
An inclusive approach to marketing

23rd September 2021

What is inclusive marketing? 

Inclusive marketing happens when companies represent the diverse communities they’re serving. It’s simple, really. When you speak to all your target audience, you aren’t just “doing your bit,” you’re boosting your business. Extending your reach and more customers will buy. And your ROI? You better believe that’s going right up.

Not convinced?

Here are just a few stats that show why inclusive marketing deserves your attention:

  • Remember that all-important Millennial market? 77 per cent of them favour brands that are inclusive

  • The LGBTQIA market spends £6 billion a year and are willing to switch to more inclusive brands

  • Consumers from ethnically diverse communities in the UK have £300 billion a year to spend and rising.


Find out more about inclusive marketing on our blog



About Arima & Co

We are working to establish inclusive marketing as the industry standard worldwide.

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