Bristol’s creative quarter, Paintworks, was full of excitement on Wednesday, March 27th, as Istoria Group and Purplefish teamed up to host a creative careers Agency Open Day. 

The event, in partnership with social enterprise Babbasa, welcomed a total of 12 eager young people. This day-long event was an opportunity for anyone interested in a career within the design and/or PR industry. 

The collaboration between Istoria Group and Purplefish was an effort to offer invaluable insights into the creative industry, particularly for individuals who may face barriers to accessing such opportunities. Both certified B Corp businesses, Istoria Group and Purplefish are committed to fostering inclusivity and breaking down barriers in the creative sector.

Sam Rowe, CEO of Istoria Group said: “This Open Day really portrays our shared commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a supportive environment for aspiring creatives. We’re dedicated to providing pathways for individuals to thrive in the design industry.” 

Joanna Randall, Founder of Purplefish, commented: “At Purplefish, we believe in the power of mentorship and sharing knowledge for the next generations who will be working alongside us. Collaborating with Istoria Group for this Open Day has been incredibly rewarding, and we’re thrilled to have provided aspiring professionals with a glimpse into the exciting world of PR.”

The day’s agenda was structured to offer participants a comprehensive overview of both design and PR. Beginning with Istoria Group’s session, participants were tasked with choosing an experience to amplify, creating a unique brand experience, integrating design elements, and presenting their concepts to the judges. The winning team received Love Bristol gift cards, to spend locally and support Bristol businesses.

Following a lunch break, where the students were able to network with one another and members of the Istoria Group and Purplefish teams, the attendees headed to Purplefish. The PR workshops offered insights into crafting powerful news hooks, mastering social media marketing, and managing events. 

Beyond the scheduled sessions, participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the agency atmosphere, gaining firsthand experience of the diverse and vibrant culture agency life has to offer.

The Agency Open Day also served as a platform for discussing future opportunities, including paid work placement opportunities in 2024 at Istoria Group and pathways to kickstart a career as a degree-level PRCA apprentice at Purplefish.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we are officially funding a second round of creative and marketing support to businesses dedicated to levelling the playing field for women.

Last year we offered creative support to a local business dedicated to making a positive impact for women in the South-West. The Women’s Work Lab based in Bristol, addresses the motherhood career gap by providing skills-based training to mums on benefits, enhancing their employability. Headed up by an all-female team here at Oakwood, we reviewed their brand identity and created evolved messaging and a new visual look.

Once again, we are interested in hearing from individuals, organisations or businesses who are led or owned by women who are committed to celebrating women’s achievements, championing women empowerment, calling for positive change to advance women, taking action to educate and raise awareness of women’s equality and those who are actively fostering and creating more inclusive workplaces, communities, or practices for women; to help drive forward the important message of this year’s International Women’s Day around inspiring inclusion.

If you think this sounds like you, please apply here:

And don’t forget to spread the word!

Whether you’re a new start-up or the proud owner of a family-run bakery, the digital world can feel like a jungle of jargon and ever-shifting goalposts. But do not worry, my digital adventurers! Today, we’re embarking on an excursion to unravel the mysteries of SEO, minus the patronising tech language.

The ABCs of SEO: Cracking the Code

The wonderful world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is all about making your website stand out in the eyes of search engines. Consider it as cleaning up your internet presence so that Google, like the most popular kid at school, can’t help but notice you.

Starting with keywords, those sneaky little things that people enter into search engines while looking for something, you need to know which ones will get you a nudge and a wink from Google. Then there’s on-page optimisation, which entails making your titles and meta descriptions both informative and appealing.

Next, don’t forget about backlinks, which are similar to online street cred; the more trustworthy sites link to yours, the more Google believes you’re the best. Last but not least, your site’s user experience must be slicker than a charmer’s chat-up lines, with mobile-friendliness, quick loading speeds, and material as fascinating as a natter at the pub.

For individuals looking to learn the fundamentals of SEO, check out Mastering SEO Fundamentals for Newbies. It’s similar to your trusted map to buried treasure, but in this case, the treasure is massive amounts of web traffic.

2021’s Plot Twists in the World of SEO

SEO isn’t something you do once and then forget about. Google wants to keep us on our toes with its continuous upgrades. And, like fashion trends, if you don’t keep up, you’ll rapidly appear as out of date as socks and sandals.

This year, Google has been busy tweaking the machinery with algorithm improvements, putting an even more focus on the quality of your content and the experience you provide to your users.

What’s the latest in the 2021 SEO scene? You have Google’s Page Experience Update, which focuses on topics like loading speed and mobile friendliness. And don’t underestimate the growing relevance of local SEO. With more people looking for neighbourhood delicacies, it’s a no-brainer to improve your local listings.

Curious about this year’s shake-up? Have a gander at the Beginner’s Guide to 2021 SEO Changes.

Navigating the SEO Sea Change: Google’s Latest Shenanigans

Change is the only constant, they say, and Google’s recent upgrades are as consistent as rain on a British summer’s day. Navigating these shifts does not require casting a magic spell; rather, it requires maintaining a steady hand on the tiller and adjusting your sails.

For example, Google now prefers websites that offer an excellent user experience (UX). This implies that your website’s usability, mobile appearance, and loading speed are more important than ever.

If you’re feeling a little lost, check out the link to Navigating Through Google’s Recent SEO Updates – it’s your go-to compass in the ever-changing world of SEO.

Finessing Your Site: SEO Tweaks and Twiddles

Think of your website like a store. You wouldn’t have a confusing layout or useless service in a physical store, and the same is true for an online storefront. SEO finesse begins with simplicity, such as crystal-clear navigation, a plethora of persuasive and instructive content, and some clever keywords scattered throughout like fairy dust.

From there, you may go into details like as image optimisation (ensuring that images aren’t so enormous that they slow down your site) and ensuring that each page has a specific function.

If you’re itchin’ to start enhancing your digital habitat, snag some pearls of wisdom from Enhancing Your Website’s SEO: The Basics.

Unlocking SEO Secrets for the Novices

Even the most daring adventurers require a guide while exploring new territory. And in the wilds of SEO, it pays to have a reliable ally who knows every nook and cranny of the terrain.

BrisTechTonic is not your typical SEO agency. We’ll take you under our wing and decipher the enigmatic hieroglyphs of Google’s algorithms with sophisticated knowledge and a pleasant wink. Our desire is to help your company advance in the search rankings with a plan designed specifically for you.

Eager to get the gears turning on your website’s SEO potential? Look no further than unlocking your future success with Unlocking SEO Potential for Beginners.

So, if you’re ready to unfurl the sails on your SEO voyage, why not book in for a discovery call? We’ll chat about your needs and plot a course for your online triumph. Until then, keep your wits about you and your SEO sharp!

For the past five years BeOnBoard operated as a project under TBIT, making significant strides in their mission to ensure that businesses in the South West are reflective of the diversity of the teams, their clients and the communities they serve.

Founded by the inspirational Kalpna Woolf, who also leads the charity; 91 ways to build a global city, the charity was being incorporated to realise the ambitious growth plans.

Through the research we conducted what became clear was that if leaders with the same background make decisions through the same lens, they will get the same outcomes. Where are the fresh ideas? The different outlooks? The challenges to tradition? Where’s the change? BeOnBoard brings the diverse talent they’ve coached and nurtured to boardroom tables.

The proposition: BeOnBoard connect businesses who are ready to embrace new ideas with the people who have them. Those who have a hunger for growth and innovation. And they do it not just from an equitable standpoint, but from a commercial one. It’s just better business.

Our programme of work included:

To see how we can help, visit


Welcome to the digital labyrinth, where SEO mysteries are more complicated than Spaghetti Junction on a Friday afternoon. But do not be afraid! We’re here to light the way for your online adventure, much like a trusted flashlight in the depths of Wookey Hole.

Spotlight on SEO: What’s It All About?

Imagine SEO as the High Street of the digital world. It’s where you set up your shop (a.k.a. your website) to get the most footfall. Only, in this bustling metropolis, footfall is driven by the all-seeing eyes of search engines. Now, let’s Discover the essentials of SEO with our beginner’s guide and turn browsers into buyers!

The Building Blocks of SEO

Before you start building your digital empire, you should learn the fundamentals of SEO for your new firm. Here is the groundwork:

Keywords: These are the ‘Open for Business’ signs that catch your attention. These are the terms your prospective clients are feverishly putting into Google.

Content: The king, queen, and the entire royal procession. Quality content not only engages your target audience, but it also pleases Google.

Meta Tags: No, not a new superhero team, but important text snippets that inform search engines about the content of each page of your cyber castle.

Backlinks: These are your high-street recommendations. The more credible the source, the higher your street cred in the digital hood.

Brewing up a Digital Presence

SEO is similar to a superb Bristol brew in that the appropriate ingredients must steep together to produce the ideal cup of tea. So, let us jumpstart your digital success with this simple SEO guide and propel your brand from startup to superstar.

On-Page SEO: Your Shop Window

On-page SEO is about making your store as attractive as possible from the start. This entails having a clear indication (your title tag), an appealing display (your photos and formatting), and an attractive pitch. It’s where you can learn about SEO: A beginner’s tutorial for those looking to impress passersby.

Off-Page SEO: Spreading the Word

Off-page SEO is the equivalent of positive gossip; it’s how you get people talking about your business in the outside world. Earning backlinks from credible sites is like the local newsagent saying, “That’s a fine establishment!” It’s an important step towards unlocking the secrets of SEO for your growing business.

Navigating the SEO Journey

As any wise explorer knows, a map is essential. Let’s plot the course to Navigate the world of SEO: A starter kit for small businesses, marking the key destinations and avoiding the peckish trolls lurking beneath the bridges.

Local SEO: Claiming Your Turf

If your company is the large fish in a small pond, local SEO guarantees you don’t slip away. It’s about claiming your area on ‘Google My Business,’ and ensuring that when locals search ‘near me,’ your shop appears as a beacon on their digital map.

Technical SEO: Under the Hood

Consider technical SEO to be your tech team working in the background. They’re responsible for guaranteeing that your site’s rigging does not collapse during the performance. From loading times to mobile responsiveness, the unsung hero keeps the show running smoothly. By paying attention here, you will ensure that you start your SEO journey with our thorough beginner’s guide.

Stirring the SEO Cauldron

When you combine creativity and statistics, you have the recipe for online enchantment. It’s time to make your mark online with practical SEO ideas for new businesses and create a website that Harry Potter would be proud of.

Analytics: Measuring Your Magic

Once your potions are bubbling beautifully, you should test their potency. Tools such as Google Analytics allow you to see how your audience interacts with your material. This knowledge allows you to fine-tune your spells for optimal effectiveness.

The Power of Patience

Remember that in the world of SEO, patience is more than a virtue; it is a requirement. Results may not be immediate, but with a persistent technique, you will see your online riches grow.

Ready to make your digital aspirations a reality? Embrace these simple SEO methods for new businesses and watch your brand ascend the ranks of Google’s enormous library.

For those willing to learn the intricacies of SEO and move their organisation forward, the adventure is only beginning. Remember, you don’t have to go through this digital journey alone. If you want to learn more about SEO for your growing business, schedule a discovery call. Together, we’ll devise a customised plan to make the Google gods smile upon your website.

Hi Bristol Creative Industry members 👋. 

If you’re after a bit of inspiration from creative leaders across the globe then take a gander at The Changemakers brought to you by Shaped By. It’s a series of talks with amazing and brilliant minds driving forward creativity.

It started as a podcast picking the brains of brand, creative and marketing leaders in the world of B2B tech. Dave Corlett our Business Director was the original host and he’s delved into some belter of discussions on:

We then morphed it into different formats with multiple guests, got other Shape-lings to join hosting, and hit record on the video. While it’s been a privilege to chat with people from brands like Microsoft, Stripe, Zapier, Drift, and Webflow, we wanted to bring a new flavour to the series. So we’re looking outside of the norm, and interviewing people who are super interesting from a creative and design perspective. We’re talking sound designers, illustrators, artists and so on. 

You can watch the first foray into these as we spoke to Adam Legg, a Bristol-based composer and sound designer who we’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with. We dug a little deeper into the secret art of sound design. What’s the process? How do you ensure it’s relevant to the storytelling? And ultimately, what’s the difference between a ‘meh’ sound design and one that makes you stand out and take notice? Check it out here

We’re lucky to have had so many smart, insightful chats with genuinely good people over the 40+ episodes we’ve got in the can; and we’re excited to take this to the next level. 

Check out all the episodes yourself on your favourite platform below:

🟢 Spotify 

🍏 Apple

🔴 YouTube

And if it floats your boat, subscribe, like and share. 😊

✌️ Alex Waite, Marketing Director @ Shaped By

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website for Nebula Design (! This brand refresh serves as a comprehensive resource for businesses and other agencies. Whether you’re looking to fortify your online presence or exploring service packages for your clients, we’ve got you and/or your clients covered.

Compared to the old website, the newly launched website focuses more on content delivery that reflects our new services and enables us to showcase our expertise in various services, including:

Web DesignDevelopment, Digital Marketing, Website Security, Maintenance & Website Hosting

“We are thrilled to launch our new website, which reflects our commitment to providing our clients with the best possible digital solutions,” David Pottrell, Head of Digital. “The new website is designed to be informative and user-friendly, allowing potential clients to learn more about our services and how we can help them achieve their online goals.”

Over the years, we’ve also seen an increase in other agencies requesting support around website security and maintenance for their clients. This is one of the reasons we’ve began marketing our WordPress maintenance packages towards other agencies as well as clients.

We invite businesses and fellow agencies in Bristol to explore our new website. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss any digital or website needs you may have.

Mentor Digital is delighted to announce an expansion of our Digital Marketing services and the launch of a newly designed section of our website to showcase our new and improved offering across SEO, PPC and analytics.

Since adding ex-Google Strategist Dan Watt to our ranks as Digital Marketing Director last year, we have seen fantastic growth in both the amount and scope of digital marketing projects that we are working on for our clients.

Whilst delivering best-in-class, SEO optimised websites in Umbraco has been part of Mentor Digital’s offering for many years, our expanded offering sees us providing expertise across the entire digital marketing spectrum. Our services now include:

Paid media: including media planning and forecasting, campaign auditing and campaign build and management across paid search, paid social, video and display.

SEO: including website auditing, technical SEO, content strategy and production, inbound marketing and SEO migration consultancy.

Analytics: including Google Analytics 4 auditing and setup, Google Tag Manager auditing and tracking implementation and bespoke, real-time Looker Studio reporting dashboards.

We’re excited about what the year ahead will hold for our digital marketing team and our clients alike as we continue to expand our portfolio of work. If you would like a no obligation appraisal of the current SEO performance of your website, or an expert assessment of whether you could be spending your digital media budget more effectively, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dan and his team.


Bristol-based CRM agency Flourish has just turned 20 – and it’s got a fresh new perspective.

As the agency prepares for life beyond its teens, it’s taken stock of the last two decades. Born in Bristol, Flourish quickly established itself as a go-to for direct mail campaigns, winning the likes of Sky, The National Lottery and Chelsea Building Society while still in its infancy. Flourish has since built on that direct marketing heritage, working across multiple channels and industries – and crucially, at all points of the customer journey. At the heart of its success is a belief that every journey – no matter how small – is just as important as the destination. That there is adventure in every journey.

And so, Adventure in Every Journey is born. A fresh proposition for an agency long obsessed with forging lasting relationships and creating meaningful customer journeys.

Executive Creative Director Kim Martin explains how they got there, “We’ve worked with so many incredible brands over the years, in so many industries and channels. No matter what we did and who we did it for the thing that ties them all together is our ability to drive people to take an action. With changes in the market and the increased reliance on first party and zero party data it feels like the right time to formalise our offering. Adventure in Every Journey does that perfectly.”

He adds, “When you’re obsessed with customer journeys, how you get where you’re going is just as important as the end destination”.

Flourish will also launch a refreshed brand to reflect their new positioning and prepare for a new era.

The transformation comes hot on the heels of a remarkable 2023 for Flourish, having seen notable growth and achievements. In the last 18 months, the agency has won numerous clients, including Nissan, Pai skincare and Wonderbly, and seen their usual scope of work expand into channels like TV for both Hey!Broadband and Crisis.

They’ve also welcomed a growing roster of green businesses – EV.Energy, ecoegg and Artemis to name a few.

“The agency’s 20th birthday is a massive milestone for us” said Managing Director Ian Reeves. “We’ve grown up a lot in the last couple decades, and I’m immensely proud of what we’ve become. I’m excited for the future too – with big ambitions to expand globally while changing the industry for the better alongside partners like Email Marketing Consortium, and as part of the Harbour Group.

If you’d like to find out more about Flourish Customer Journey Marketing, or would like to meet the team please get in touch with [email protected].


Bristol-based communications and marketing firm Purplefish has become employee owned. Joanna Randall, who formed the award-winning business in 2012. has sold 100% of shares to the new trust.

The Living Wage business, located in Bristol’s creative business community at Paintworks, was awarded B Corporation certification two years ago and becomes the first PR agency in Bristol to make the transition to employee ownership.

As part of the transition, a new board has been appointed and Joanna Randall will remain an active executive board director of the business which sees associate director Lucy McKerron promoted to the role of managing director. They are joined by two employee trustee directors, senior account manager Jonathan Adams and account manager Zoë Fawcett.

Working across technology, property and leisure sectors across the South West, nationally and internationally, the business joins the ranks of a growing number of UK businesses making the move to employee ownership.

As an employee-owned business, the team will have greater input into the running of the business and its future, benefiting from a share of the profits.

The company is also celebrating a clutch of new client wins in recent months including experience business Yuup and agency collective firm Istoria.

The move is celebrated with a new website for the business which reflects the value of harnessing emerging and generative AI technologies while maintaining a human-centric approach to communications and marketing.

Commenting on the move, Randall said: “This is a really exciting time for the business. As a sole owner and shareholder it can often be an isolated role so I’m really looking forward to being part of the new management team in defining our future direction.

“I believe our traditional business structures are becoming outdated where companies are run for the sole benefit of owners and shareholders – employee ownership offers a more authentic way of running a business where commercial growth is still a focus but the benefits can be shared more equitably.”

New managing director Lucy McKerron said of her new role and the future direction for Purplefish: “I’m incredibly excited to be stepping into the role of Managing Director here a Purplefish, an agency I’ve come to know so well and love in the last two years since joining the team. The business is perfectly aligned with my personal values of integrity, creativity, and compassion, providing rewarding work for both myself and the wider team – something which will only be emphasised as we move into our EOT model.

“I’m looking forward to continuing to innovate as a business, both for our existing and new clients as we grow and evolve. We’re committed to leaning into the opportunities emerging technologies can bring while maintaining our human-centric approach to creativity, our connection to the issues that matter, while continuing to help our clients stand out and thrive.”