Birch, Bristol’s newest podcast studio, has opened at Nine Tree Studios in Brislington.

Designed with both “audio and video first”, the space offers high quality audio recording in a comfortable suite that’s designed for film.

“When we opened Nine Tree Studios, supporting the local creative industries was at the heart of everything” said Russell, Co-Founder of Nine Tree Studios.

“We have a huge amount of versatile space, and we want it to be useful, accessible and affordable – not just sit there empty. Bristol doesn’t have a huge amount of podcast suites, with some professionals even travelling to London just to record.”

“With our space we hope to welcome and support a variety of creatives, content producers, influencers and hobbyists alike.”

With full-RGB lighting and space for branding, the studio is perfect for both guest and episodic podcast recording.

Birch also has access to Nine Tree Studios’ other facilities, including ample parking, green rooms for hair and makeup, and a large kitchen breakout space.

The studio can be hired from the hour for just audio recording or including video, with various options to suit beginners and professionals alike.

Nine Tree Studios is Bristol’s biggest independent studio. Located just outside the centre of Bristol there’s parking for over 30 vehicles with easy access to Bristol, Bath and the M4.

For more information visit, email [email protected], or call 01173706372.

The July global IT outage posed a key question to B2B brands:

Can you respond, with impact, to those big industry moments when projecting integritytrust credibility becomes key?

On Friday 19th July 2024, the biggest global IT outage to date caught leading service and security providers completely off-guard. Banks, manufacturers, media firms, airports, airlines, rail services, payment systems, the London Stock Exchange, multiple news organisations, and many public and emergency services platforms held up by Microsoft all reported severe interruptions.

Why is this disruption of urgent interest to B2B marketing planners?

Put simply: because resilience is a growing buying priority.

The world’s largest and most industry-critical enterprises are held up by increasingly complex supply chains and vendors.

In the wake of the debacle, thousands of buying groups (including downstream suppliers, partners, industry ecosystems and less-affected but increasingly cautious organisations)  will be questioning the reliability of their current IT systems.

And they’ll be asking themselves one thing: do they have the capability to keep the lights on when the next Big Moment hits?

How can the latest buying-journey research help you respond to a trust crisis with impact?

Cutting-edge data from 6Sense reveals that B2B buyers spend 70% of the buying journey doing their own research before talking to vendors.

(view image in blog here.)

Here are the biggest headlines steering optimised B2B content performance in 2024:

Source: 6Sense Point of First Contact Research Summary

If your content and campaigns rely on buyer conversion via a landing-page form or traditional lead generation it’s time to rethink. You won’t be getting your brand in front of key decision makers and influencers when they’re gathering the information that will heavily influence their purchase decision.

It is urgent for B2B sellers to increase their roster of ungated, educational content. You need to remove as much friction as possible for potential buyers wanting fast insights without a form.

Blogs, external product validation, helpful articles, videos, even some higher-value guides/buyers guides should be readily available to your audience without requiring an email. Concerned about tracking conversions when using more ungated content? We can help!

Using B2B-platform superpowers to win the trust war

Whether you’re a fledgling startup or an established technology vendor selling into enterprise, Google and LinkedIn are likely your hero channels for paid media. Most organisations have not activated a key superpower: using the two platforms in combination. Deployed correctly, you can build trust with your audience and maximise awareness of your brand during that crucial first 70% of the buying journey.

Installing the LinkedIn Insights Tag on your website pages means you can track visits to specific website pages from your upper-funnel traffic-driving activity. And funnel those people back into LinkedIn. Now you can filter that audience down to your ICP profile (specific companies or industry, job function + seniority), and offer higher-value site visitors a better-connected content experience. Showing them the most relevant assets based on what they have seen and the strength of their engagement. That builds trust faster and accelerates the time between browsing and buying. And it can keep customers loyal when that next big crisis hits.

It this all sounds incredibly complicated, we get it! You want to make sure your content is making an impact on today’s buying journey. That you’re getting the most out of B2B paid media in the do more for less era. And that your digital communications are robust enough to achieve the right impact in a global emergency! That’s where we come in. Talk to us and find out how we can help build you a robust B2B platform.

