
4 things businesses should know before writing an eBook

12th February 2024

Originally published to

You may have noticed that we recently launched our eBook, Powerfully Practical PR. 

After a long time in the making, it’s time to share our tips, tricks, and top learnings from the process. So, if you’re considering doing the same yourself or are simply curious, here’s a PR and Communication consultancy’s advice on how to write a Kindle Direct eBook for beginners. 

1. Consider the content that you already have 

The question “where do I begin?” is one that we’re all likely familiar with. This process can be daunting, and knowing where to start isn’t always obvious. We recommend taking stock of the content that you already have. Where have you already put pen to paper – or more likely, finger to keyboard? 

Consider your existing knowledge banks, note down what you’ve already written about (perhaps in the form of blogs, newsletters, detailed emails, external talks and webinars or internal documents such as presentations) and think about how your content might be reworked to contribute to your eBook. You might be surprised at what you’ve already got saved. 

2. Nailing the cover art 

Embody your brand. Be cohesive. Consider font, colour and styling – how does it work with your logo? Your website graphics? Your social media visuals? Your visual brand is an important aspect of your overall brand cohesion and marketing. It should be recognisable as part of your business, and work to represent it cohesively without trying to do too much on one page. Be strategic with what you create because, on Amazon especially, your cover is a key tool for selling. It’s one of the first, things a potential customer will see and it can communicate a lot in a little time.  

So, your cover needs to be effective for its purpose. Ideally, it should be a clear form of visual communication, but the purpose it fills may differ depending on your primary goal – it may need to entice, stir curiosity, convey credibility, or illustrate an idea. Think: what is the style of your content and how can you translate that visually? What is the type of information you’ve shared or what story is being told? Are there important symbols, graphics, or visual cues you should include? Does your audience associate certain things with the content that should be visible on the cover?  

It’s also worth having a look at what’s already out there. Is there a theme or a certain set of colours or graphics that are used a lot already for similar eBooks? If you want to stand out amongst the competitors and capture attention, consider what your cover could do differently. 

We know we promised answers and have included a lot of questions, but this is to help prompt you to think critically and creatively about your process and point you in the right direction. Grabbing a pen and paper or doing up a quick digital mind map can be a great way to help explore your thoughts here. 

3. How to write a synopsis for a nonfiction book 

The idea of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) works well here. Distilling an entire eBook into something short, sweet, and to the point might seem hard at first. Where do you start, what’s the most important thing to include? 

It’s a little like your elevator pitch, but in the case of non-fiction, it should be less creative and more to the point. Your readers won’t be standing in a bookshop and they’re unlikely to be browsing on a whim. They’ve likely sought a specific solution or knowledge gap and want to know quickly and succinctly if your book will be able to help them. 

So, you need to be clear and concise and explain the value that this eBook provides to the target reader in simple but effective terms. Use a few sentences at most, but if you can keep it to just one or two that’s even better. Many people will quickly scan over big paragraphs of text and your words can easily get passed over. So, use your words wisely! 

4. The long game 

Remember, this sort of project is typically the kind that involves playing a long game. That is, you’re unlikely to make back what you invested in bringing it to life immediately. Writing and publishing an eBook is a long-term form of passive income.  

You put in the effort and resources at the start, and over time the product generates income (and perhaps even leads) as it sits on the digital shelf, meaning that after publication it is incredibly low maintenance. 

In saying that, we still recommend putting effort into promoting your eBook after you’ve done the majority of the work. Include a small visual in your email signature, have a page on your website and give a nod to the project in your LinkedIn bio. If you’re doing a speaking engagement, be sure to give a subtle (or not so subtle!) reference to your easy, accessible eBook.  

It’s okay to shout about your achievements and be proud (so long as you are tasteful about it, being the general rule we apply) but do be thoughtful about when and how you do so. Your community don’t want to hear about it endlessly or feel constantly sold too, but that’s not to say they won’t want to celebrate and support you. 

So, is writing an eBook worth it/a good idea? 

We are biased, seeing as we’ve just embarked on this process ourselves. However, both pre- and post-completion, we can confidently say that if you have the scope, the resources, and something worth saying, then YES! Absolutely. Especially if you have a pre-existing knowledge bank to pull from.  

If you work with a team, this is a great project for everyone to come together on and pool knowledge. It’s incredibly rewarding when you see the finished product. So, if you’re prepared to put in some overtime to get your product over the finish line, it can become a neat form of passive income and an achievement to be proud of. 

Speaking of…our eBook, Practically Powerful PR, is currently available on Amazon. For more on our eBook, and an example of how to promote yours, check our recent blog. Our next blog will also deconstruct the proofing process because there’s more to this than you might first think! 



About Carnsight Communications

At Carnsight Communications we create strategies and campaigns to showcase our clients’ brilliant work through PR, content and social media. We help them get noticed by the right audience, at the right time. We specialise in creative agency PR.

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