Job Description
Experience Level: Expert
Estimated project duration: 1 – 2 weeks
Bristol-based Beeston Media Ltd is seeking a UK based illustrator whose artwork will be used as the basis of 8 x 60 second tips videos to promote diversity and inclusion in the environment sector.
The videos have been commissioned by Dr Alix Dietzel and Dr Alice Venn (University of Bristol) as part of their climate justice work. The narratives are written by Roger Griffith MBE in connection with the Diversity Trust, and are informed by a series of workshops with people who work in the environment sector.
Your Role:
- Create scenes and characters inspired by existing scripts. There are 4 scenes based on the natural world e.g. a meadow or underwater scene, and 2 narratives for each of these, making 8 in total. Delivery as digital project files with separate graphic elements.
- Topics include: What is diversity?; micro affirmations; equitable meetings; recruitment and retention
- Animation: Your artwork will be brought to life by a motion graphics specialist
- Target Audience: Professionals in the environment sector, policy makers and general public
- Style: Impactful, resonates with diverse audiences, and encourages positive change
We Seek:
- Talent for creating impactful visuals that address the lack of workplace diversity
- Illustrators from underrepresented backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply
Closing date for interest 4th October 2024
Required skills
Ability to deliver your illustrations as digital files suitable for motion graphics work