Being authentic and driven by values as a B2B company will boost your bottom line

Looking for a new jacket? According to Ibis World, there are 298,036 apparel manufacturing businesses globally. So how do you choose where to buy?

There’ll be several elements that affect a purchasing decision – particularly cost, quality, and/or location. But other factors that play a major role in where consumers shop are values and authenticity.

In fact, 90% of consumers say that authenticity is important when deciding which brands they support. In addition, 75% say they are likely to buy a product from a company that shares their values.

So, why are values and authenticity in marketing so important?

We’re now in an age where fake news, deep fakes and influencers peddling products they don’t actually use is the norm. And with the rise of e-commerce, we’re constantly being sold items and services every hour, of every day.

This bombardment of false promises and shallow marketing has driven customers to look for companies with more substance; companies that support their claims with actions.

Customers typically see straight through – and don’t appreciate – inauthentic and impersonal marketing tactics.

So how can you ensure your business doesn’t make these mistakes? It all starts with ‘why’. Why do you do what you do in the first place?

Values and authenticity – what’s the difference and why are they important?

Being authentic and having strong values go hand in hand. But there are some important distinctions between the two.

AUTHENTIC: According to Oxford Languages, the definition of authentic is ‘of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine’.

VALUES: The definition of values is ‘principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life’

While values are about beliefs and one’s outlook on life, authenticity is about who you are as a person (or in this case, business).

Unfortunately, an all-too-common occurrence is businesses falsely claiming they have certain values and beliefs to gain social clout and more customers.

This is also known as colourwashing (which we’ve written a blog about here). Not only can colourwashing slow down progress towards positive and important changes, but it also creates distrust in your company.

Stretching the truth about your values, and not being transparent in your marketing activities, will weaken the connection you have with your customers.

Not convinced?

According to a 2016 study, almost 94% of all consumers are more likely to be loyal to a brand when it commits to full transparency.

And when you obtain loyalty from your audience and customers, you’ll see business growth, more people making repeat purchases, and an enhanced company reputation.

Almost 94% of consumers are more likely to be loyal to a brand when it commits to full transparency.


You may be wondering where to start when conveying your values truthfully to your audience.

First you need to establish what your values as a business are.

Next, start showing you mean what you say through action.

For example, you could raise awareness of issues and organisations that align with your values, or donate some of your business’ profits to relevant causes.

It’s also important to note that this action isn’t a one-and-done situation. You need to continuously back up your claims to build audience trust.

Now, it’s time to tell people about it!

Communicating your actions and values both internally to your team and partners, and externally to your customers and stakeholders, is vital for a business. It deepens connection and understanding between your company and your audience.

Communication examples include:

What to do: Mind Corporate Partnerships

Mind is a mental health charity that stands up to injustices in healthcare, work and law which make life harder for people with mental health problems.

A section of their charity is dedicated to corporate partnerships so businesses can work with Mind to support their work and help fight for mental health.

This feature is so effective because not only are they starting a conversation with individuals, but they’re opening connections with businesses so even more people can get involved.

Their website contains plenty of resources and support for those struggling with their mental health, including workplace wellbeing.

By pairing their business statements with tangible resources, more people are likely to work with them and recommend their services.

What not to do: Naked’s lack of transparency

For this example, we’ll look through a more B2C lens, although the principles still apply to B2B businesses.

Naked offers a range of juice drinks, manufactured by PepsiCo. These products are marketed in such a way as to lead consumers to believe they’re a healthy option.

Statements on its packaging once included ‘only the best ingredients’ and ‘no sugar added’, but the Centre for Science in the Public Interest filed a lawsuit in 2016 because they were misleading.

In fact:

Following the lawsuit, Naked amended the erroneous claims and offered compensation to those who purchased products between a certain timeframe.

But despite its attempts to rectify the situation, both trust – and therefore loyalty in the brand – was lost.


Authenticity and values are interlinked – being authentic is about staying true to said values and being intentional about them.

However, authenticity is about also showing people who you are as a business. It’s about transparency in your marketing. It’s about being open with an audience, even if you’re not perfect.

