User Experience Design Fundamentals – 2-day workshop

*LAST FEW PLACES available*

Covering the fundamentals of User Experience Design offered by industry experts Stuart Church & Matt French

Day 1: Research & discovery
Business & brand
User research methods
Communicating the User Experience

Day 2: Design & testing
Concept & prototyping
Graphic design & interaction design
Testing designs

For full details & to sign up – please visit

Price £600 (inc VAT)

Bristol Media’s new Visualiser apprenticeship programme has its first recruit! Congratulations to Kheamah Powell, who has recently joined animation company A Productions as a Production Management Apprentice.

Launched in May this year, Visualiser is a partnership between Bristol MediaBabbasaUjima Radio and the City Council, and this new apprenticeship is a perfect fit for the team at A Productions.

Melissa Lipscombe, A Productions, says “The team wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to a more diverse range of candidates to be part of our production crew, alongside promoting the profile of the studio within the wider local Bristol community.

Working closely with Jo Sunderland from Diverse Insights, we ran two events, one with Babbasa, based at Wilder Street and one with Ujima Radio based at St Pauls Learning Centre. We advertised through our own website but also through Creative Access.

There was a fantastic response and Kheamah was one of 33 applicants who applied. The competition was tough, but Kheamah really stood out and we are delighted that she has accepted a job as part of our Production team.

Cirencester College have been great to work with, they advised on, and coordinated the recruitment process and will continue to support Kheamah and A Productions throughout her contract on the production. We couldn’t recommend the whole process enough!

Hands-on experience

Kheamah says: “The apprenticeship has given me real hands on experience – I’m really enjoying working and learning every day!”

If you’d like to widen the diversity of your team or would like to speak to someone about the Visualiser apprentice programme, get in touch with Paul Appleby ([email protected]). For more info on Visualiser visit:


Previously executive creative director and Vice Chairman of Ogilvy & Mather, as well as creative lead for Google’s The Zoo, Patrick has a career spanning over 30 years, and we’re delighted to welcome him back to Bristol.

20 years ago, Seth Godin wrote “Permission Marketing”. He had such high hopes for advertising, suggesting that the digital revolution would make advertising personal and relevant and thus anticipated and welcome.

But it didn’t quite work out that way…

Not only do people dislike advertising (there are a billion ad-blockers installed on devices around the world) they dislike the advertising profession too. In the UK, advertising people often rank below politicians, which takes some doing! Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, Google and Brand Safety, the new tech giants have had a disastrous effect on how advertising is both made and seen.

BUT, despite all this, advertising can still help sell products and grow brands. It’s just that there are new rules.


About the keynote:

In this talk, Patrick Collister will apologise for the cliché (new rules) but will explain how it gives a framework for understanding the five conditions brands need to meet if they want to get through to people.

He’ll talk a bit about data, a lot about insight and he’ll mention the fact that 30% of the audience will have bought something on their mobile phones while sitting on the toilet. He’ll squeak excitedly about some of the new toys in the tech-box but pull a frown when he gets to the slide with the poo emoji. That’s when he’ll be discussing Programmatic and how it is an opportunity that creative agencies miss at their peril.

He’ll talk about ideas a lot, use the word creativity quite often, and may even try to sell you his book, “How To Use Innovation & Creativity In Business.

Tickets & Entry

Join us and Patrick on Tuesday 17th September (12.30-14.15) at the riverside offices of Foot Anstey, 2 Glass Wharf, Bristol BS2 0FR.

Tickets are £40+VAT for Bristol Media members, £55+VAT for non-members and include lunch. A limited number of £10+VAT tickets will be available from 9th August to Bristol Media freelance members.


About Patrick

Patrick was the executive creative director and Vice Chairman of Ogilvy & Mather, London. Then executive creative director of the EHS Brann network of direct marketing agencies. From 2013 to 2018 he was the creative lead for Google’s creative think-tank The Zoo. He has won many awards, the most prestigious being Cannes Gold in 2013 with Cheil for Samsung. In his spare time, Patrick publishes Directory magazine and resource.

Patrick will return in October to run his critically-acclaimed workshop ‘Getting the Big Idea’… find out more.

