When it comes to building a professional, customisable, and easy-to-manage website for a client, WordPress stands out as one of the most popular and versatile platforms available.

Whether the website is for small businesses, corporate enterprises, or personal projects, WordPress provides a robust set of features that make it an excellent choice for creating our client websites.

Here’s why the web design team at eckhoMedia think WordPress is so great:


WordPress is an open-source platform, meaning it’s free to use and constantly improved by a global community of developers. For clients, this translates into lower development costs and no expensive licensing fees. While the core platform is free, clients may choose to pay for premium themes, plugins, or hosting, which allows flexibility in budgeting.

Moreover, since WordPress is open-source, developers can build custom solutions without being restricted by proprietary software limitations.

If you are interested in finding out more about our services and what we offer please contact us today for a free quotation.



Last year, we signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge and promised to take positive action to make sure everyone going through the menopause is supported.

This has led us to create our Menopause in the Workplace Guide, packed with practical tips, policy advice, and strategies to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for all our employees.

We love it so much that we decided to share it with our community!

Something Familiar Menopause In The Workplace Guide

You can read our guide here

What to do more? Help us break the stigma:

💬 Share your own experience
Your story can inspire others and create a more understanding and supportive culture.

🤝 Partner with us
Help us spread the word by sharing our guide and your stories.

📝 Participate in our survey

We’d love to know how you feel about Menopause in the workplace.

If you can, please fill in our Menopause
in the workplace survey here.
Please answer as honestly as possible because we should always be working on making work culture more comfortable for everyone.

Together, we can make a real difference.

Happy National Freelancers Day!

The UK’s creative industries are jam-packed with small businesses and self-employed individuals.

Government data shows 95% of the sector’s companies are micro-businesses, while self-employment accounts for 32% of employment, compared to 16% for the economy more broadly.

With that in mind, Dan Martin asked individual and startup members of Bristol Creative Industries to share their tips for running a successful freelance or small business. We received some brilliant responses which we’ve highlighted below.

Become an individual and startup member of Bristol Creative Industries for only £4.95 a month or £49+VAT a year and enjoy many business-boosting benefits. Sign up here.

To meet fellow freelancers and companies that employ them, join our regular freelancer networking drinks events at the Square Club in Bristol. It’s free including a complimentary drink if you’re a member. The next event is on 10 September. Sign up to our newsletter to be notified when tickets are available.

How to run a successful freelance or small business

Bristol Creative Industries members share their tips below. Click their BCI profile links to find out more about them and to see if there are opportunities for collaboration. We love to see members working together!


Build a network
Working for yourself can be a solitary pursuit and the idea of networking can be intimidating. But it starts with making friendly connections. That can create the basis for future partnerships, referrals and support.

We’re lucky to be spoilt for choice with a wonderful community in Bristol and the South West and Bristol Creative Industries is at the heart of that. I’ve enjoyed every minute of making like-minded connections and friends in the process.

Sell yourself with confidence
Don’t be shy. Remind people of your experience and expertise – don’t assume they know that already. Make it an easy choice for them to buy your services. If you keep it authentic and make a personal connection, selling doesn’t have to feel awkward.

Take time to contract with a clear brief
Over the years I have been eager to make it as easy as possible to get started on a scope of work by writing a proposal from a loose verbal brief. That means doing a lot of the scoping myself which, as well as a lot of time and effort unpicking the client’s needs, can leave room for (mis)interpretation.  I find the most successful partnerships involve the client putting an equal amount of work in up front to shape a really clear brief.

Katie Scotland, Future Me Consulting
View Katie’s BCI profile here

Having a good support network is key. In my experience, this goes beyond family and friends. Of course, you need people around who love you unconditionally. You also need those people who, being self-employed, just get it. People who understand the ups, as well as the downs, and who can give you a boost with some sage words of advice. You never know when you might need to call on those freelance friends – whether it’s celebrating a big win or simply asking, ‘How do I do that thing on Mailchimp, again?!’ Don’t go it alone, you’ll travel farther with trusted, supportive people at your side.

Laura Summerhayes, Great Copy Matters
View Laura’s BCI profile here

The freelance life is full of many highs and lows, and it can be easy to focus on the negative, worries and stresses. When things have felt stressful or a bit bleak, which I know it has done for the freelance community over the last 6 months or so (everyone is feeling it, it’s not just you!), then put the work in, get your head down, send out the emails, chase the leads, get back in touch with previous clients and trust the process. It works. Work comes in, clients get back in touch, and those invoices (finally!) come through.