This vulnerability leads to brand trust.

“Your audience is used to ignoring inauthentic marketing attempts from other businesses. Differentiate yourself by being genuine.”

So how do you go about being authentic as a B2B business? And how do you share this with your audience?

It’s crucial you remain honest in your statements and efforts.

Establishing brand guidelines early on also plays a key role in exhibiting your authenticity. This is because it will help you stay consistent in your messaging, your marketing materials, and your goals.

A major part of authentic marketing is having direct communication with your customers. This may be through:

By opening the door to discussions in real time, you’ll receive invaluable feedback that will allow you to make profound improvements.

In fact, according to a report by Microsoft, 77% of customers have a better opinion of brands that ask for and accept customer feedback.

Another interesting method to show authenticity and gain brand buy-in is through ‘behind the scenes’ materials. Whether this is showing your audience where / how your products are made, the team behind the business, or a Q&A session.

And finally, testimonials are a great way to offer transparency. Sharing feedback from those not necessarily invested in the company itself – i.e. objective opinion – creates believability. This is known as social proofing.

Social proofing is:

“the psychological concept that people are influenced in their decision making by others, compelling them to act within societal norms or expectations.”

Sprout Social

Social proofing done well

Airbnb utilises the power of social proofing in their marketing brilliantly. In fact, as a platform that’s built to both enable people to host strangers in their properties, and for people to stay in strangers’ properties, their business success depends on it.

Airbnb includes reviews from guests and hosts which can include photos, stories about people’s stays, and their names.

This adds a personal touch to the platform, which increases trust from users. But it also provides details of others’ experiences using the service, giving clear evidence of customer satisfaction.

Wrapping it up

Authenticity and value-based marketing ultimately comes down to 4 things:

It’s as much of a benefit to you as it is your audience. In return for your honesty, and so-called vulnerability, your audience will be significantly more likely to invest time (and money) into your brand.

With a loyal customer base, you’re increasing your chances of seeing more growth in your business as people recommend your products/services to others.

And it’s important to remember – this isn’t just for B2C companies, B2B companies should be doing the same.

We’re now in an age where businesses are trying to sell as much as possible and advertise wherever they can. So, when 57% of consumers think that less than half of brands create authentic content, make sure you’re standing out for the right reasons.

After all, people now value quality over quantity, and neither you nor your customers should settle for anything less.

Looking to find out how you can tell your audience about your authenticity and values? Get in touch at [email protected] to find out how we can help.

Are you feeling like your blogs and social posts are shots in the dark, fired out without a clear aim and, ultimately, missing the mark?

Or maybe you feel there are never enough hours in the day to be consistently updating your digital platforms, like you’re always catching up.

There are a number of reasons why your B2B digital strategy might be falling flat.

So, how do you keep the conversation about your brand, products, and services fresh and engaging, without sounding like a broken record? And why does it feel so challenging?

“…58% of businesses don’t have a digital strategy in place…”

It turns out, 50% of businesses don’t have a digital strategy in place. Those that do certainly aren’t immune to avoidable marketing mistakes. And, as Roger L. Martin – strategy and management expert, and author of A New Way to Think – puts it, strategy is NOT planning:

“A strategy is an integrative set of choices that positions you on a playing field of your choice, in a way that you win.”

In essence, strategy is a theory, meaning there is a ‘how’ and a ‘why’. The ‘why’ is the reason you choose to do it. And the how, is the way you plan to beat your competition – playing to your organisation’s strengths to gain opportunities and sidestep risks.

Why do you need a digital strategy?

Every business will have different aims, but here are some reasons you might want to dial up your digital strategy:

Your competition is growing a strong following and gaining market share

Digital platforms give you the opportunity to test what works and what doesn’t, helping you hone your messaging and stay competitive. If your competitor is gaining traction online, it’s likely no accident – you can bet they have a solid strategy in place.

You’re under pressure to do more with less where your marketing budget is concerned

Compared to traditional OOH marketing, TV and print, digital marketing can offer low-cost opportunities to reach even more people – both organic and paid. A robust digital strategy will help you prioritise where you spend that limited budget to maximise returns.

