claims and data, help users check the accuracy of material, and uncover other crucial resources, among other things.

For other types of marketing, such social media or affiliate marketing, outbound links are also crucial. In the first instance, they connect to your social media channels, enabling visibility and discoverability.

In the second instance, they direct visitors to websites where they can make purchases from companies and brands with whom they have collaborated. Such use cases make them a crucial component of your monetisation strategy.

It could seem counter-intuitive to employ outbound links to direct readers away from your website in addition to linking to your other resources, such your social media accounts and affiliate pages.

The one thing that many people overlook is the impact outbound links have on your SEO. In other words, not included them could significantly harm your SEO.

How Outbound Links Impact SEO

For your website and content to be more relevant, outbound links are essential. Outbound links act as a trail that search engine crawlers can follow to evaluate your content, determine the industry or niche you are in, and learn more specifics about your website and its contents.

These links can also aid search engines in comprehending the issues you are attempting to address, the information you are attempting to offer, your rivals, and related content.

When Google is aware of all of this, it will know which keywords, subjects, and search terms to rank your website and content for—even if it means ranking it alongside stuff that your rivals already rank for.

The Benefits of Using the Right Outbound Links

When used properly, outbound links have several benefits:

Increasing Online Authority

Backlinks are the most effective approach to raise authority, as is commonly believed, and this is accurate. Outbound links, however, are also a fantastic method for doing this. Metaphorically speaking, Google tends to arrange webpages according to who they are associated with. Google likes to give websites with authoritative outbound connections a higher authority rating, which improves their SEO position.

Enhances Online Reputation

People adore companies that direct them to the resources they require at the appropriate time.

Finding high-quality and highly pertinent websites and material can be difficult for most people, especially while conducting research. If you can direct them in the proper direction, your reputation will grow and they will see you as an authority.

This is related to giving your customers a better user experience. A better user experience will encourage visitors to remember and return to your website in the future.

Because they now regard you as an authoritative source that provides them with the information they need, there is also a higher possibility that they may convert on a second or third visit.

Increasing Opportunities for Backlinks

Smart marketers and SEO specialists constantly evaluate their traffic sources to improve their tactics. You may be sure that their marketers and SEOs will take notice if you link to enough websites. When they do, they may go to your website, determine that it is beneficial to them and their audience, and then link to you.

This kind of organic link building is significantly more advantageous. One reason is that you are aware that the other website wants to link to you because you did not ask for the backlink. Second, because you two have an interest, you are more likely to attract quality visitors.

Choosing High-quality Outbound Links

How do you pick the links to include on your website now that you are aware of what outbound links are and why they are crucial? There are a number of things to take into account, with relevancy maybe being the most crucial.

These are websites with audiences and content that are comparable to yours. For instance, linking to a beauty website does not help you much if your website is a tech one. In this case, the likelihood that the beauty website will connect to your tech website is far lower.

The second factor to take into account is semantic significance. The links you provide should be pertinent to the content of your page. The wording immediately around the outgoing link and the location to which it directs should be closely related.

Lastly, you should avoid pages that have:

Keep in mind that Google groups websites together, so you do not want yours to be among those that Google considers bad or unsuitable for ranking.

While the majority of SEOs and marketers place a strong emphasis on backlinks or inbound connections, outbound links also have a lot to offer. There are hyperlinks leading to other websites that are pertinent to the content to which the hyperlink is pointing and the readers of the information. Outbound links should therefore be a crucial component of your link-building strategy.

As we celebrate our 14th birthday this week, we’re looking back on 2023 to date. As always, we’ve been doing everything we can to help our clients thrive and survive in the current economic climate. We’ve helped clients launch new products and services, expand into new markets and to new audiences. We’ve also adjusted work and media spend to suit changing price points and profit margins. We pride ourselves on being with our clients through thick and thin, and 2023 has been no different.

Our clients have seen some great successes in 2023. In many instances we’ve helped clients to exceed target ROI and hit KPIs, showing that businesses are still thriving in today’s climate. Our managed Google media spend is up 80% year on year – a testament to our team and their ability to keep delivering strong results. To learn more about recent successes, see our case studies here.

It’s been a strong start to the year for Loom, too. We’ve had six new businesses join our client portfolio, We’ve achieved some fantastic accreditations and our team continues to expand. And while we’re also adapting to current circumstances, we’ll continue to work hard and help our clients get through even the toughest of challenges.

A big thank you to all our loyal clients and our extremely capable team, who have made all of this possible. Below, we take a look at some of the key changes in 2023 and reflect on the progress we’ve made.

Welcoming new clients

We’re delighted to be working with a number of new clients this year. From gardening and cooking to education and kitchenware, we’ve teamed up with a variety of B2B and B2C businesses in 2023, which include:

Representing a diverse range of industries, we’ve already helped them get closer to their business goals with our digital marketing strategies.

New year, new Loomies

And it’s not just new clients. This year we’ve also had three new digital marketing experts join the team; Tegan, Hugh and Daniel.

Our new additions have already been invaluable in ensuring Loom delivers the best possible service to our clients, and we’re delighted to have them onboard.

As well as returning from maternity leave myself, we’ve also welcomed Tommy back from parental leave. He’s dived back into work and is already making us wonder how we survived without him.