Being part of a community of likeminded freelancers and solo workers really helps. I created a Slack community for freelance and solo workers in the South West, which has been a great place for us to share briefs, get advice. We also share the wins. It feels great to celebrate your milestones with others as they know the importance of them too!

Kerry Wheeler, Whee Design
View Kerry’s BCI profile here

Work out who you are before you offer services

The creative industry is becoming more and more specialised, so we (as companies or individuals) need to move with that trend ourselves. It’s good to have multiple offerings and skills but you open yourself up to more competition. So when it comes to marketing yourself, it’s better to be amazing at a couple of things than being ‘just good’ at too many things. Maybe you focus on editorial design or you might be an illustrator in the sports sector. This doesn’t mean turning away work that doesn’t suit your marketing; it’s just simply good to have a focus. This makes branding your company far less complicated and helps with consistency.

Create a content strategy

It’s important to show up to work. If you don’t, you get fired. The same thing happens if you’re freelance or a small business but instead, the clients forget about you. Building a consistent content strategy keeps you at the forefront of your audiences’ minds. Write short blogs about your sector, interact with your audience by having competitions or you could even do peer shout-outs. Just make it relevant and consistent.

Callum Crew, freelance graphic designer and art director
View Callum’s BCI profile here

Invest in your own brand

There are so many businesses out there doing the same or similar to you, so make sure you are really clear about who you are. Not just your services, but really what makes you tick, what makes your business individual and why clients should come to you. Look at what you are incredibly skilled at, knowledgeable about, understand and enjoy. Then build on it.

Keep moving forward

Stay relevant, understand the market, keep talking to people to learn more.  Just don’t get caught up in the jargon and hype. Your customers and clients won’t understand it, or care.

Be inspired by your own creativity

It’s your business so you should be excited by it. If you’re not then you’re probably on the wrong path. Look for the type of work you want to do and reflect it in your work. Talk to businesses that hold similar values. Follow people, brands and businesses on social media that give you fire in your belly. 

Care about what you do

Actually give a damn. Care if you get back to someone, care if it is right, care if you think it could be better. Care about what you do and others will too.

Face reality

Running your own show isn’t easy. Always be ready to change the plan, surround yourself with people that are genuinely on your side and want you to succeed. Above all, have the right mindset, stay positive and believe in your own ability. Then just when you’re about to give up, that’s when you need to push even harder.

Give back

It may be a portfolio review, your time, your advice, your energy, but give back when you can and do it genuinely and generously.

Alexandra Shallish, Not The Wolf
View Alexandra’s BCI profile here

Find yourself an accountability partner. When you’re running your own small business it’s important to have someone to talk to. When you don’t have a team of your own, find someone that understand’s the highs and lows of running a similar business. I have a weekly Friday afternoon Zoom call with another marketing consultant and we use it to share what we’ve been working on, what we’ve seen on social media and what we’re planning to work on next. Setting this up during Covid lockdowns, and continuing it since, has been one of the most valuable things I’ve ever done for my business and me personally.

Luan Wise, freelance marketing consultant
View Luan’s BCI profile here

Actively and regularly seek out your ideal clients

Sometimes money can overrule your decisions, whether on a practical basis of needing more of it, a big project that sounds too good to be true or it doesn’t quite feel like the right fit with your values and expertise. Working when you feel any kind of conflict (internally) can be really hard work for all involved. Don’t underestimate the strength of a long-term client that you align with and have trust and respect on both sides. Working with the career mentoring charity Ablaze for five years has been my biggest reward in terms of the value of the work they do and I support them with, and in being so consistent long-term.

Be alive to all opportunities

You never know what opportunities are behind someone’s ask for help on social media such as LinkedIn. I stepped in to some really interesting research work with Projects by IF through answering a last minute call for help when a team member got Covid. Plus chatting to a client via an introduction (thanks Constance Fleuriot!) at the Data Science Conference last year turned out they wanted help with a project researching the mental health ecosystem for their mental health app. Keep exploring and don’t miss opportunities on your own doorstep.

Helen Farmer, diversity, inclusion and social mobility consultant
Visit Helen’s BCI profile here

Climate/environment: Often an overlooked part of the business, it is important for you and your team to know where you stand. We are not talking about addressing global climate change, but rather what approach your business takes. Using something like the UN Global Sustainable Goals (SDGs) can be a useful tool to measure and monitor on-going improvement. Delegate this to one of your team who is passionate about climate and the environment.