Your sales and marketing teams don’t have enough data to confidently modernise their approach

It’s a misconception that B2B sales are all about meeting rooms, suits and handshakes. In fact, a recent report from Sana found that 58% of B2B buyers prefer placing complex and high-value orders online. By harnessing the power of data in your digital strategy, you can learn a lot about your audience and their preferences. This has the power to transform your marketing communications, your sales patter and direct messaging, and dictate how and where you choose to advertise.

Your audience needs your products or services, but they don’t know it yet

Sometimes an extra step of awareness and education is needed to nurture prospective customers. If you have products or services that require a bit more explanation, digital marketing offers numerous opportunities to build anticipation and understanding, guiding them into the next stage of the funnel. LinkedIn advertising is a particularly effective way to educate a B2B audience.

How will you plan your strategy, to ensure success?

“Invest deeply in understanding the problem before proceeding. You create a strategy; you don’t pick one. Design and imagination are critically important to strategy.”

– Richard Rumelt, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why it Matters.

Diving deep into the complexities of your industry and consumer behaviour isn’t just helpful – it’s essential groundwork for crafting your B2B digital marketing strategy.

You’re battling lengthy sales cycles, multi-seat buying committees, and high-stakes transactions. So, it’s crucial to nurture your audience with a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy.

This means catering to every key audience persona, at every stage of the marketing funnel – from awareness, right through to decision.

Equally, business-to-business marketing is a competitive game. Developing an effective B2B marketing strategy requires an in-depth understanding of not only your industry and audience, but your competition.

Once you have your market research in place and a solid understanding of the pain points your audience is facing, you can figure out how you want to position yourself.

Key challenges when developing a B2B digital marketing strategy:






What to do?

1. Choose the channels you want to reach your customers on

Where can you find your audience? How do you want them to engage?

2. Develop a content strategy

Provide content that speaks to your audience in every stage of the buyer journey: awareness, consideration, decision, as well as making it unique and reflective of your brand. What value are you adding to your audience? How is your content going to solve their problems?

3. Use paid promotion to your advantage

Decide where you want to put your budget that will be most effective for you. For instance, do your customers mainly search for your product on Google? In that case PPC may be the most viable option. Or perhaps you offer a product that appeals to Gen Z – if so, consider TikTok, Instagram or Snapchat. Be sure to track your spending and the conversion rate to optimise wherever possible and get the most bang for your buck.

4. Map out the customer journey

Use tools like Hotjar and GA4, and any other analytics tools you’re subscribed to, and map the journey of your customer from awareness of your brand (social media engagement, for example) and first website visits right through to purchase.

5. Decide which tools best meet your aims

Ensure you research marketing tools carefully before subscribing, and select ones that most seamlessly slot into your processes, providing the most efficient and effective support for the least investment.

6. Get your hands on as much data as possible

Use it to evaluate the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy, which should be flexible enough to adapt with your findings. Then, be sure to make use of A/B testing to find out how your data works in practice.

Not sure where to start?

Chat to us today for a free consultation and we can provide some tips to help breathe new life into your B2B digital marketing strategy, boost engagement and get you those all-important conversions.

Bristol-based CRM specialists Flourish have today joined forces with the creative services agency Curious and The Harbour Collective, in what is the first step in the development of a new marketing company – the Harbour Group.

The group will be led by Paul Hammersley. Previously founder of Harbour Collective, Hammersley will become the CEO of Harbour Group, with Hugo Varney taking on the role of CFO. Before forming Harbour, Hammersley was a chief executive of DDB and Cheil. He launched Harbour in 2017.

Hammersley said, “For some time we have been discussing with a number of our Collective member agencies how to more closely align their shared interests and create a more connected plan for future growth and value creation… central to those discussions has been our desire to allow for the continued autonomy of the agency Brands.”

Founded in 2004, Flourish built its reputation in CRM and Customer Journey marketing, working for clients such as Nissan, Twitch and ASOS. Today, the agency employs over 50 people and operates from offices in Bristol and Dubai.

