There are just over 5 weeks to go until our full-day digital advertising conference at Bath’s Apex Hotel. And we’re delighted to announce Facebook as the afternoon keynote speaker at the event on 17th October.

In attendance on the day will be Lars Kossmann and John Carr, Partner Manager and Global Agency Manager respectively, to talk about how Facebook can help you build seamless user journeys, reduce the friction experienced by your customers and drive business growth.

The addition of Facebook to the day’s lineup, alongside Google, means that attendees will have a rare chance to hear directly from the world’s two largest media owners about the future of the advertising industry.

To find out more about the day’s full lineup of speakers, including synopses, and to grab your tickets before they run out, just click here >>>

Hitwise Joins Conference Lineup

Completing the lineup of external speakers at our conference will be Charlotte Plastow from leading market insight, data and analysis powerhouse, Hitwise. Taking a deep-dive of the key questions and trends shaping today’s advertising landscape, she will analyse channels and audiences are shifting online.

Speaking about the upcoming conference, Managing Director at SearchStar, Dan Fallon, said:

“With an exceptional lineup of speakers this conference is going to be our biggest ever by a significant margin. Facebook and Google need no introduction, and the involvement of leading data and analysis operation, Hitwise, cements this conference as the foremost digital advertising event in the South West.

“Featuring contributors from diverse and impressive advertising backgrounds, we know the presentations on October 17th will hold real value and genuine insight for every attendee in the room. We’re excited to say the least and hope you are too. If you’ve been holding off booking until you saw the full lineup, it’s time to get on a snap up your tickets!”

To find out more about the day’s full lineup of speakers, including synopses, and to grab your tickets before they run out, just click here >>>

This news story first appeared on the SearchStar blog here >>>

Django Girls Bristol (Similar to PyLadies and Rails Girls) is a one-day workshop about programming in Python with Django, with a focus on including those who identify as female or non-binary.

We want to introduce more women to the world of programming. Reach out to your communities, families, friends, and share the love of technology and programming with all the women you know. Together, we can bring more diversity into tech and empower women to pursue exciting jobs and feel represented.

We accept applications from local and visiting attendees, we will offer financial aid to those who wish to travel to (and stay in) Bristol for the workshop. You don’t require any prior programming experience (but technical background is fine). You can apply here. The closing date for applications is the 18th September.

The workshop will take place on Saturday 19 October at Torchbox in Bristol. You’ll work through a tutorial in small groups with a coach, so you’ll be able to learn at your own pace.

If you wish to get involved in helping out, please write to us at [email protected] or fill out this form! We’re always happy to have volunteers and coaches for the day of the event or to help with tasks like decorating, promoting, or coaching!

Following the success of her 2018 speech on Liquid Retail at Kind und Jugend in Cologne, the leading international trade fair for premium baby and toddler products, Phoenix Wharf’s Associate Creative Director Emma Gullick is set to return to the show in 2019, speaking in the Trend Forum on how the world of retail has changed and developed over the last 12 months.

The speech, entitled ‘Directing the Flow – Where is Liquid Retail taking you next?’, will be given alongside other presentations on current market conditions in Europe, China, Brazil and the Middle East for baby and toddler products, as well as on leading trends across tech, social media and omnichannel retail.

The speech, to be given at midday on September 20th, will expand on the following themes:

‘The name of the game for today’s retail and hospitality operators, in a world characterised by a lack of permanence, is flexibility and fluidity. Tomorrow’s goal is not just to keep up with rapidly changing consumer behaviour and new technological frontiers, but to get ahead of them, to ensure consumers encounter something new and unexpected on the high street and digital highway. The only real way to do this is to identify underlying drivers. Emma Gullick will be identifying the biggest issues retailers need to concentrate on now, from the change in focus from sales to service to the further extension of the rental model, plus the need to stand for something and have clear messaging on wellbeing and sustainability – as well as the sheer glamour and fun of creating FOMO moments.’

Phoenix Wharf, together with sister company Ignition, a specialist in events, exhibitions and experiences, has also designed and created three stands at this year’s show for clients Elvie, VitalBaby and Ickle Bubba.

About Phoenix Wharf:          
Emma Gullick is Associate Director of Phoenix Wharf, a Bristol-based branding, retail and interiors agency dedicated to inspiring change in clients’ businesses to bring about better returns, differentiated positioning and increased customer loyalty. With clients including Space NK, The National Trust and Yeo Valley, Emma’s creative concepts and vision are in constant use, with her views and insights sought and published regularly in the design and retail press. Phoenix Wharf, along with sister agencies Ignition and Caroline, forms part of Istoria Group.

Bristol Media’s new Visualiser apprenticeship programme has its first recruit! Congratulations to Kheamah Powell, who has recently joined animation company A Productions as a Production Management Apprentice.

Launched in May this year, Visualiser is a partnership between Bristol MediaBabbasaUjima Radio and the City Council, and this new apprenticeship is a perfect fit for the team at A Productions.