Finance: Keep a close eye on financial health. Are you equipmed to do this yourself or should you delegate this and get someone to oversee this for you? Regularly analyse cash flow, manage expenses, and invest wisely to maintain stability and fuel growth.

IT/tech/web: Embrace technology to improve productivity and customer experience. An effective online presence and streamlined IT systems can enhance efficiency. Again, this can often be delegated to specialist that will advise, set up and keep your system safe. Don’t wait for the headache, scam, fraud, breach to hit you – anticipate and get an expert in to set you up.

Marketing: Develop a targeted marketing strategy to reach your ideal customers. Will you do this? Will one of your team? You know your business best, but are you best equipped to deliver this? Focus on cost-effective digital marketing channels that yield a high return on investment and consider whether you should do this internally or delegate it.

Mindset/culture/vision: This is so important and your team (and partners/freelancers) should be fully briefed on this. Keep an eye on it and cultivate a growth mindset and a clear vision for the business to share across your business, peers and clients.

Sales: Nurture a strong sales team and develop effective sales strategies. Consistent revenue generation is vital for business sustainability and expansion, and, a with ops and delivery, this is key to business growth. But should you be doing sales, or one of your team or outsource this? Only you can decide.

Franco de la Croix-Vaubois, Frog Events
View Franco’s BCI profile here

Be true to yourself, and be authentic. Take small steps if needed, celebrate all your successes, and try not to compare yourself to others. Set realistic goals, build a support network, and consider finding an accountability partner – someone who will listen impartially, remind you of your goals, and help you stay on track.

Rosia Curtis, writer, editor and fundraiser
View Rosia’s BCI profile here

The key to doing what I love and building great creative relationships is forging a true connection at a personal level – getting as close as possible is where I do my best work because then I’m fully invested in both head and heart.

Time and time again it’s over a coffee or a wine that the no holds barred honesty chats happen and reveal the truth of what is on the table and why you are the best person to help bring it to life. People love to talk so offering them the opportunity to be heard is where the magic happens. I’ve often thought I should list in my proposals: two, three, four hour coffee chats as a key stage in the creative process.

As human beings we love to find connections and then tell a story about how that relates to us – and as designers that’s how we create beautiful solutions by listening, understanding and simplifying the story to make it easier to understand.

Robin Worrall, Rednine
Visit Robin’s BCI profile here

Always deliver on time or slightly early.

Be clear and proactive with the client, especially about what they said they would do/by when. If their lateness impacts you, say so right away – in writing.

Always assume there will be some fallow months. Take out money that you need not what you want!

Build a nest egg – the bigger the better.

If buying in services, such as print, get payment from the client upfront. Always mark up such services.

Keep personal drawings and money separate from business revenue – they are not the same.

Always keep money in the business account for a rainy day – cash flow is king/queen and the tax authorities will need paying!

Consider a limited company but understand the differences versus self employed.

Andrew Clarke, Heads Up Hands On Consulting
View Andy’s BCI profile here


If you come up with a great name for your creative business, you must do due diligence to make sure it’s available. Check on Google, check domain names, check Companies House and, most importantly, check at the Intellectual Property Office as a trademarked name trumps a limited company name. If it is available, trademark it.

Mark Epton, Advocate design agency
View Mark’s profile here


Become an individual and startup member of Bristol Creative Industries from only £4.95 a month and enjoy many business-boosting benefits. Sign up here.

To meet fellow freelancers and companies that employ them, join our freelancer networking drinks on 23 November at the Square Club in Bristol. It’s free including a complimentary drink if you’re a member.

What were you up to 20 years ago?

20 years ago to the day, and almost to the minute as I write, I was presenting my last show on Bristol University’s student radio station. ‘Burst FM’ was then still in its infancy, broadcasting from a converted water closet (yes, really) on the 5th floor of the students’ union building. Tight budgets and plumbing costs meant one of the toilet pans was still in-situ and, freshers being freshers, each new presenter thought they were the first and only one to try it out, live on-air. As it happened, the flush usually did still work, and I have many tapes to prove it…

Burst was a huge part of my university life and I have it to thank for all that’s followed. I’d been intent on a career in radio since developing an unlikely adolescent love of Radio 2. While at school, I began writing material for Terry Wogan‘s breakfast show and sending it in by letter or fax. This continued throughout my time at Bristol University, when my various characters and noms de plume had a daily spot on Wake Up to Wogan at 8.50am. Luckily for my cred, most of my fellow students were either still asleep or ensconced in lectures so they knew little of it.

Very few students knew about Burst, which was mostly an online-only stream at a time when that was a huge limitation to consumption! It’s hard to believe now, but live streaming was of little use to anybody in 2004; smartphones and tablets were still emerging and listening online required effort. Burst’s listening figures were often in single digits at any one time, doubling or trebling at the flick of a switch downstairs in the Union’s Cafe Zuma, where they selectively pumped out Burst to their customers. We occasionally received calls on-air, usually wrong numbers rather than from listeners, but most of the interaction came via that much missed old friend of the millennial… MSN.

The real value of Burst was for those who got involved. A tiny audience was actually a gift while we were all making our mistakes and misjudgements on-air. I had a go at absolutely everything, even running the station for a year. By the time of my final Burst show, I was already working full-time in radio. I’d had two offers from the BBC and accepted one that meant, sadly, I had to leave Bristol the moment my studies were complete. Nobody knew at the time (at either end) but some of my later shows for Burst actually came down the line from a BBC studio far away!

But, 20 years ago today, I returned to that converted blue and orange bog once more for my very last show on Burst. Following “Bye Bye Baby” from The Bay City Rollers (horrendously predictable) and a few choked words, I played out with an old weepy called “Me And The Elephant”, a song about memories we’ll never forget. Very graciously indeed, the song’s singer had also agreed to appear in person on my show. His name?

Terry Wogan.

Today, Burst is a thriving student station which is never far from winning its next award. 2024’s students are lucky enough to learn their craft in a smart studio, albeit no longer with en-suite comedy… and, of course, everybody listens online. Whether it’s the start of a long career, or a brief flirtation with something a little bit different, I bet they’ll look back with a big smile. 20 years on and some 4,500 radio shows down the line, I certainly do.

Graduate exhibition showcases Bristol’s emerging talent at the Royal Photographic Society.

Bristol Film School at boomsatsuma proudly announces the opening of ‘Blossom Season’, its 2024 Graduate Photography Showcase at the prestigious Royal Photographic Society (RPS) in Bristol, this Saturday. The exhibition showcases exceptional work from the first graduating cohort of BA (Hons) Documentary Photography and Print.

Exhibition details:
Dates: June 15 – June 30, 2024
Location: Royal Photographic Society, 337 Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol BS4 3AR
Opening Hours: Thursday to Sunday 10am – 5pm
Private View and Reception: June 15th, 3pm – 7pm (please contact us for tickets)

The showcase features innovative photography on a diverse range of subjects – from sports to fashion – and demonstrates the high level of creative and technical skills developed on the course. The unique degree, run by award winning photographers, emphasises our students’ hands-on experience and industry engagement but with a strong focus on the ‘art of photography’.

Sam Fordham, Head of Photography at the Bristol Film School, says:

“It’s a privilege to see our students’ hard work and dedication culminate in this outstanding exhibition. Their ability to tell powerful stories through photography is a testament to their talent and the supportive, dynamic environment we strive to create on our photography degree.”

From Sunday 16th June, the exhibition is open to the public, offering an excellent opportunity for artists, industry professionals, and the local community to engage with the next generation of photographers. Admission is free and many of the exhibited works will be available for purchase.

Interested in Photography? Come to boomsatsuma’s open day at the Royal Photographic Society on Saturday 15th June from 1130. Talk to award-winning photography team and get a sneak preview of the exhibition.

Check out the new Photography and Print Degree .

Image Credits:  Amber Mylius-King (article body -first image), Matthew Roderick (article body – second image)

The mustard team are pleased to unveil their status as B Corp, officially joining the growing community of accredited B corporations across the world. Becoming one of 2000+ businesses in the UK, with a shared vision for the future.

The rigorous process covers all areas of the business including Governance, Workers, Customers, Environment and Community. The Bristol-based creative recruitment agency have painstakingly assessed their impact and are committed to providing a better future for not only their clients and employees but also their community. They’ll be returning to this impact report year-on-year to assess their impact and identify areas of improvement. Providing key insight into their practices, as they strive to hit their enhanced sustainability goals of net-zero by 2030, 20 years ahead of the UK government’s SME net-zero goals.