Bristol Media’s Chair, Chris Thurling, has just arrived back from Austin, Texas where he’s been attending SXSW 2019 – the world’s largest annual celebration of the interactive industries. On Tuesday 19 March, Chris will be joined by Ann Hiatt (former Amazon and Google Chief of Staff, SXSW speaker and one of our Keynote speakers last year) for a ‘hot off the press’ lunchtime digest to share their highlights and latest trends emerging from this year’s festival.

Following the 40-minute talk, there’ll be an opportunity to ask questions in a 20-minute Q&A.

The talk starts at 12.30pm on Tuesday 19th March at Zone, The Brew House, Tower Hill, Bristol BS2 0EQ. There’s a small fee of £10+VAT for Bristol Media members (£15+VAT for non-members), light refreshments will be provided.

We have very few places remaining for the talk so book now!

According to Business West’s Business Skills and Training Survey 2017, 64.9% of businesses in the West of England have never hired an apprentice, with lack of time cited as the main reason.

Yet with 96% of companies who take on an apprentice reporting benefits to their business (National Apprenticeship Service), organisations who do not consider this option when hiring or developing staff could be missing out.

Read on to find out more about some of the key benefits to employers of hiring an apprentice:

Increased Productivity

An astonishing 72% of businesses report improved productivity as a result of employing an apprentice, according to the National Apprenticeship Service. Having an extra pair of hands on the team means more tasks can get completed and you may even have time to explore projects or carry out research that you would not have previously been able to do. Although there can be time spent assisting an apprentice, the increased overall productivity can outweigh this.

Increased Revenue

On the back of this, increased productivity usually means an upturn in revenue and profit. The National Apprenticeship Service claims that the average person completing an apprenticeship increases productivity by £214 per week, so what’s not to like about that?

Lower Staff Turnover

Apprentices are often loyal to the company in which they gained their training and qualifications, with The National Apprenticeship Service reporting that 71% stay with the same employers once they finish their apprenticeship. They recognise that you have invested time and money into training them up in a particular skill, and at the same time will feel integrated into your organisation so will repay that with loyalty, resulting in a lower staff turnover and in turn, less money spent on recruitment.

Fix Skills Gaps

Taking on an apprentice within your company means that you can teach them the specific skills you need as a business. Working with a training provider, you can also use apprenticeships to upskill your existing staff where you feel it is needed most, so whilst technology advances and different skills are needed, you can protect your company from skills gaps that could have a negative impact in the long run.

Revitalise Your Business

Apprentices often come into an organisation with a fresh perspective, as well as bags of enthusiasm and energy. This can have a positive effect on your existing staff too, who may enjoy having someone with new ideas join the team.  A positive workforce are more likely to perform better as well, so really it’s a win-win for you.

Build Your Brand

Apprenticeships are big news and are becoming a more popular recruitment method across all industries. Any organisation that has an apprenticeship scheme is likely to be seen as a business that is forward thinking and likes to invest in their staff, and that is attractive to anyone, whether they’re looking for a new role, or great company to work.

Apprenticeships can benefit any size of business, whether you’re a large corporate, SME or start up. Need more advice and information on where to start? Why not get in touch with the Skills Team at Business West who can let you know the best next steps to take. You can email them or call 0330 124 4446.

Bristol Media Chair, Chris Thurling, is heading off to Austin, Texas this week to attend the world’s largest annual celebration of the interactive industries – SXSW 2019. Whilst at the festival, Chris plans to meet up with Ann Hiatt, former Amazon and Google Chief of Staff and one of the contacts he made at SXSW last year.

Chris has a packed schedule of keynotes, workshops and networking opportunities over the course of the 5-day digital festival and will be joined by Marissa Lewis-Peart, winner of 2018’s Ben Martin Apprentice Award (BMAA). Dubbed as the “premier destination for discovery,” Chris and Marissa will hear the latest news and trends from the world’s leading tech and creative companies at SXSW.

As a seasoned SXSW’er, Chris will be on a mission to make new connections for Bristol Media, as well as absorb all that the event has to offer. Chris and Marissa will be live-tweeting during the event, so follow us on Twitter @Bristol_Media #BristolSXSW to receive the latest updates.