Melissa Lipscombe, A Productions, says “The team wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to a more diverse range of candidates to be part of our production crew, alongside promoting the profile of the studio within the wider local Bristol community.

Working closely with Jo Sunderland from Diverse Insights, we ran two events, one with Babbasa, based at Wilder Street and one with Ujima Radio based at St Pauls Learning Centre. We advertised through our own website but also through Creative Access.

There was a fantastic response and Kheamah was one of 33 applicants who applied. The competition was tough, but Kheamah really stood out and we are delighted that she has accepted a job as part of our Production team.

Cirencester College have been great to work with, they advised on, and coordinated the recruitment process and will continue to support Kheamah and A Productions throughout her contract on the production. We couldn’t recommend the whole process enough!

Hands-on experience

Kheamah says: “The apprenticeship has given me real hands on experience – I’m really enjoying working and learning every day!”

If you’d like to widen the diversity of your team or would like to speak to someone about the Visualiser apprentice programme, get in touch with Paul Appleby ([email protected]). For more info on Visualiser visit:


Previously executive creative director and Vice Chairman of Ogilvy & Mather, as well as creative lead for Google’s The Zoo, Patrick has a career spanning over 30 years, and we’re delighted to welcome him back to Bristol.

20 years ago, Seth Godin wrote “Permission Marketing”. He had such high hopes for advertising, suggesting that the digital revolution would make advertising personal and relevant and thus anticipated and welcome.

But it didn’t quite work out that way…

Not only do people dislike advertising (there are a billion ad-blockers installed on devices around the world) they dislike the advertising profession too. In the UK, advertising people often rank below politicians, which takes some doing! Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, Google and Brand Safety, the new tech giants have had a disastrous effect on how advertising is both made and seen.

BUT, despite all this, advertising can still help sell products and grow brands. It’s just that there are new rules.


About the keynote:

In this talk, Patrick Collister will apologise for the cliché (new rules) but will explain how it gives a framework for understanding the five conditions brands need to meet if they want to get through to people.

He’ll talk a bit about data, a lot about insight and he’ll mention the fact that 30% of the audience will have bought something on their mobile phones while sitting on the toilet. He’ll squeak excitedly about some of the new toys in the tech-box but pull a frown when he gets to the slide with the poo emoji. That’s when he’ll be discussing Programmatic and how it is an opportunity that creative agencies miss at their peril.

He’ll talk about ideas a lot, use the word creativity quite often, and may even try to sell you his book, “How To Use Innovation & Creativity In Business.

Tickets & Entry

Join us and Patrick on Tuesday 17th September (12.30-14.15) at the riverside offices of Foot Anstey, 2 Glass Wharf, Bristol BS2 0FR.

Tickets are £40+VAT for Bristol Media members, £55+VAT for non-members and include lunch. A limited number of £10+VAT tickets will be available from 9th August to Bristol Media freelance members.


About Patrick

Patrick was the executive creative director and Vice Chairman of Ogilvy & Mather, London. Then executive creative director of the EHS Brann network of direct marketing agencies. From 2013 to 2018 he was the creative lead for Google’s creative think-tank The Zoo. He has won many awards, the most prestigious being Cannes Gold in 2013 with Cheil for Samsung. In his spare time, Patrick publishes Directory magazine and resource.

Patrick will return in October to run his critically-acclaimed workshop ‘Getting the Big Idea’… find out more.

Kirsty Hulse (Speaker, Author, Brain Based Coach) has been announced as the newest addition on the Digital Gaggle lineup.

Her talk ‘Considered Creativity: How To Supercharge Your Ideas To Drive Better Results’ will walk attendees through a scientifically proven creative process and share tips on how to create content that triggers people to share it online.

Kirsty is Founder of Manyminds, a marketing agency working with an impressive roster of clients including Virgin Atlantic, IBM and Claire’s. For almost ten years, she has travelled the globe speaking to audiences of thousands at events such as MozCon and Search Leeds.

She has trained with the ICF accredited Neuroleadership Institute to apply the fundamentals of neuroscience to improve creativity, enable better conversations, grow self-belief and regulate nerves. Kirsty will be discussing how you can tap into the fundamentals of neuroscience during her talk at Digital Gaggle.

Describing her session, Kirsty said: “In a world where the average consumer is exposed to over 3000 ads a day, our ideas and our content has to emotionally resonate to cut through the noise”. After the talk, you’ll understand why people share content, learn how to create content that triggers this thinking, learn what happens in the brain when real creativity happens and develop a process to tap into that.

Early Bird tickets are currently on sale for Digital Gaggle at £79. Taking advantage of Early Bird pricing means you save 20% off the cost of a full price event pass.

You can buy your Early Bird ticket using this link here:

Digital Gaggle returns to Bristol’s Watershed cinema on Thursday 19th September. Find out more about the event and the agenda by visiting the website:

You may have been to one of Bristol Media’s monthly Vision keynote events, which exist to open your mind to new ideas and ways of creative thinking. We host a variety of world-class speakers throughout the year for our community to experience ideas and creativity from global thought leaders and visionaries.