They’ve already levelled up their community commitments, from increased volunteering allowances to fundraising for their Charity of the Year, The Grand Appeal in aid of Bristol Children’s Hospital.

The B Corp certification provides businesses with comprehensive, credible, comparable impact standards to support economic systems change. Founded in 2006, to support businesses to lead the way towards a new, stakeholder-driven model.

Directors of mustard hope that this spotlight on the recruitment agency will encourage others in the sector to aim for more transparency and accountability.

“We’re delighted to become a B Corp, it’s been a long process, but a needed one. We’re continually striving for higher standards throughout the business. The whole team are extremely excited to be listed amongst like-minded businesses that are taking steps towards positive change.”

– Dave Madden, Director, mustard jobs

Noble Deeds charity competition to launch at ‘Be Better Bristol’ event

4th June, 2024, Bristol-based digital marketing agency Noble Performs has announced it will be launching this year’s Noble Deeds competition for Southwest charities and not-for-profits at its ‘Be Better Bristol’ event on 27th June at St Georges concert hall.

Now in it’s third year, the Noble Deeds initiative provides one local charity with pro bono digital performance marketing support for a six-month period and is opened every June as a competition which regional not-for-profits can enter.  The prize fund increases each year in line with Noble Performs’ turnover growth and will stand at £25,000 for this years’ winners.

This year, the launch of Noble Deeds is being marked by a ‘Be Better Bristol’ event, which will see the local business and not-for-profit community come together for the evening to discuss how to do better and be better across the city for mutual benefit.

Designed to inspire new connections and collaborations, speakers include Nick Sturge from TechSpark, Mark Flower, CEO of Age UK South Gloucestershire and Caroline Amran from Babassa, which helps young people from less advantaged communities into work and education.

“We’re super excited to be launching our Noble Deeds charity competition at this year’s Be Better Bristol event. Our business is all about being better and doing better and making meaningful connections, which is why we chose to launch our business in Bristol in 2018. The city has a real sense of community and collaboration which is such a fit with our ethos and we’re always looking for ways to bring people together to share ideas for inspiration and innovation, said Kate Sikora, managing director, Noble UK.

“On that note, we’d love any interested local charities and not-for-profits who’d like to come along to our Be Better Bristol event on the 27th June to get in touch. As well as entering our Noble Deeds competition for pro bono digital marketing support, the evening will be a great opportunity to network with local businesses and community members,” she added.

Past winners of the Noble Deeds programme include Heart of BS13, a south Bristol social enterprise which supports people living in Hartcliffe, and Emmaus Bristol, which helps people out of homelessness and poverty (pictured).

Noble Performs Bristol hopes to replicate the impact of its US parent company as its UK business grows. Noble’s Nevada Deeds programme has been running for nearly 15 years and donates over US$200,000 to charitable causes each year.

Open to all Southwest based registered charities and not-for-profits who wish to enter themselves as potential recipients, the Noble Deeds support package up for grabs includes upskilling of the existing marketing team ensuring a long-lasting impact for the winning organisation.

To enter, registered charities or not-for-profits must be Southwest based and complete a simple application form, which will be live on the Noble Performs website from Friday 28th June until Friday 12th July.

The entries will be judged by a panel made up of an internal committee of the UK Noble team, with the winner selected by the end of July 2024.

The Bristol-based charity that wins a place on the programme will secure a package of digital marketing support and skills training tailored to suit its specific needs, however this could include; SEO, PPC, Analytics and Paid Social. The package of support is anticipated to run from September 2024 to February 2025 depending on specific requirements.

To find out more about Noble Deeds please visit https://nobleperforms.co.uk/deeds/

To register your interest to attend the Be Better Bristol event on the 27th June please contact event organiser: [email protected]


JMP Partners with Wesport to encourage Women and Girls to get active through extension of ‘Bristol Girls Can’ Campaign

JMP, a Bristol-based creative content and campaigns agency, is thrilled to announce its partnership with Wesport to drive the inspiring ‘Bristol Girls Can‘ campaign forward into 2024 and 2025. This collaboration marks a new milestone in empowering women and girls across Bristol to embrace physical activity and lead healthier lifestyles.

‘Bristol Girls Can’, is the local activation of the widely acclaimed Sport England ‘This Girl Can’ campaign, has been successfully run for the past nine years under the stewardship of Bristol City Council. Now, Wesport, the Active Partnership for the West of England, takes the reins to continue the impactful work of encouraging movement, fostering confidence, and building community among women and girls in the region.