Of Flourish’s three founders, Neil Hecquet and Rich Hartson will be departing the agency, whilst Keith Nichol will remain, taking a position on the Harbour Group board. Nichol said, “The last 20 years have been such an incredible personal experience. I couldn’t have hoped for better partners than Neil and Rich and both have been instrumental in Flourish’s success. The time has come to push on and this opportunity with Harbour enables us to add our strength to a wider group proposition.”

Ian Reeves, Flourish’s Managing Director, said “The Harbour Group vision is clear and offers our clients tangible value through vertically integrated and complimentary services. We’re excited to start the journey alongside Curious and believe their offering can help push the creative barriers of what can be achieved within CRM.”

For more information, please contact Aimee Blakemore, Marketing Manager at Flourish on 01173 117620 or [email protected].

About Flourish

Flourish, which has offices in Bristol and Dubai, is a CRM agency “specialising in the development and delivery of personalised data-driven experiences, direct communications and content”. Its clients include Nissan, Bet365 and Asos.

About Curious

Curious is a “tech-driven agency that provides design, artwork, photography, video, CGI, and content distribution services”, with clients that include Diageo, Specsavers and Patek Philippe.

About Harbour

Harbour Collective, described as a “standalone company which manages a membership base of a number of independent agencies”, includes Live & Breathe, Pretty Green, Thursday, Platform, Digital Natives, TCO, Just So and Mi Media.

What is evergreen content?

In the fast-paced digital landscape, trends come and go. 

It makes staying on top of timely topics and content an almost round-the-clock task. 

Evergreen content is content that retains its relevance and continues to attract traffic long after its initial publication. Unlike seasonal or trending content, evergreen content covers topics that are always of interest to readers.

From how-to guides and tutorials to comprehensive resources that address perennial problems or questions, evergreen content can take many forms. But it should not be ignored, as it plays a crucial role in remaining seen and relevant.

Why does evergreen content matter?

Evergreen content plays a crucial role in a successful content strategy for several reasons:

Developing an evergreen content marketing strategy

Before we get into the practicalities of creating the content itself, it’s vital to address some of the strategic elements of content marketing strategy. 

Focus on Timeless Interests: Topics that are universally relevant and do not change quickly. Take the time to research universally relevant topics

and focus on creating content that matters.

Research keywords, search patterns and channels: once you have your topic ideas and themes, conduct keyword research to learn how your audiences are searching for these terms. Whether it’s on Google, YouTube or even TikTok, you need to know how and where people are searching.

Consider Different Formats: how-to guides, listicles and tutorials are some of the most effective evergreen content. They are easily digestible and sought after by audiences. When planning your content approach, prioritise these formats. 

Solve Problems: content that addresses these universal themes helpfully and practically will always be the most successful. When creating evergreen content, look to offer aid, assistance or advice to problems and pain points. Plan your content accordingly.

How to create evergreen content

Evergreen Headlines

Headlines are the first thing readers see. A well-crafted headline is critical to search engine optimisation. It can impact the longevity of your content. When it comes to crafting headlines, consider the following: 

Include Keywords: Use relevant keywords to improve SEO and help readers find your content.

BeClear and Direct: Avoid using trendy language or references that might become outdated.

Promise Value: Clearly state the benefit or value the reader will get from the content.

Content Formats for Evergreen Success

Some formats lend themselves better to evergreen content than others. Here are a few to consider:

How-To Guides: these are often detailed instructions on completing specific tasks.

A how-to guide is perfect for tasks that require detailed, step-by-step instructions and where the reader might benefit from additional context, tips, and comprehensive coverage of the topic.

Tutorials: are perfect for audiences looking for a quick, practical guide to accomplishing a specific task without needing extensive background information.

Listicles: a short, snappy list related to a specific topic or issue. For example, 7 Things You Need To Know About Mortgage Renewal or 14 Tips for Crafting a Winning Job Application. 

Resource lists:  are compilations of valuable tools, articles, or reference materials that a user would find helpful. This could be anything from the best social media marketing tools, the ultimate guide to learning Python or even a list of reputable plumbers in your area.

Researching and validating content.