We want to ensure our Vision keynote events are accessible to all our members, whether they’re a large agency organisation or an independent freelancer. So, we want to remind you about a new offer available exclusively to Bristol Media Member freelancers:

For many of our Vision keynotes we’ll release 10% of tickets to Bristol Media freelancers for just £10*

Our next Vision keynote is Patrick Collister with ‘Permission Denied’ on 17th September at Foot Anstey. We’ll release a limited amount of £10 tickets to Bristol Media freelance members this Friday 9th August. Head over to Eventbrite and choose Bristol Media Freelancer from the drop-down to claim your £10 ticket. We don’t expect these to last long so be quick!


*Tickets include lunch and are available on a first come, first served basis to Bristol Media freelance members only. Price excludes VAT and Eventbrite processing fee.

If you’ve not yet joined Bristol Media, take a look at the benefits of being a member and join today. We’re planning more fantastic keynote events later this year, so keep an eye out for announcements in the coming months. We hope to see you at our next Vision keynote event!

Missed the announcement first time round? Then sign up to our newsletter to stay in the loop with news, exclusive member offers and more.

Bristol Media

Save 34% off the price of a full Digital Gaggle ticket! Super Early Bird tickets on sale 18th July at 12.30pm.

Digital Gaggle – Bristol’s best inbound marketing conference – returns to Bristol’s Watershed cinema on Thursday 19th September and Super Early Bird tickets are now on sale.

If you’ve never been to a Gaggle before, the conference is designed to be the antidote to stuffy, overly-corporate marketing conferences. You can expect engaging speakers, best practice shared by industry leaders, inspiration galore, and tons of friendly faces.

Talk topics include ’10 Conversion Optimisation Experiments You Can Use On Your Website Right Now’, ‘Considered Creativity: How To Supercharge Your Ideas To Drive Better Results’ and ‘Don’t Do A Pepsi – How To Be Inclusive With Your Marketing’.

Plusnet join speaker lineup

You’ll also hear from Molly Evans, Digital Analytics Manager at Plusnet, who’ll be showing you how to leverage your analytics data to make better business decisions. Molly has implemented some super slick internal processes for her Plusnet team which helps them effectively figure out the ROI of their marketing. Plus, she has a degree in Mathematics from Oxford University so if that doesn’t prove that she’s a whizz with analytics, what does?

Digital Gaggle gives professional marketers the head space to leave the office for the day, challenge their existing way of doing things, come up with exciting new plans for their marketing strategy and make new friends in the industry. It’s an event not to be missed.

But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what previous attendees had to say:

“Digital Gaggle is the bridge between the unknown and the known! A well organised event led by experts who don’t compromise on fun.”

“Genuinely interesting and interactive talks full of the latest trends and ideas to take home. The speakers all do an amazing job at keeping their talks relevant and light hearted – you don’t feel like you’re at a stuffy conference. The event is very well organised especially as I went solo, I found it easy to meet and chat to new people!”

See you there?

Super Early Bird tickets are on sale until 7th August at 12.30pm and offer you a 34% saving on the price of a full ticket. There’s a limited number available – get ’em before they go.

Did someone say paaaaaaarty?

Join us on Wednesday 7th August for a cheeky drink and some casual Notworking™ in the glorious Bristol sunshine (…fingers crossed). Grab your £3 ticket here

We’ll be back at our fave location The Square Club who will be putting on a proper lush BBQ if you want to grab something to eat straight after work. AND we’ll be throwing in a few surprises.

There won’t be any talks, it’ll just be a chilled evening where you can get to know like-minded creatives in a totally relaxed way.

A note from our lovely sponsors huggg

Hey Gluggers! We can’t wait to see you all. We’ll be armed with treats and tricks for you to re-engage your audiences. Lookout for news on a special giveaway. Download our app and send your first huggg today. See you on the terrace, ours is a Gin & Tonic

See you on the 7th!

This announcement was first posted on the SearchStar blog here >>>

Our October conference is always the jewel in the crown that is our calendar of events. A full day of advertising insights featuring some of the industry’s big-hitters (Google, Facebook, Amazon), attendees always have incredibly kind words to say about every aspect of the event.

Having said that, one takeaway from last year’s event was that there simply wasn’t enough space. The room was packed to the rafters, and not everyone could get their hands on tickets.

So, for 2019 we are going bigger and better than ever, nearly doubling capacity (300+) and moving the food/drink/networking area to the Apex’s beautiful upstairs atrium!

This year’s theme is ‘Advertising & Growth’, and conference-favourite Google are set to return to present the day’s keynote. And while the remainder of the speaker lineup is yet to be announced, we guarantee several presentations from members of the SearchStar team aimed at helping you grow online into 2020 and beyond.

Essential Information:

What? Full-Day Advertising Conference

When? 17th October, from 9am

Where? The Apex Hotel, Bath

Super early bird tickets are available and on sale right now! Our conferences always sell out, so make sure you get your tickets today >>>

This announcement was first posted on the SearchStar blog here >>>