“After a few months off to spend time with my little girl, I was so excited to return in February. Nikki and the team did an incredible job whilst I was off. It’s not been an easy climate in which to run a business over the past year, and I’m really proud of how committed the team are to clients and their success. Whilst we love celebrating strong results with clients, we also pride ourselves on being able to navigate through the tricky times with them.” Karen Pearce

2023 also saw a milestone Loomiversary for Tom Spooner, marking ten years as part of the team! Since joining Loom back in 2013, he’s made an undeniably huge impact on Loom, creating and implementing market-leading digital marketing strategies . Anyone who has had the pleasure of working with Tom knows the level of thought, understanding and strategic input he has on accounts. A real marketing force and we’re proud to have him.

“It’s been a genuine pleasure to mark a decade at Loom and reflect on the evolution of our industry and Loom as an agency. I firmly believe that we’re currently delivering the best service to our clients with an incredibly talented team. I’m immensely proud to be a part of Loom and look forward to helping existing and future clients overcome challenges to succeed.” Tom Spooner

Accreditation, accreditation, accreditation

It’s always nice for achievements to be recognised. We’re proud to have three new accreditations this year for our performance and employment practices.

As always, we couldn’t have achieved any of these without our clients and team. We provide all the support we can and are grateful for those who support us. We’re 14 years young and we still have clients from day one.

“It’s been a great start to 2023 at Loom. We’re so proud to now be awarded the Great Place to Work accreditation, as well as being part of the Google Employment Charter South West. Both accreditations are a testament to the culture, values and team here at Loom. We’re always looking for ways to make it an even better place to work and have lots more planned for our 15th year.” Vicky Hockley

Moving home

As our team continues to expand, we needed a new office to accommodate everyone. Fortunately, we didn’t need to move far. We’re now on the second floor of Temple Studios, located just by Temple Meads station in the heart of Bristol, meaning we’re still easily accessible for both our clients and team members travelling from further afield.

Life at Loom

Each quarter we book an evening as a social for the Loom team. In March, we took part in a pottery evening hosted by local potters Pottymouth Workshop at The Star and Dove pub in Totterdown. While we might not be quite ready for The Great Pottery Throw Down, everyone enjoyed the opportunity to get together as a team and take their handiwork home with them.

In June, we went on a glamping trip to the Wye Valley. After canoeing down the river Wye, the team took part in guided foraging lessons and farm tours and played games at the campsite, with refreshments provided by a mobile pizza oven and cocktail bar.

The weather can make or break a camping trip, and fortunately, we were blessed with sunshine (which also helped dry out the occupants of a capsized canoe). It was a great opportunity for everyone to relax and bond, and for our new Loomies to meet the rest of the team.

Keep up with life at Loom by following us on Instagram.

Our Illoominate scheme

Our Illoominate initiative aims to deliver digital skills to the next generation of professionals in Bristol. As part of this, we have advised charities on how to improve their digital marketing strategy through Media Trust and also offered work experience internships at Loom for all ages.

This year, we’ve already welcomed two Loom interns, Tyler and Jazmine, who were given an introduction to digital marketing at Loom and did a great job getting stuck in with some tasks set by the team. Find out how they both got on here and here.

The latest industry changes

As well as dealing with tougher circumstances, there have also been some huge changes to the digital marketing industry in 2023. Notably, the transition from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has meant a huge amount of work collecting as much data as possible and ensuring the transition went smoothly for our clients. We have invested in GA4 training for all our Loomies and have supported this with regular sessions for personal development and team knowledge shares, ensuring we were well prepared to guide our clients through this process.

Find out more about GA4 in our guide.

At the tailend of 2022, Google updated their Quality Rater Guidelines, expanding the concept of E-A-T (‘Expertise, Authority and Trust’) to include ‘Experience’. This update was designed to tackle poor-quality content, which, of course, wasn’t a problem for clients using Loom’s SEO and Content services! With AI tools and boilerplate content quite common on the web, it makes sense that Google made this change to promote valuable content written for users, rather than search.

Find out more about the EEAT update in our blog.

Speaking of AI, the rise of artificial intelligence continues to make waves in the industry, as content generation becomes more sophisticated and accessible. We explored what it can offer and its limitations but concluded it’s no match yet for the skills, expertise and human touch of the Loom content team.

Given the challenges our clients have faced this past year, it’s more important than ever to keep on top of the latest marketing trends in order to help our clients adapt. We’ve been pivoting our work to accommodate both industry developments and the external factors businesses are currently facing, creating intricate strategies that build and maintain strong online visibility.

To stay up to date with the ever-changing digital marketing industry, explore our Insights section.

Here’s to many more

It’s not easy running a business right now. With so many challenges to navigate, 2023 hasn’t been the easiest year for everyone. Saying that, we’re here for our clients every step of the way and are proud to be sharing our journey with them.

We’re delighted with all that we’ve achieved this year and look forward to seeing what the next one brings. We’d like to give another big thank you to our clients, partners and our team for all that they’ve done to make 2023 such a success.

“We’re really proud of what our team has achieved in our 14th year, doing what they can for our clients and taking our strategies from strength to strength. Our next year is all about focusing on building a more purposeful-led agency, and understanding how we can embrace machine learning to achieve even more for our clients and build on the successes of this year.” Nikki Ellison

If you’d like to find out more about our digital marketing services, whether that’s PPC & Biddable or SEO and Content, then browse our website or get in touch today.