Ensuring your content is accurate and thorough is essential for its longevity. Here are some steps to follow:

Use Credible Sources: referencing authoritative and reliable sources to back up your information will help your search engine rankings.

Provide Comprehensive Coverage: address the topic in-depth. Try to answer the burning questions practically and helpfully. Give the people what they need!

Use different content formats and channels

Repurposing your evergreen content into different formats can hugely extend its reach and lifespan. 

Google was once the defacto go-to for most people. YouTube and even TikTok are now as important in content marketing strategy as blog posts and web pages. 

You should create great, written, evergreen content for your website. But that doesn’t mean you should solely be doing that. 

Google now pulls YouTube videos and social media content into its search rankings. So consider how you can create evergreen content that fits this. 

TikTok is now the most popular search engine amongst younger audiences. So consider how you can manufacture content for this channel to your advantage. 

Updating Evergreen Content 

We’ve mentioned previously that evergreen content requires less effort to maintain than constantly creating fresh content. But this doesn’t mean it can, or should, be left alone entirely. 

You’ll need to be updating your evergreen content for many reasons. The main one is the competitive edge. 

In search terms, everyone’s competing for those top slots. You may create content that ends up on top of the search, but rest assured the competition will have seen this, and they’ll be working to knock you off that spot. 

For written content, it’s vital to review and re-optimise regularly. For a channel like YouTube, you can do the same by tweaking things like hashtags and link descriptions, as well as changing up thumbnails.

Beyond just re-optimising for keywords, consider also how you can add new insights into your evergreen content. For example, here at AMBITIOUS, we use the PESO model and recently its Founder, Gini Deitirch, updated the model.

Rather than create an entirely new blog post, we updated the existing, and already well-performing blog, with these news insights. This keeps the content fresh and also avoids the risk of creating a self-competing piece of content within our content ecosystem. 

Examples of evergreen content 

Creating evergreen content means developing material that remains relevant and valuable. This will continually attract traffic over time.

Here are some real-life examples of effective evergreen content, along with explanations of what makes them so successful:


Lifehacker’s How-To Articles provide a wide range of practical and actionable advice across a range of topics, ranging from how to transfer your photos from Google Photos to iCloud, how to create your own RSS Feeds and even how to make the most out of leftover celery.

It is a broad church. The site covers diverse subjects, ensuring there’s something for everyone and doing it in a practical and actionable way.

Articles often include step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow. It often features user-generated content from community involvement and contributions, which adds variety and keeps content fresh, while regular updates and new how-to articles ensure ongoing engagement and traffic.

Moz: Beginner’s Guide to SEO

Moz’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO covers everything a beginner needs to know about SEO, from basic concepts to advanced strategies. It’s organised into clear sections and chapters, making it easy to navigate and reference.

Moz ensures the guide is up-to-date with the latest SEO practices and algorithm changes. Moz is a respected authority in the SEO industry, lending credibility to the content. The guide includes visuals, examples, and links to additional resources, enhancing its value and engagement. 

BBC Good Food

BBC Good Food may seem like a strange addition, but this site excels in both content and delivery. 

It offers some of the most comprehensive content relative to its subject matter, providing in-depth information that thoroughly addresses the topic.

It offers practical, actionable advice that readers can implement immediately. Recipes always include clear instructions, ingredient lists, and cooking tips.

Beautiful food photography makes the recipes more appealing and easier to follow and allowing users to leave reviews and ratings creates a sense of community and trust.

This comprehensive approach not only drives consistent traffic but also builds a loyal user base, making this site a model of SEO and evergreen content excellence.


Creating and activating evergreen content is a strategic investment that pays off in the long run.

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can develop content that remains valuable, engages your audience, and continues to drive traffic over time.

Remember, the key to evergreen success lies in regular updates. Evergreen content is so-called because it can have a longer life span and value, but that doesn’t mean you should just ignore it once it’s live. 

Let me start by saying that if you are one of the lucky few that is completely happy with the copywriting talent within your business, firstly HUGE congratulations and hang on to them with both hands (maybe not literally!), and secondly, this post probably isn’t for you.

However, if you are one of the many businesses that aren’t completely happy with ALL of the copy written for your business, read on!