SXSW highlights

Ann has kindly agreed to come back to Bristol after the festival to join Chris in a ‘hot off the press’ lunchtime digest on 19th March. They’ll share their thoughts and experiences from SXSW plus a roundup of highlights and insights into the latest trends from the festival. Following the talk, there’ll be an opportunity to ask questions in a 20-minute Q&A.

The talk starts at 12.30pm on Tuesday 19th March at Zone, The Brew House, Tower Hill, Bristol BS2 0EQ. There’s a small fee of £10+VAT for Bristol Media members (£15+VAT for non-members), light refreshments will be provided.

Places are very limited so book asap via Eventbrite!


Rebecca Steer runs Steer & Co, a small law firm specialising in the creative and tech sectors.  Over the last few years Rebecca has run numerous successful workshops for Bristol Media members.  This particular workshop is a must attend for Digital Agencies and developers who are involved in pitching for and delivering digital development and services projects.  It will cover the traditional development models of agile and waterfall from a legal and commercial perspective and give helpful hints to ensure your pitch and associated contract negotiations are successful and minimise project risks.

The session will also cover other legal considerations around using consultants, freelancers and third party/open source software in your projects and is brought to you by award-winning lawyer, Rebecca Steer, who specialises in IP, IT and media law.

Who should attend?

Aimed at executives at Digital Agencies and individual developers who are involved in pitching for and delivering digital projects and who are responsible for the contractual aspects of projects.

The workshop will cover:

This workshop takes place at The Square Club from 4-6pm on Monday 4th March and costs £30.00+VAT for members and £50.00+VAT for non members.

Booking is via Eventbrite

Rebecca’s sessions are always very popular so book early to avoid disappointment!

January is traditionally the busiest time of the year when it comes to looking for a new job and with the continued strength of the creative sector, there’s no reason for 2019 to be any different.  Why not get ahead and treat yourself to membership of Bristol Media?  If you’re a freelancer and you join before 5pm on Wednesday 9th January 2019 we will even give you 3 months FREE so you’ll get 15 months membership for the price of 12.

Creative companies regularly search our online directory and freelance database on SW Creative Jobs to find their next pair of hands for both freelance and permanent roles so give them a chance to find you with an online profile in our member directory.  Your online profile is just one of the many ways that Bristol Media can help you connect with creative employers across the region.  In addition we hold a variety of networking events and training workshops throughout the year to help inspire you and keep your knowledge and skills up-to-date.  And if your CV is looking a little tired and in need of a revamp we can point you in the direction of our recruitment partners who will be more than happy to advise and help get you that all-important interview.

Here’s what some of our freelance members have to say…

“As an independent creative, membership of Bristol Media is a ‘no-brainer’ for me. A valuable asset in terms of the events and support they facilitate, but also a number of clients have found me through the website directory” ~ Carys Tait

“Sometimes being a freelancer can feel a little isolating, Bristol Media does a great job at connecting creative freelancers in the city, it’s a great platform to meet like-minded people” ~ Mark Sharman

“A number of businesses have contacted me after finding my freelance profile through Bristol Media. Happily, most of them are now regular clients” ~ Sam Tarbuck

At just £40+VAT, freelance membership will make you part of one of the UK’s biggest creative networks and could potentially open up limitless opportunities.  It could be the best £40 you’ll spend this year!  If you’d like to take advantage of this offer just sign up online here and we’ll add on your additional 3 free months and email you confirmation.

Find out more about the many benefits of membership here.

Digital Cities is returning to Bristol with a week-long programme of free, inspirational learning and networking opportunities aimed at developing the skills of both the current and next generation of staff working in the creative industries. The project has run successfully in Bristol for five years, bringing industry partners together to boost their region’s digital and production skills and acting as a catalyst for exciting collaborations within the creative sector.

Starting on Monday 26 November, Skills West, a project delivered by Business West and Bristol Media are coordinating a series of free events designed to help your business face a competitive digital future, called Open Doors.

Open Doors

Open Doors is a brilliant opportunity to see behind the scenes of this buzzing industry. Companies from around Bristol will be opening their doors to small groups of guests and sharing an insight into their business which is not normally on show.

This year we have 20 businesses on board who are offering various opportunities, from tours of their workspace and career advice workshops, to question and answer sessions with experts in their field.

All of the Open Doors events are listed here: