
B2B businesses: how to make a success of social media

2nd September 2021

Some B2B brands find social media a challenge: your posts should be interesting and informative and be professional. Does your social media plan leave you feeling uninspired? It could leave your audiences feeling the same. It’s time to revisit your approach to social media. 

Use SMART targets to get it right

SMART targets are a great way to set objectives that are achievable for your business. They’re a powerful and effective way to make sure your social media plan stays on track. They could look something like this:

S – Specific. What are you going to do?

We will improve clickthrough by 5% on our LinkedIn content.

M – Measurable. How will you be able to tell you’ve done it?

We have tracking in place to identify sources of traffic, as well as historical data on site usage, which will allow us to identify increases in visitors from specific origins.

A – Achievable. Is this something you can do? Is it within your control?

We have previously been able to raise clickthrough by 2-3%, so 5% should be possible with a more concerted and dedicated effort.

R – Relevant. Will this work within your organisation’s wider goals?

Site visitors are a primary source of sales leads, and this provides more opportunities for our sales team to work on.

T – Time-bound. When will you decide whether you’ve succeeded or not?

We expect to have achieved this growth by the end of the quarter.

Simple! SMART targets provide a framework for your social media work and what you need to create to hit those objectives. The structure will ensure that you have fixed goals, a solid scope, and achievable projects.

Follow your competition

Check out what your competitors are doing on their social media. You’ll be able to see what has and hasn’t worked for them. For example, if one of your competitors are using influencer marketing with success, think how your business could use them. However, look at where and how they’re using them. Where are your clients? Can you improve on their campaign? This is your opportunity to use their tactics and improve on them.

The emphasis is on using your competitors as inspiration. Don’t copy them. It’ll be obvious. And B2B brands need to stand out from the crowd, don’t follow the herd, don’t clone their efforts.


Managing your voice on social media

Crafting a stand-out identity as a B2B brand can be a challenge, but it can be done. A B2B brand faces different expectations from their clients than a B2C company. Playing it safe is understandable, but does nothing to distinguish your brand: find a middle ground that works for your business.

Listen to your audiences

You should always be marketing to networks; start by understanding what your audience talks about. Brands don’t have to start the conversation themselves: instead, they should align themselves with the discussion that’s already happening.

Check out Hubspot on Twitter.  They aren’t starting the conversation, but they know what their audiences are interested in. “What I’d do if I was in charge” is a really common topic for the audience they want to reach, and they’re providing a forum to hold it in. This gives them that all-important element of successful social media marketing: authenticity. See their conversations around different topics and how they manage. 

Perfect your content mix

People want different things at different times. Sometimes people are in the mood to read a blog. Sometimes they want to watch a video, or they’re just aimlessly scrolling to kill a little time. Knowing this, your brand needs to create a range of content to have the best chance of engaging with them. 

Create content for your audience, put them at the heart of your plan. For example, while video is the king of social media for younger users, B2B brands may well be targeting a more senior audience. What content will pique their interest?

Start engaging

One of the highlights of social media is that brands can interact directly with their audience. From helping with a support issue or sharing a joke, look for ways to chat. Make sure that your team knows who will be doing the engaging, what to say, and how to say it.

Making a success of B2B social media marketing

A successful social media presence doesn’t happen overnight, and it certainly can’t happen without sustained effort. The elements of social media planning that we’ve covered should give you a good idea of where to start, and the questions you should be asking of your team. For expert assistance with your B2B marketing, or to have a discussion about your brand’s online presence, just drop us a line today: [email protected]



AMBITIOUS by name and by nature, we are a PR led communications agency that delivers integrated strategic communications - online, offline and everywhere in-between. Proud to be crowned winners of The Drum Magazine's RAR Best PR Agency of the Year.

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