Copywriting for your business – in-house vs outsourcing

Coming up with the words for your marketing can happen in a few different ways. Some people prefer to maintain full control by using existing employees to write their company’s copy for them, or sometimes in smaller businesses, by doing the writing themselves. With the advent of AI, this option may on the surface seem more appealing than ever.

With the support of AI or without it, however, coming up with the right things to say about your own business is a very difficult thing to do. Even professional copywriters find that hard. And even if you know exactly what you want to say, are you sure it’s what your audience wants to hear, or is it what you think your audience wants to hear?

The other option for producing copy for your business is to outsource to an external copywriter and here is why that might be your best option.

5 Reasons to hire a copywriter

Find your copywriter match

Despite there being so many benefits to hiring a copywriter, they only apply if you find the right person for your business. It is worth doing your research and paying your due diligence by asking to see endorsements and reviewing their previous work or their own blog, to see if you think they will be a fit. Not all copywriters are the same, but when you find a relationship that works, you can reap all of the above benefits and more from hiring a copywriter.

If you’re ready to go to the next step, you might find my previous blog posts, FAQs about outsourcing copywriting, and how to prepare for hiring a copywriter for your business blog, useful.

In today’s digital age, a compelling online presence is vital for businesses to thrive. Your website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your brand, and first impressions matter. When it comes to web design, choosing the right partner can make all the difference. eckhoMedia stands out as a premier choice for several reasons.

Choosing the right web design partner is crucial for your business’s online success. With our extensive expertise, commitment to customized solutions, and focus on user experience, eckhoMedia is the ideal choice for businesses looking to elevate their digital presence. From comprehensive services to competitive pricing and ongoing support, eckhoMedia is dedicated to helping you achieve your web design goals. Don’t settle for ordinary, choose eckhoMedia and transform your digital presence today. Get in contact with us today to start the discussion.

Read the full article at

When it comes to marketing copywriting for a business, the most obvious starting point is talking about the features and benefits of the company’s product or service. If you’re lucky, the business will have a lot of benefits so you can find a lot to say, but when you’ve ticked off every single one, what do you do? Start from the beginning again? While repetition is a good thing, there are ways to repeat yourself that work well, and other ways that are quite frankly, boring. Finding new angles to talk about your features and benefits is a great way to keep the copywriting pipeline full and interesting!

What is an angle in marketing copy?

If you’re not sure what I mean when I talk about finding new angles, I mean finding new ways to introduce the same message. Probably the easiest way to explain this is to give you an example.

Let’s say your company sells furniture. You have talked about all the different types of furniture you sell, why the items are of such good quality and value for money, but then what? One new angle you might consider is to quote the latest home interior trends to hit the market. Or you could talk about the latest report or newest statistics on how people’s posture is affected by the furniture they use and highlight relevant products in your range that might offer a solution. Or perhaps, if you have a sustainable range, you could talk about the latest government targets, or the most up to date statistics on recycling furniture – and use that to introduce your solution.

How many angles can there be?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that you will run out of angles as quickly as you will run out of features and benefits. But the beauty of angles is that they change all the time. There are new reports and statistics being released regularly. There are national and industry news reports about different sectors every day, and the socio-economic context we’re all operating in is changing all the time.

Finding the best angle for your copy

So how do you come up with angles and keep them fresh and interesting for your audience? Here are a few prompts to give you some ideas.

Still struggling to find new copywriting angles consistently?

Hopefully this quick guide will give you some inspiration when it comes to finding new ways to talk about the good things that you do. However, if you’re still struggling to find the time and effort needed to consistently research and create new angles, it might be worth talking to a freelance copywriter. I have written for some of my customers for years and still consistently come up with new angles and new ways of getting their messages across, so they don’t have to.

If you would like some support with your business blogs, feature articles, press releases, or content for your company LinkedIn page, feel free to drop me an e-mail at [email protected] to book in an exploratory call, or receive my price list.


As a devoted son of radio, first lured to podcasting by the similarities, I’ve come to love spotting the differences. 

The Podcast Show, last week, was a rare chance to do that on an industry-wide scale and I was among many from Bristol and the South West who flocked. This was the UK’s biggest coming together of what can sometimes feel like quite a fragmented fraternity, at least for the independent creator. The hours spent in my home studio writing, recording and editing are among the happiest of my freelance endeavours, but they are also quite isolating.

The people of podcasting have much in common with radio types, not least as so many straddle both worlds, yet the vibe en-masse is strangely different. The great Terry Wogan once described radio as “the home of the introverted egomaniac” and I relate to that entirely from my time in the industry. We’re the people you’ll always find in the kitchen at parties, quietly watching, tweeting and probably adding you on LinkedIn without making eye contact. Yet The Podcast Show was deafeningly loud at all times, people with much to say to each other. The atmosphere was strikingly friendly, welcoming and explosively sociable, perhaps in defiance of all the time we spend alone. For relative newbies like me at least, there was a sense of shared demystification, of everyone helping each other to make best sense of this wonderful craft that has landed from outer audio space…

Actually, as Bristol’s podcasters will know, so much is already understood. The podcast world is a canny fusion of marketing, PR and audio. Consequently, the industry is relentlessly driven by intelligent market research and targeted strategy, strikingly more so than the public service broadcast world I’ve inhabited for 20 years. This manifests itself as an absolute obsession with audiences, and rightly so: “Who we can serve, why and how…”, rather than “What we’d like to do…”. If you and I have ever worked together, or if we’ve had a coaching workshop together in recent months, you’ll understand why this makes me sing.

I lapped up the session ‘From Grey to Gold’ with Andy Goldsmith (from Adelicious) and Kat Farmer (from #gotthepodcast), which explained why canny podcasters should consider the over 55s. It has baffled me and angered many besides to see this growing audience abandoned by public service broadcasters, who really should be ramping up their commitment to an ageing population. We heard in the session that, not only is the older market growing in size, the over 55s hold 70% of the UK’s wealth; so it is perhaps even more perplexing that so few have seen the commercial potential of engaging them through audio. Known in the marketing world as “the blind spot”, this audience is targeted by only 3% of advertising briefs, typically health-related products, care homes and funeral plans. How crass! Among the marketing orgs represented by the speakers, 90% of briefs are targeted at 18-44 year olds, a decade adrift from those who will be spending 63p in every pound over the next ten years.

The reason cited for the vacuum (and I believe this to be true in radio, too) is that older people are not seen by the industry as a sexy audience to serve. Kat Farmer described an “echo chamber of young people in marketing talking to themselves…” and “…everyone imagining that anyone over 55 is like their nan”. We urgently need to get beyond that. I recently launched The Bus Inspectors podcast which is already thriving with older audiences. It takes a really niche subject to the mainstream – a grading scheme for the UK’s transport museums – and hopefully brings it to life with human interest stories that will light up those with curiosity. And, as I know from my work in BBC radio over the years, the over 55s are endlessly curious.

Having chosen to make The Bus Inspectors as a narrative podcast – that is, a crafted documentary rather than ‘chat show’ style – it was with some trepidation that I attended Miranda Sawyer’s session ‘Is Narrative Podcasting Dead?’. I have such respect for Miranda that, had the answer been ‘Yes, it’s dead’, I probably would think long and hard about my future. Fortunately, it was a complex but conclusive ‘No, it’s thriving… but it’s an art form… and narratives are more expensive to make… so you have to work much harder to pitch them’. This totally chimes. For many brands simply wanting ‘a podcast’, a freestyle chat is much quicker and cheaper to produce, so it’s no wonder narrative podcasts remain the exception. It’s also no wonder they really stand out and have a lasting value beyond most.

Other stand out messages came from Harry Morton, the Somerset-based CEO and founder of Lower Street Media, who talked about the importance of understanding, as a starting point, how your podcast fits into a wider landscape and ecosystem; and Fiona Fraser ‘The Podcast Expert’ whose simple message will actually be a profound revelation to many: “Your podcast is not for everyone”.

This is an industry which truly respects its audiences and is ever thoughtful about who will listen and how to reach them. No wonder it’s thriving.