JMP’s responsibilities include campaign development, messaging, content creation, social media engagement, and website management. 

The ‘This Girl Can’ campaign seeks to tell the real stories of women and girls who get active or play sport in the way that’s right for them, for all shapes, sizes and abilities. This campaign is aimed to create a supportive and inclusive environment where women and girls feel encouraged, empowered, and celebrated for their participation in physical activities. 

“We believe in the power of community and collective action to drive positive change,” said Steve Nelson, CEO of Wesport. “Together with our key partners, we are committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity, fun, and empowerment that inspires women and girls across Bristol to lead active, healthy lives.”

Managing Partner at JMP, Matthew Joy, also added: “We are incredibly excited to partner with Wesport on the ‘Bristol Girls Can’ campaign. This initiative is not just about promoting physical activity; it’s about creating a sense of community across the Bristol area for women and girls and to inspire positive change and one we are excited to play a part in with other key local partners”.

The partnership invites community members to join the conversation, share their stories, and contribute to the campaign’s ongoing success. 

Individuals are encouraged to reach out via email at [email protected]  to share their experiences, and insights around the local challenges that women and girls face in accessing movement and physical activity, as well as those that are already active to share what works for you and what got you started.

As part of the campaign there will be a newly formed professional network community with an initial event being held on the 26th June. This network will be created to bring together organisations from across the city, all with a common goal of inspiring women and girls to get active across Bristol. 

About JMP:

JMP is a Bristol-based creative content and campaigns agency dedicated to creating impactful storytelling and engaging content for brands and organisations. With a passion for creativity and innovation, JMP partners with clients to deliver compelling campaigns that resonate with audiences and drive measurable results.

About Wesport:

Wesport is the Active Partnership for the West of England, serving the communities of BANES, Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire. As a sports charity, Wesport is committed to promoting physical activity, fostering inclusivity, and improving the health and well-being of individuals across the region.

For more information about the Bristol Girls Can campaign and upcoming initiatives, follow on social media and visit the website.

Web: bristolgirlscan.co.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/bristolgirlscan

For any inquiries, please contact [email protected]

A new campaign has been launched by not-for-profit organisation Tech4Good South West, designed to mobilise people and organisations in the region to commit to change.

Tech4Good South West relaunched last month and has unveiled its first-ever campaign to highlight the urgent need for technology to be used to create positive social impact.

One Small Thing is intended to inspire collective action across the South West to harness technology for good and encourage participation without boundaries. Being involved can take many forms – joining the community, donating time, offering advice, resources or space and investment in projects, people or skills.

A full list of ideas for getting involved is available on the Tech4Good South West website including:

  1. Volunteer as an individual or team with technology projects or charities focused on community inclusion
  2. Provide space for people to work/meet/create projects to encourage inclusion in the tech for good community
  3. Offer pro bono support, strategic advice or workshops to charities or third sector organisations in your area to stimulate technological innovation
  4. Organise a talk at a school or college to promote digital and technology careers
  5. Offer public workshops to raise awareness of online safety and privacy
  6. Fund an annual software subscription for a social enterprise or not for profit
  7. Investors – commit to funding a project or start up from an underrepresented group / women-owned organisation

Founder of Tech4Good South West Annie Legge commented: “Technology is moving at such a rapid pace, and we are seeing new innovations all the time. However, much of what we see others doing is borne out of a traditional business and investment model focused on profit. This campaign is about building awareness of the importance of coming together as a community and pooling resources for lasting positive change.

“You don’t have to be working in or be an expert in technology – you could be from any business sector to get involved – technology touches all of us. We are committed to harnessing the transformative power of technology to address pressing societal challenges.  From addressing digital poverty, mental health & well-being and environmental impacts, to ethical implications of emerging technologies, accessibility and digital skills.”

Tech4Good South West was originally launched in 2017 and has built up a loyal following; however, Annie and the team have decided to expand the reach and impact of the organisation after realising the value of the community. Following a successful crowdfunding campaign earlier this year the organisation secured founding sponsor support from leading regional tech focused businesses: Torchbox, Digital Wonderlab, Purplefish, Modular Design, Naturally Social and Future Talent Group.

The campaign impact and collective actions will be published later in 2024.

To become a member of Tech4Good South West: www.tech4goodsouthwest.org/membership-types